Goblin Chainwhirler

Creature — Goblin Warrior

First strike

When Goblin Chainwhirler enters the battlefield, it deals 1 damage to each opponent and each creature and planeswalker they control.

SufferFromEDHD on Mono Red Enchantments

9 months ago

I've been brewing this same concept along with mono green enchantment control the past few weeks. I really like what you have going here!

Goblin Chainwhirler and Syr Carah, the Bold seem out of place. Eidolon of the Great Revel and Forgeborn Oreads would be upgrades.

Risky Move and Confusion in the Ranks this janky combo finally has a home.

Grip of Chaos for more chaos.

No Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle???

Flame Fusillade is super secret tech!

Agatha12 on Mono Red Rush

11 months ago


I somehow managed to go 2-2 in my local tournament, 1st day playing the deck, I was very impressed with its killing power.

Goblin Guidex4 => Fanatical Firebrandx4 Fanatical is a good cheap option. However, I found that goblin 1 red mana for 2/2 KILLED other opponents. This single card actually led people to discord A LOT of cards. Which helped me. MAY look for a replacement in the future. (Ragavan, Nimble Pilfererx4, If I ever get rich)

Ghitu Lavarunnerx2 => Monastery Swiftspearx2 No explanation was really needed, it was really just a cheaper/crappier version, managed to find 2 more at the store.

Goblin Chainwhirlerx4 => Kumano Faces Kakkazan  Flipx4 Goblin Chain was OKAY, there were 1/2 times where it actually did so much good. BUT, Kumano is cheaper, (does almost the same thing Chronicle 1) and also turns into a 2/2 and gives a creature a counter if you've summoned one on that turn. Which with this deck is likely to happen.

Magma Sprayx4 => Lava Spikex4 I'm not really happy about the limitations of either of these cards, But Lava Spike helped against planeswalkers and also make it easier to kill the opponent.

Its really hard for me to tell if it is a good idea to keep Tormenting Voice/Cathartic Reunion OR The Flame of Keld

I found that the Flame of Keld's draw power was enough to get me through some situations. There were moments where I wish I didn't have either a Tormenting Voice or Cathartic Reunion. This showed some flaws while facing players with counters.

as recommended by Tcbrgr Vexing Devil Or Rift Bolt would be good replacements.

DreadKhan on Rocks Monored burn

1 year ago

I have a Legacy Mono-Red Burn deck, but it only runs 1 card that's not in Modern. Mine can win early, but it's got an ungodly number of 3 drops instead of just running all 1 drops. I think some of the cards I run that might be worth a look for you include: Dragon's Rage Channeler is great if you've got too many lands or not enough, I don't worry too much about it's ceiling, just getting to Surveil over and over can be very good value in some situations. That said, I do run Seal of Fire, which is sneakily useful, it sits but if they try to 'deal' with it you just use it, and it's an Enchantment for DRC. I also run Vexing Devil, it's a so-so card later game, but it's a huge effect turn 1, 3 toughness is high enough that it doesn't trade with most 1 and even 2 drops, meaning most decks are either wasting cards on it or taking 4 damage for R. In rare matches it's terrible obviously. Risk Factor is another Browbeat, it's instant which is huge, and it can be cast from the graveyard once, which is actually pretty huge in practice. Cards like Browbeat and Risk Factor are amazing with stuff like Fury, but that's a pricey card! I've rarely been too unhappy with Ball Lightning, it's very sensitive to First Strike blockers, but getting 6 damage for RRR feels incredible. I use Flame Slash as dedicated 'creature burn', though I only use x2, not sure if you run into a lot of 4-7 toughness bodies that need burning though.

I like Grim Lavamancer more than Hellspark Elemental, the two 3/1 Elementals are both good cards but 3 power is low enough that it ends up walled evenutally and they become dead cards, as Burn is very bad at removing bigger blockers, I find if you can get a flying Dragon's Rage Channeler it's a much, much better card. Lavamancer is almost certainly better than the Viashino, but I think DRC does even more work. That said, DRC and Lavamancer work together EXTREMELY well obviously, even if Lavamancer might turn it 'off' eventually, just the Surveil is a lot of value if you're feeding your Lavamancer/clearing situationally bad cards (that said I run 10 3 drops and have more lands, so I have more 'bad' cards).

In my experience, I don't love Eidolon as much as other people, it's small so it's easily outclassed (and sucks if you can't swing in each turn), and it hits you as well if you need to remove something that can kill it. I use Flame Rift as an alternative that always shaves 4 off everyone, it's better vs some decks fwiw. I also find Guide can cost you a surprisingly large number of games when you help your opponent dig through multiple lands for a solution. I run Vexing Devil over it, but enough people run Guide that it's obviously not a bad card. There is also Soul-Scar Mage, which feels pretty nice with Lavamancer and synergizes with Swiftspear, and technically Young Pyromancer still exists. If you ever get two out it feels pretty good, but 3 is like stubbing a toe, they limit how many other creatures you can run. Young Pyromancer might be a valid sideboard card, along with something like Goblin Chainwhirler maybe, if people 'go wide' in your area it's a nice card to switch in.

DreadKhan on assault

1 year ago

Not sure if it's really worth the investment, but the old Kjeldoran Outpost and Balduvian Trading Post can lower your land count while offering either a decent token generator or a bad damage source, Trading Post doesn't cost you mana, just fixing. I guess you'd have to pull Aether Flash to put in Outpost, so perhaps as a sideboard card? Just had a thought, but Goblin Chainwhirler is a pretty fun card to play vs decks using small creatures, not sure if 1 damage would be enough to matter compared to Flash hitting stuff for 2.

I get that instants are better than sorceries in almost all situations, but I feel like Retribution of the Meek is just much bigger than Reprisal, while still being lower to the ground than Wrath of God. Also worth a look (and cheaper) is Slaughter the Strong, which will kill all of their creatures if none are small enough to survive, and solves wide boards of even Indestructible creatures, as it's a sacrifice effect.

It's a bit out there for sure (most people openly despise these cards), but I have had some luck using Risk Factor and Browbeat to just bulk draw cards for mana in Red, the key was using it in a deck that would seriously consider playing either as a Burn spell with no possibility of cards, but that's often what it will be (most people start worrying about Fireblast and hate to go below 9 life, and might start feeding cards). I feel like your Seismic Assault is pretty synergistic, they almost have to give you the cards to avoid taking more damage, and I think you win via damage usually?

XTwistedMetalX on Look out! That Goblin Has a Grenade!

2 years ago

Removed Trained Orgg although sentimental to me, most matches are over before it comes out. Removed Magma Jet removed Raging Goblin and replaced them with more goblin tribal Muxus, Goblin Grandee Goblin Ringleader and the venerable Goblin Chainwhirler hope to get some play in soon with the new setup!

Desmous on Pioneer RDW Hazoret

2 years ago

Really cool prowess build! I think it is pretty good by itself.

Some things to maybe think about?

  • Embercleave (I know, original) It gives a prowess trigger on the cast and usually hits for 6 when it comes in.

  • If you do put 2-4 Embercleave in the mainboard, you might want to consider Kari Zev, Skyship Raider, Gets you an extra attacker to help lower the cost of the cleave, and is hard to kill being a 1/3 with First Strike. You might want to just replace Viashino Pyromancer with Kari Zev, as the extra "go wide" 2/1 Ragavan it makes helps a lot on turn 3 and 4 when you are swinging for the most damage

  • Lava Coil in the sideboard instead of Fry (if you are playing against a lot of Izzet Phoenix, if you are playing against a lot of teferi control, first off that is the best matchup so you shouldn't have to really use Fry) deals with Thing in the Ice  Flip and Arclight Phoenix, and a lot of the things Winota, Joiner of Forces deck likes to play.

  • Chandra, Torch of Defiance (for more midrange reach) also gives prowess trigger, card draw, and a little ramp / control for grindy midrange matchups. Sideboard and probably replaces the Experimental Frenzy on the games it comes in from the sideboard

  • Improve landbase, Castle Embereth is an easy add I think, it is pretty easy to come in untapped, so it is very beneficial up to 4 Ramunap Ruins as if you are the aggro deck, the 6 ish damage you probably average from tapping it for red should not matter against most control or midrange decks if you win.

  • Bomat Courier for card draw, although it will be going further away from the prowess game plan, but I'm just giving you cards and ideas you might want to try!

  • Glorybringer for midrange matchups, takes a defender out for your prowess creatures before blocks (this is sideboard ofc)

  • I would put the Goblin Chainwhirler in the sideboard and put a more versatile 3 drop in the deck. Chainwhirler could be amazing in your metagame, but in mine Ahn-Crop Crasher removing a blocker on a big attack turn is usually better for me

Again, you have to build your deck to your metagame, so just giving you some cards // ideas!

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