Glyph of Delusion


Put X glyph counters on target creature that target Wall blocked this turn, where X is the power of that blocked creature. The creature gains "This creature doesn't untap during your untap step if it has a glyph counter on it" and "At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a glyph counter from this creature."

lexavian on Arcades, the Strategist

6 years ago

Hello! making an Arcades deck too! My current WIP deck is here: Arcades copy

Card suggestions: Steel Wall has amazing value mana value and Traproot Kami is incredible (especially considering it counts enemy forests too). Wall of Resistance isn't great but it has a lot of potential to get big. Wall of Tears is nice as an even bigger deterrent than all your other defenders are.

The glyphs: Glyph of Delusion,Glyph of Life,Glyph of Reincarnation, have some neat utility here though not amazing. Sprouting Phytohydra has amazing recursion where every-time its token re-enters you draw another card (if arcades is out). This is especially easy if someone has a burn deck where it hits all the creatures on the board. Siren's Call is very good, especially since with all your deterrents you are sure to not take much damage if they target you and will most likely cause two opponents to both suffer. Skeleton Key is great as skulk fits perfectly with this deck theme. The second effect is just an added bonus. Warmonger's Chariot is important as you need as many ways to let creatures attack as possible. Dusk (and also Dawn) are very nice as well as Retribution of the Meek since even though they aren't board wipes, they rid the board of most threats and are sure not to hit 99% of your creatures.

babushkasara on All hail the ancient crab

6 years ago

I'm currently procrastinating, so I have more suggestions.

Snickles@EDH_only on WE'RE GONNA BUILD A WALL (Oloro Wall Tribal)

6 years ago

may want to consider Sunweb, Mirror Wall, Cathedral Membrane, Living Wall, and Thunder Wall for walls. Warmonger's Chariot is a linear upgrade from Animate Wall, may want to replace it. Tidal Wave gives you a surprise blocker that is, oddly enough, a wall. Fortified Area gives a solid buff to your troops, Brave the Sands ups each walls stopping power while allowing those that are able to swing and still block, and Cradle of Vitality lets your general start giving those walls some oomph.

where are the glyphs? they are wall exclusive, might as well toss them in as combat tricks! Glyph of Life, Glyph of Doom, Glyph of Delusion.

love the concept, made a wall deck for tribal wars at my local store ages ago, nice to see I wasn't the only one. keep up the good work!

Byvci on Tribal Tech (Every Single Tribe in Magic! Part 1)

6 years ago

assassin: Scarblade Elite

assembly worker: Mishra's Factory Self-Assembler (only works with changelings and itself

atog: Atogatog

aurochs: Aurochs Herd Bull Aurochs Rimehorn Aurochs

bat: Skeletal Vampire

beast: Vitality Charm

cephalid: Aboshan, Cephalid Emperor

chimera: Brass-Talon Chimera Iron-Heart Chimera Lead-Belly Chimera Tin-Wing Chimera

druid: Gilt-Leaf Archdruid Seton, Krosan Protector

dwarf: Depala, Pilot Exemplar Dwarven Bloodboiler Dwarven Lieutenant Dwarven Pony Dwarven Recruiter Heart Wolf

eldrazi spawn: Brood Birthing

eye: Evil Eye of Orms-by-Gore Evil Eye of Urborg

fox: Patron of the Kitsune

giant: Hearthcage Giant

goat: Springjack Pasture

gorgon: Hythonia the Cruel

kavu: Coastal Drake Alpha Kavu Kavu Howler Kavu Mauler Kavu Monarch

kithkin: Goldmeadow Stalwart

knight: Knight of the Mists is sort of tribal. Also War Falcon

kobold: Kobold Drill Sergeant Kobold Overlord Kobold Taskmaster

minion: Balthor the Defiled

moonfolk: Patron of the Moon

nightstalker: Return of the Nightstalkers

ogre: (don't really work in an ogre deck, but I guess they sort of count?) Gutwrencher Oni Painwracker Oni Scourge of Numai Yukora, the Prisoner

orc: Raiding Party Orcish Captain

pegasus: Sacred Mesa

pentavite: Pentavus only card with pentavite, but sort of works with changelings

plant: Avenger of Zendikar

rigger: Steamflogger Boss

scarecrow: Scarecrone Reaper King

wall: Fortified Area Glyph of Life Rolling Stones Wall of Caltrops Animate Wall Total War Mob Mentality Glyph of Destruction Wall of Mulch Glyph of Reincarnation Glyph of Delusion Glyph of Doom

There's also the flagbearers: Coalition Flag Coalition Honor Guard Standard Bearer But they don't really have synergy with each other. You might be able to pull some shenanigans if you give a flagbearer hexproof or protection with a changeling out though.

Thelon of Havenwood, Fungal Bloom, Sporesower Thallid, Savage Thallid and Pallid Mycoderm are all listed as saprolings. I don't know if you merged fungus and saproling intentionally, but if you did it might make sense to change saproling tech to saproling/fungus tech.

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