Glacial Ray

Instant — Arcane

This deals 2 damage to target creature, player or planeswalker.

Splice onto Arcane (As you cast an Arcane spell, you may reveal this card from your hand and pay its splice cost. If you do, add this card's effects to that spell.)

multimedia on Fort Burn

2 years ago

Hey, interesting budget version of Kykar.

Lots of burn here doesn't have enough oomph when each opponent will have 40 or more life. Glacial Ray, Magma Spray, Lightning Helix and other single effect burn spells like this are subpar in multiplayer Commander. Flame Rift doesn't do enough, hitting all players for 4 damage a single time is not worth a card. Even being able to flashback these spells with Backdraft Hellkite isn't good enough because they're only doing damage to one player. Some advice is research Torbran, Thane of Red Fell burn decks and mimic the burn strategy with Kykar?

Impact Tremors and Zo-Zu the Punisher are good, it's the kind of repeatable burn you want in multiplayer Commander. Consider more repeatable burn sources?

Barbs and Earth seem like very good repeatable burn sources with Kykar since have lots of mana rocks (could have more), Spirits can make red mana and playing lots of basic lands. Tremors and Goblin Bombardment want an infinite combo for they're burn that can create infinite tokens with Kykar or Saheeli, Sublime Artificer.

By adding this budget combo you add some more competitiveness to your deck and Guttersnipe is another burn win condition with the combo. You can't do this combo if you control Spellshock. But with Jeskai you have many options that can bounce/tuck/destroy an enchantment before comboing while still keeping it in your control to burn your opponents until you want to combo.

What Kykar provides for a burn strategy is extra damage from attacking with fliers, 1/1 Spirits and Kykar. Animosity can make Spirits more of attacking threats and with a lot of them a win condition. Consider increasing the fort with Obedience and Prison? Obedience can also be a nice source of repeatable life gain with extort since you gain life each time equal to the number of opponents you have.

Consider adding more draw as well as more mana efficient draw to expand on spellslinger?

Tandem Lookout when soulbond to a creature who can do damage to an opponent or all opponents you draw cards. Use this interaction with Guttersnipe since when he does damage you draw a number of cards equal to the number of opponents you have. Zo-Zu the Punisher is also good with Lookout because all players can play lands including yourself to draw. Lookout can change who it's soulbond to which is really helpful to first soulbond with flying Kykar or a Spirit and then change when a creature ETB who can do damage to opponents.

Some cards to consider cutting:

Good luck with your deck.

OtherWorldlyShadow on Goblin Electromancer and Splice

3 years ago

Note, if you have enough Goblin Electromancer s on the field, you can eventually reduce the cost of a splice effect. For example, if you have two of the goblins out and splice a Glacial Ray onto another Glacial Ray , it will cost RR instead of 1RR. Though, if you only have one goblin, it will still cost 1RR. This is because the splice becomes an additional cost and is part of the total casting cost of the card, but it is not separate to the spell.

702.46a and 601.2f are the relevant rules.

Snickles@EDH_only on Pattern Recognition #163 - Provoke …

3 years ago

mostly just fond memories of the block, but Hana Kami and Death Denied was a solid rock base back then, recurring all your threats endlessly, and triggering arcane / spirit triggers each time.

the other fun one was with ravnica, Izzet Guildmage + Lava Spike + Desperate Ritual goes infinite on 6 mana. (cast lava spike for , splice for , copy for , use copy's to copy original, rinse / repeat)

copying spells was the most fun bit for me - nuking out a Paladin en-Vec with Reach Through Mists spicing Glacial Ray was priceless. Spice's big edge over kicker was that it wasn't an additional cost, and therefore not reflected in the CMC of the spell. with it, you can bypass Gaddock Teeg's decree and dump all mana into a single spell, and still be able to cast it

hungry000 on $10 Controlled Burn, Arcane Edition! [UltraBudget]

4 years ago

I suggest replacing Guttersnipe with Young Pyromancer if removal is a problem for you. While Guttersnipe lets you close games out faster, Young Pyro creates blockers, threats, and leaves a board presence if it isn't answered immediately. Plus it's a mana cheaper. (which is actually a pretty big deal despite how it's tacked onto the end there.) That may seem unimpressive in comparison to making your Glacial Ray s deal 4 damage each, but when you already have other creatures dealing incremental damage and a finisher like Ire of Kaminari that can go over the top and win in one shot, something that can increase your longevity against aggro, create value against control, and be a threat in itself like Young Pyromancer is much better.

Young Pyromancer is more expensive than Guttersnipe and will likely push your deck to ~$15 without card optimization. Don't dismiss it for that reason, though, cuz I'm sure it'll perform a whole lot better than Guttersnipe in this deck.

jicklemania on Goblin Electromancer and Splice

5 years ago

Unfortunately, if you were using the Splice onto Arcane ability on Glacial Ray , Goblin Electromancer would only reduce the cost of the arcane spell you were splicing it onto, but not the Glacial Ray itself.

Akromathia on Goblin Electromancer and Splice

5 years ago

The discount that Goblin Electromancer gives to Sorc and Inst, does apply to splice effects, like in Glacial Ray ?

Thank you

LGFlatron on Lazav the Multifarious and Copying …

5 years ago

Rhadamanthus explained it well.

It’s also covered in the comprehensive rules under:

  • 201.4b If an ability of an object refers to that object by name, and an object with a different name gains that ability, each instance of the first name in the gained ability that refers to the first object by name should be treated as the second name.

    Example: Quicksilver Elemental says, in part, “: Quicksilver Elemental gains all activated abilities of target creature until end of turn.” If it gains an ability that says “: Regenerate Cudgel Troll,” activating that ability will regenerate Quicksilver Elemental, not the Cudgel Troll it gained the ability from.

    Example: Glacial Ray is an instant with splice onto Arcane that says “Glacial Ray deals 2 damage to any target.” If it’s spliced onto a Kodama's Reach, that Kodama’s Reach deals 2 damage to the target.

    Example: Dimir Doppelganger says “: Exile target creature card from a graveyard. Dimir Doppelganger becomes a copy of that card and gains this ability.” Dimir Doppelganger’s ability is activated targeting a Runeclaw Bear card. The Doppelganger becomes a copy of Runeclaw Bear and gains an ability that should be treated as saying “: Exile target creature card from a graveyard. Runeclaw Bear becomes a copy of that card and gains this ability.”

Just incase it gets disputed while playing with others.

Akromathia on Storm interactions

5 years ago

Ok, so a friend of mine gifted me a deck and has the storm and splice mechanics in it, however after working on it a little, I came into several questions:

1.- Splice: When I splice a spell, like in Glacial Ray, does it count as another spell, or is it just an extension of the spell it is spliced in?

2.- When I storm Grapeshot does every repetition count as a different spell, triggering Dynavolt Tower and Primal Amulet  Flip for example?

3.- If I cast a Grapeshot with a storm count of 4, it replicates 5 times, correct? So if I cast a second copy from my hand, do I get to cast 6 copies of it?

4.- Once Primal Amulet  Flip is a land, if I use it to cast Grapeshot, do I copy just the original spell or all the copies created by storm?

5.- The splice mechanic feeds up the storm mechanic?

Thank you so much for your attention and your patience, I know that for some this might be vary basic, but all of this mechanics got to confuse this lady xD.

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