Gishath, Sun's Avatar

Legendary Creature — Dinosaur

Trample, vigilance, haste

When this deals combat damage to a player, reveal that many cards from the top of your library. Put any number of Dinosaur creature cards from among them onto the battlefield and the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.

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plakjekaas on question about dino commander

4 months ago

If it's a dedicated dinosaur deck, Gishath, Sun's Avatar is probably the better choice.

Yes, Zacama, Primal Calamity is bigger, but apart from untapping your lands to cast more dinosaurs, it doesn't actually do much for your dino plan. Building that commander, it's usually better to lean into the "untap your lands"-aspect, using cards like Mana Reflection to actually make more mana by untapping than you spent casting Zacama.

Gishath is straightforward, swingy and very fun. Not complicated to build, you mostly want lots of dinosaurs and ways for Gishath to actually deal combat damage (by making it unblockable, for example) and the deck will snowball out of control pretty fast.

Good luck brewing!

tjr3823 on question about dino commander

4 months ago

hey im making a first commander deck with dinosaurs and was wondering weather i should go with Zacama, Primal Calamity or Gishath, Sun's Avatar for my commander

lhetrick13 on Give your opinion on my dinosaur deck!

5 months ago

Lopende_Band - Like many of the people commenting, I also run a dinosaur deck but Gishath, Sun's Avatar is my commander so the deck (Gishath Spared No Expense!!!)runs slightly different but many of my experiences are likely still relevant.

  1. Do I run a good amount of lands (or is it too much) I personally feel like you need around 36-37 lands for dinosaurs. Your average CMC is 4.0 so that means you likely need more lands in the deck that normal plus heavy ramp. Between your lands and ramp/acceleration of the deck, I would make sure you have at least 50-55. That will make it so your deck is very consistent and you can cast those big dinos earlier than like turn 6-7. Urza's Incubator for Knight of the Stampede would be an expensive swap but very worth the investment. Some of your human mana dorks, you may consider swapping out for just mana rocks. Mana rocks are much harder to remove although I would highly recommend Selvala, Heart of the Wilds if you are going to stick with just straight mana dorks and not run a dork with some utility. If you start with her in your opening hand, your deck will be amazing! Forerunner of the Empire also is an amazing card that is a dino tutor and Enrage triggerer. Please consider him in your deck.

  2. Should I run more basic lands in favour of lands that come tapped? If possible, run as few tap lands as will speed up your deck. There is a reason why shock lands like Sacred Foundry, Temple Garden, and Stomping Grounds are expensive and it is because you can chose if they come in tapped or not AND they are fetchable. As you do have a good amount of ramping sorceries and dinosaurs that fetch basic lands, you need at least 8-10 to make sure those cards do not become worthless but tap lands are not good.

  3. Do I run too many creatures? (39 seems like a lot) Like I said, you could likely drop some creatures in exchange for more consistent game play. Unlike Gishath, Sun's Avatar where you specifically need to hit dinos to cast them for free, your commander's ability triggers only once per turn and can cast any card. So can drop the creature count for more support.

  4. Should I add any more of card draw / targeted removal / board wipe and cut a piece of ramp? You do have very few interaction cards in the deck for removal. I would recommend adding things like Trapjaw Tyrant and Silverclad Ferocidons. Both cards do work. I find that there are very few times I need to wipe the board playing dinos but I actually need to prepare for board wipes. SO I run alot of protection spells to protect my big dino boardstate rather than mess with my opponents.

  5. Do I have enough wincons in this deck? (e.g. akroma's will) Overwhelming Stampede and Akroma's Will are nice finishers for stompy decks. You might consider Aggravated Assault to get some extra combats so your big creatures can swing multiple time per turn rather than just one big push.

lhetrick13 on Gishath Spared No Expense!!!

5 months ago

Gidgetimer - ...Oh my are right! Here Gishath, Sun's Avatar is likely my favorite commander/deck I have and I always read that as a you must put all dinosaurs onto the battlefield. With this new revelation, I will be adding Polyraptor into the deck. The first Ixalan Caverns set booster I opened I pulled Polyraptor so thank you Grends27 for mentioning the combo and Gidgetimer for showing me the light!

Gidgetimer on Gishath Spared No Expense!!!

5 months ago

Just a FYI Gishath, Sun's Avatar doesn't force anything into play. She says "any number" not "all" and so you get to pick which of the revealed dinos that you would like to cheat into play. I'm not trying to convince you to include Polyraptor just letting you know that you would not be forced into making the game a tie if you did happen to hit both at the same time (or hit Polyraptor with Marauding Raptor already out). "I don't want to" is of course a valid reason to not run a card, but I thought that I would let you know in case that interaction is all you were concerned about and you would otherwise run the Polyraptor.

Grends27 on Give your opinion on my dinosaur deck!

6 months ago

You’ll want to set the deck type to Commander/EDH instead of standard so that it displays better. Are you running Pantlaza or Gishath as your commander?

If you’re running Gishath, Sun's Avatar, I’d cut Molten Echoes as you won’t get a ton of value out of it (Gishath cheats out Dinos after attacks are complete). I just got this precon as well, can’t wait to take it for a spin!

Lordeh on Dinosaurs go Rawr!

7 months ago

Hi Everyone,

I finally put the deck together and took it out for a test run! Only played 1 game with it at my local game store but it turned out to be hilarious.

I could have assembled the Polyraptor and [card:Marauding Raptor] combo but took a different route with a hasty Ghalta and Mavren making a token copy of itself and having a Zilortha, Apex of Ikoria  Flip enabling me to hit through for a solid 30 damage!

I also got in an unblocked Gishath, Sun's Avatar hit which spewed out another 5 dinosaurs including Verdant Sun's Avatar to gain tasty 28 life.

Had fun and got to do my thing!

If anyone else puts this kind of list together let me know how it goes.

plakjekaas on Lost Caverns of Ixalan

9 months ago

As someone who played Myojin of Life's Web with That Which Was Taken in commander in 2016; repeatedly putting all creatures from hand into play does, as an effect, severely suffer from diminishing returns. Usually your hand is empty after you do this, so blinking it gets you barely any more creatures in play. Not actually that banworthy. And 8 mana 12/12 is a huge improvement from the 2 mana 12/12 that was the first Ghalta. It's probably worse than Gishath, Sun's Avatar, both because of the colors and because casting from library is more consistent than repeatedly hoarding creatures in hand.

It's a powerful card, for sure, but I think you're more afraid of it than you should be.

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