Ghired, Conclave Exile

Legendary Creature — Human Shaman

When Ghired, Conclave Exile enters the battlefield, create a 4/4 green Rhino creature token with trample.

Whenever Ghired attacks, populate. The token enters the battlefield tapped and attacking. (To populate, create a token that's a copy of a creature token you control.)

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DemonDragonJ on Nature's Bounty

1 month ago

I have just made some major changes to this deck; for the first time ever, I have changed the general of this deck, replacing Uril, the Miststalker with Marath, Will of the Wild, because, while Uril was certainly an excellent general, it did not match the theme of this deck, which contained a mere six auras, whereas Marath does, and, upon making that change, I have decided to further emphasize this deck's theme of +1/+1 counters, specifically, by replacing Armadillo Cloak, Bear Umbra, Runes of the Deus, Scourge of the Nobilis, Shield of the Oversoul, and Snake Umbra with All Will Be One, Cathars' Crusade, Warleader's Call, Fertilid, Kalonian Hydra, and Steelbane Hydra; I had contemplated putting Forgotten Ancient in this deck, but I was not able to find space for it, and I also wish to minimize overlap with or similarities between this deck and my Atraxa, Praetors' Voice EDH deck, and, while this deck does not have quite as great of an emphasis on generating creature tokens as does my Ghired, Conclave Exile EDH deck, I still believe that it has a sufficient focus to justify the inclusion of Warleader's Call, which also has great synergy with Tamanoa. I also replaced Titanic Ultimatum with Pathbreaker Ibex, because the creature can use its ability repeatedly. I had considered putting Cabaretti Ascendancy into this deck, but I feel that this deck does not contain quite a sufficient number of creature cards to justify the inclusion of that card.

Overall, these changes reduced the average converted mana cost of this deck from 40.6 to 4.05, which is only a minimal change, but doing so also reduced the number of colored mana symbols in this deck, which is also a very good thing.

What does everyone else say about this? Do you believe that I did well with overhauling this deck?

DemonDragonJ on Should Color Pie Breaks Be …

3 months ago

legendofa, that makes sense, but I am glad that Hornet Queen exists, since I have a copy of her in my Ghired, Conclave Exile EDH deck.

Icbrgr on Fun Deck/Builds to try

3 months ago

I have had an absolute blast with Ghired, Conclave Exile.

I kinda just have a soft spot for in general but the mechanic of the commander is very fun to build around and is also very fun to play. I honestly don't win a lot of games but 7/10 at some point in the game I feel like i am the threat or have a big splashy play to create some fun board presence/combat shenanigans.

I have a pretty detailed deck description if you are interested (its listed in my profile page) but the super quick description is capitalizing on making lots of tokens/ETB value and takeing extra combat phases to crash in with big stompy creatures.

ramps very well and searches lands good so even when playing high Mana value spells it feels quick and feels feels great for Akroma's Will and removal and ties it together with haste and Breath of Fury effects.

legendofa on Murders at Karlov Manor

4 months ago

Another random passing thought: seems to have an oddly high presence around Ravnica, and the Selesnya Conclave in particular. Ghired, Conclave Exile, Kaust, Eyes of the Glade (I think), Voja, Jaws of the Conclave, and none of the other guilds have have this semi-third-color-ness. Probably doesn't mean anything, but I thought it was interesting.

DemonDragonJ on Why Do Recent Sacrifice Effects …

6 months ago

wallisface, last weekend, I was using my Ghired, Conclave Exile deck, and another player summoned Sheoldred  Flip, which forced me to sacrifice a non-token creature, despite the fact that I had numerous tokens at that time, which is the entire purpose for having tokens, to protect creatures that cannot be replaced as easily, which is also a valid tactic in real-world warfare; to have large numbers of easily disposable troops to protect the important people.

I feel that, by specifying "non-token" creatures in forced sacrifice effects, WotC is entirely nullifying the strategy of producing tokens; why would a player want to produce tokens if they cannot use them as cannon fodder?

DemonDragonJ on Crystal Ball or Sylvan Library?

6 months ago

I have a copy of Crystal Ball in my Ghired, Conclave Exile EDH deck, but I am considering replacing it with Sylvan Library, because scrying is excellent, but actually drawing cards is better in most situations, but I am not entirely certain about that decision, so I would like to ask the other users of this forum for advice.

Crystal Ball's ability can be used at any time, but it requires mana to use, whereas Sylvan Library's ability triggers only during it's controller's upkeep step, but it requires no additional mana to use, only life, which should not be a problem, for this deck, as the deck does contain at least some life gaining.

What does everyone else say about this? Should I replace Crystal Ball with Sylvan Library, or leave the former card in my Ghired deck?

Max_Hammer on How should I upgrade this …

1 year ago

Here is the link to the Millicent spirit precon. It is bad.

I have four precons here that I'm upgrading: Ghired, Conclave Exile, Anje Falkenrath who is being swapped out for Chainer, Nightmare Adept, Kadena, Slinking Sorcerer who I just posted another help request about, and lastly the spirit precon here.

This one is by far the weakest and worth the least, and quite frankly spirits aren't great to begin with. Now, this question is really a matter of opinion I suppose, but it'd be great if someone could recommend a commander or some cards to really boost up the power level, but not ones that are super pricy.

I mean, sure, fetch lands and duals and Smothering Tithe + Rhystic Study would make it stronger, but if I had that money I'd just buy a whole new deck.

The main problem with the deck is that it's hard to get set up, and once you are set up, a board wipe is basically impossible to recover from. Not to mention that if I am set up and not hit with a wrath then my 1/1s will only do so much.

The deck also seems to have some tapping synergy as well as investigation. I'd be more than willing to mostly revamp the deck, but I kinda need some suggestions first because I have zero clue how to start.

Sidenote ranty tangent here Show

Michigone on Isshin for a Fight

1 year ago

Been a second since I changed anything, deck was overdue for a little update. A newer player in my playgroup plays a Kardur, Doomscourge deck, and I read an article recently that talked about how to combat power creep in a playgroup in ways that are fun and interesting for everyone. And the article talked about building decks with your meta in mind, or at least coming up with ways to combat specific decks that you are likely to see, and in the interest of full disclosure, I don't often do that. I find myself building decks that excite me from a mechanical perspective, and then fine tuning the deck relative to my playgroup through playtesting, and in this way letting the meta affect my card choices for slots in my 99. I don't think it's a bad way to deck build, but I think I ask others for their opinions a lot (sorry Crow-Umbra), and that it's a result of me not looking at my meta in particular. I think that thinking about my card slots in terms of what I'll sit down and face on any given play night would actually have me asking less, or maybe just different questions of what my deck should be doing to accomplish its game plan.

Okay, so that's a long ramble, and all of this is to say that against the players in my play group that field decks that put up big bodies that I can't swing into (Gargos, Vicious Watcher, Ghired, Conclave Exile) or their decks go wide enough that they can chump block my creatures to death (Edgar Markov, Ghired, Conclave Exile, Alela, Artful Provocateur, Marrow-Gnawer, Isperia, Supreme Judge, Lathril, Blade of the Elves), or they play Goad (Just the Kardur, Doomscourge Deck currently), I need more protection for my attackers. Now Crow-Umbra mentioned Reconnaissance way back, and I kind of slept on it because I thought (incorrectly) that it would hamper my ability to do damage, but still offer me the benefit of vigilance. But I realized that after the errata by Magic in creating multiple combat steps, that I can still use Reconnaissance to untap my attacking creatures after they've dealt damage, during the combat end step, thus allowing me to "have my cake and eat it too." So I was wondering what to cut, and I landed on cutting Curse of Opulence. It is irritating to the player that it gets put on, and it's hard to assess as early as turn one who the biggest threat will be, and it embitters whichever player I put it on against me, so even though I get ramp off of it, and other players do too, it doesn't really do me too many favors. So Curse is out, Reconnaissance is in.

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