Ghastly Demise

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ghastly Demise


Destroy target nonblack creature if its toughness is less than or equal to the number of cards in your graveyard.

BossUltinuc on Golgari Elves (Commander/EDH)

2 years ago

Okay so I'm new to deckbuilding, especially for EDH so I'm just wondering if anyone has any useful/practical suggestions for this deck. I thought Abomination of Llanowar was a cool card, so I wanted to build around that concept of getting a lot of elves onto the field and my graveyard to really boost its power and toughness.

One thing I'll mention is that, with the exception of cards that are already present in the deck, I don't want to spend more then $3-5 on a single card. So keeping all of this in mind, any suggestions?

Commander: - Abomination of Llanowar

Planeswalkers: - Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury - Tyvar Kell

Creatures: - Elvish Eulogist - Elvish Archdruid - Imperious Perfect - Lys Alana Huntmaster - Immaculate Magistrate - Marwyn, the Nurturer - Elvish Visionary - Shaman of the Pack - Lathril, Blade of the Elves - Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen - Beast Whisperer - Timberwatch Elf - Elvish Mystic - Canopy Tactician - Poison-Tip Archer - Skemfar Avenger - Skemfar Shadowsage - Wolverine Riders - Ruthless Winnower - Wellwisher - Golgari Findbroker - Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord - Rhys the Exiled - Nightshade Harvester - Gilt-Leaf Winnower - Elvish Doomsayer - Storrev, Devkarin Lich - Nadier's Nightblade - Fyndhorn Elves - Llanowar Elves

Instants: - Putrefy - Golgari Charm - Murder - Village Rites - Grisly Salvage - Wrap in Vigor - Cast Down - Malakir Rebirth  Flip - Ghastly Demise - Infuse with Vitality

Sorcery: - Cultivate - Rampant Growth - Eyeblight Massacre - Shamanic Revelation - Casualties of War - Dig Up - Victimize - Sign in Blood - Spark Harvest - Diabolic Tutor - Deadly Brew - Bone Shards - Elvish Promenade

Artifacts: - Sol Ring - Arcane Signet - Commander's Sphere

Enchantments: - Elderfang Venom - Moldervine Reclamation - Prowess of the Fair

Lands: - Evolving Wilds - Command Tower - Path of Ancestry - Llanowar Wastes - Jungle Hollow - Skemfar Elderhall - Golgari Guildgate - Tainted Wood - Necroblossom Snarl - Myriad Landscape - Foul Orchard - Darkmoss Bridge - Forest x13 - Swamp x13

Ouroboros_47 on UB-dreadge-Delve

2 years ago

I'd recommend going all-in with the eldrazi + exhume since besides Gurmag Angler and Ghastly Demise you aren't doing much with the cards you put into the gy game 1.

Snacrifice on Faux-Filigree (<2$ EDH deck)

3 years ago

KITTYMANHunkGTI Pretty simple, you want to beat face with Armix, Filigree Thrasher , using his ability to remove blockers during combat, especially pesky ones with indestructible that don't die to things like Ghastly Demise . This is made easier by giving him evasion with cards Golem Artisan .

Treat your stuff like junk, sacrifice Wings of Hubris to get an attack in if they have blockers, or throw Cathodion to Destructive Digger to get more cards in hand for Armix's ability, then return it later with things like Moriok Scavenger .Food, treasure, and clue tokens only make Armix's ability stronger.

Praxium on

3 years ago

Hello stranger, I have combed through your deck and found some cards that could be exchanged for more synergistic or effective alternatives.

Aether Swooper is a small flyer that uses Energy to create 1 non flying token. The use of energy is exclusive to this card, so functionaly it will create a token once, the first time it attacks, if it lives that long. Instead I would suggest cards that can create multiple tokens that also have flying. For example Cloudseeder will synergize with your graveyard cards such as Cadaver Imp, Zombify, and Ghastly Demise. Skirsdag High Priest fills a similar place and Stolen by the Fae is a removal spell that also creates several flyers.

Aetherborn Marauder relies on +1/+1 counters. The challenge here is that only 3 other cards in the deck create +1 counters and one of them can just put it onto the maurauder. There are better options fort Flying Lifelink creatures that cost equal or less mana and can create more synergy for the deck. Some examples are Nighthawk Scavenger, Taborax, Hope's Demise, and Vampire Nighthawk

Idoneity on Karador, ghosty boy

4 years ago

Ah, yes. Graveyard strategies always have an enthralling nature to them. Excellent choice in commander, as well.

I do have some recommendations for the deck.

One deck-building scheme I adhere to is fewer lands in place of cantrips. For your deck, you could cut some of the land base for Satyr Wayfinder and Grisly Salvage . They possess more value later in the game whilst filling up your yard for Karador. Ransack the Lab fulfills the same role. Taping the mana base towards early game cantrips also makes it more consistent to conduct your early game.

Altar of Dementia can earn you value even if a creature would die, permitting more options later.

You speak of win conditions in your description, thus I note Mortal Combat . That's a tricky build-around, so good luck there. Mindslicer is in my discard deck and often locks down the match, though people may not enjoy that.

As for removal, Anguished Unmaking , Despark , and Vindicate are universal and efficient, and Swords to Plowshares is quite possibly the best kill spell in the format. Ghastly Demise is also fun. If you wish to sacrifice creatures for gain, Angelic Purge is of use and Necrotic Sliver may be brought back later. Leonin Relic-Warder and Ravenous Chupacabra serve a similar purpose.

For further reanimation, Phyrexian Reclamation , Unburial Rites , and Dread Return are all quite potent at retrieving things later.

With such a high mana curve, more acceleration in ramp could be of aid. Outside of Temple of the False God and Phyrexian Altar which need some set-up before they do anything, there are only seven cards for ramp. I would add Birds of Paradise or Paradise Druid , some mana dork in that essence; Kodama's Reach , Rampant Growth , or Explosive Vegetation ; and perhaps Songs of the Damned as a one-shot influx of resource.

As defense, Nihil Spellbomb or Remorseful Cleric could negate opposing graveyard decks, Ghostly Prison may dissuade attacks, and Jarad's Orders can be substantial utility.

That is all from me, my apparitional liege. Fare thee well, and rejoice in haunting.

6000j on

4 years ago

As someone who's played Gisa and Geralf for the past 2 years, you're missing a decent chunk of things.

First and foremost is any kind of interaction. Counterspells and kill spells are incredibly incredibly incredibly important, and the deck doesn't really function if you don't run enough. I personally like Ghastly Demise as a neat one that isn't the usual one, but overall imo you need ~8 counterspells/kill spells.

You're running a lot of cards that don't really do anything. Gisa and Geralf is a deck based around value imo, and running cards that are purely P/T lords limits the decks ability to function when you don't have your commander out. Along the same line, cards that just make tokens aren't great either (with an exception of Noosegraf Mob, that card is fantastic because it demands an answer all alone).

You're playing a lot of expensive cards, which usually means you can't cast them and do anything else on the same turn, but overall how you want to play the deck is definitely up to you, I've opted for a slimmer curve and try to win by just grinding the game out very consistently.

Some cards I love that you aren't running are Corpse Augur , Vindictive Lich , and Stronghold Assassin . Corpse Augur is just so many cards so consistently, Lich is just value value value, and can make people discard in their draw steps as well if you have a sac outlet. Stronghold Assassin is just such a powerful threat of activation, and it can sac itself to dodge exile as well.

I hope you enjoy the commander, here's my list if you want to see how i've built it:

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