Ghastlord of Fugue

Creature — Spirit Avatar

Ghastlord of Fugue is unblockable.

Whenever Ghastlord of Fugue deals combat damage to a player, that player reveals their hand. Choose a card from it. That player exiles that card.

DemonDragonJ on Mind Over Matter

2 years ago

I have replaced Ghastlord of Fugue with Nightveil Specter because, as great as the ghastlord is, I need to reduce both the mana curve of this deck and the number of colored mana symbols that it has.

I have replaced Ethersworn Adjudicator with Vona, Butcher of Magan, because, while the adjudicator is awesome, Vona's ability can destroy a greater variety of permanents and also does not require mana to use.

I have replaced Divinity of Pride with Liesa, Forgotten Archangel, because the divinity's mana cost was too color-intensive for a three-colored deck and it was little more than a flying beater, whereas Liesa actually has useful abilities.

These changes lowered the average converted mana cost of this deck from 4.10 to 4.06, and also improved the balance of colors within the deck, as well.

DemonDragonJ on Diabolical Machinations

2 years ago

I have replaced Ghastlord of Fugue with Nightveil Specter, which reduced the average converted mana cost of this deck from 4.52 to 4.48, because, as awesome as the ghastlord is, I need to reduce both the mana curve of this deck and the number of color mana symbols that it contains.

theGentlemanSeal on Devoted to two Gods

2 years ago

Great deck!

Helm of the Ghastlord would be a great addition to beef up all your blue/black creatures. Also, Oona's Gatewarden is an easy fit in here. Some more dimir fundamentals would be Baleful Strix, Cemetery Puca, Dimir Guildmage, or Dimir Guildmage.

In terms of finisher cards, you could add: Gyruda, Doom of Depths, Wrexial, the Risen Deep, Dragonlord Silumgar, Silumgar, the Drifting Death, Ghastlord of Fugue, Blizzard Specter, Dire Undercurrents,

A version of the deck will a mill wincon could also make use of Ashiok, Dream Render, Phenax, God of Deception, Lurking Informant, Nemesis of Reason, Psychic Drain, Mind Grind, Nightveil Specter, and the many more mill focused cards from across blue and black.

A deck that leans more into flash could use Slitherwisp.

Overall, I quite like and want to see it down the line!

Bxbx on Sen Triplets Handcontrol

4 years ago

@mortifolkmurphcaster: Hi, thanks for commenting and first of all: sorry for me taking so long to answer you. I'm not that active on tappedout anymore and only saw your comment today.

I'm glad you liked my deck and found some inspiration for your own. The deck evolved quite a bit over time and the deck description isn't up to date anymore (the decklist is almost up to date though). So before answering your questions I might make a few remarks about my deck in its current state:

I discarded a lot of the cooler but clunkier cards, that initially gave rise to the deck, like Head Games , Jester's Mask , Ghastlord of Fugue , Seer's Vision and Mindleech Mass , because they just weren't doing anything useful in most games, especially when I was already behind.

Two of the cards that stayed in and that are crucial for where the deck is now are Silent-Blade Oni and Doomsday Specter . Because both of those cards work well with small creatures that have etb effects I decided to create this really creature heavy build. But maybe there are better ways of building the deck and especially Doomsday Specter can be quite disappointing sometimes.

I can also say that I seldomly find myself casting Sen Triplets but I don't know if this is because of my play mistakes or because of the triplets drawing too much hate. I recently added Raff Capashen, Ship's Mage to help Sen Triplets get down (one can also use Shimmer Myr ). When I win games, I most often do so because of a Bribery after a long and exhausting attrition war or something like that. Unfortunately I wasn't able to pull off an infinite combo win that used the cards of my opponents yet.

I didn't know about Thrull Surgeon and Pilfering Imp . Thanks for the suggestions! I will not include them in the current build because it does not play enough from the graveyard to recur them regularly. I focus on creatures that have an etb effect, and then I bounce them back to my hand.

Windfall effects in combination with cards like Narset, Parter of Veils are brutal and, although I do not shy at treating my playgroup like that, I would not include them because I see a nombo between effects that give everyone 7 fresh cards and my strategy of casting/discarding the opponents cards. My deck does not play out cards that fast which is reinforced by the fact that I sometimes play the opponents cards instead of mine with Sen Triplets . So Windfall would likely help the opponents more than it helps me. While it is good as a combo with Narset, Parter of Veils and Notion Thief , on its own it doesn't fit into the overall deck strategy that well. But maybe one could trim down the mana curve a bit more and then all the small creatures in combination with windfall effects and Notion Thief could be strong, but I'm not quite sure.

Ok, I think that's all for now. Again, thanks for your comment!

jesmister on Black In Modern

4 years ago

wallisface Good point about lily and I just think Bloodghast I have never been a fan for the years ive been playing modern. It cant block and its just a 2/1 that comes back? but maybe it could be good with lily specifically so I dont lose as much card advantage. And I had no demigods at first and just had 2 gry and 2 Ghastlord of Fugue But Im just not sure maybe I should only run 3 gray merchant and no other 5 drops? But what would you replace 5 drops and with? I dont think 5 4 dorps is unreasonable.

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