Ghalta and Mavren

Legendary Creature — Dinosaur Vampire


Whenever you attack, choose one —

  • Create a tapped and attacking X/X green Dinosaur creature token with trample, where X is the greatest power among other attacking creatures.
  • Create X 1/1 white Vampire creature tokens with lifelink, where X is the number of other attacking creatures.

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ACapo18 on The Lord of the Tokens

4 months ago

The deck looks good!

If you’re open to suggestions, some fun cards you might enjoy are Divine Visitation, Ghalta and Mavren, Cathars' Crusade, Nadier, Agent of the Duskenel, and Nadier's Nightblade. I also think a bit more draw with cards like Toski, Bearer of Secrets and Ohran Frostfang would add consistency and a power boost to the deck.

Personally I enjoy running a bit more ramp in my decks, but your curve seems low enough that it’s probably not an issue. If it does become an issue, Cultivate & Kodama's Reach are staples, and Three Visits & Nature's Lore are some slightly more efficient includes.

legendofa on How does Ghalta and Mavren …

5 months ago

It would be the doubled amount.

I assume you're asking about making a single Dinosaur token (which isn't a copy of anything), not a swarm of Vampires. The token would have power and toughness equal to the original creature's power and toughness at the moment of resolution.

Let's say Worldspine Wurm is your largest creature at 15/15, and you start your combat phase with Unnatural Growth and Ghalta and Mavren out.

  1. Unnatural Growth triggers and resolves, doubling your creatures' stats. WS Wurm's a 30/30.

  2. You attack with G&M and WS Wurm. It triggers, and you choose to create a Dinosaur. The ability resolves and checks the highest power among creatures you control, which is 30. You create a 30/30 Dinosaur token.

By the way, welcome to the club!

Lordeh on Dinosaurs go Rawr!

7 months ago

Hi Everyone,

I finally put the deck together and took it out for a test run! Only played 1 game with it at my local game store but it turned out to be hilarious.

I could have assembled the Polyraptor and [card:Marauding Raptor] combo but took a different route with a hasty Ghalta and Mavren making a token copy of itself and having a Zilortha, Apex of Ikoria  Flip enabling me to hit through for a solid 30 damage!

I also got in an unblocked Gishath, Sun's Avatar hit which spewed out another 5 dinosaurs including Verdant Sun's Avatar to gain tasty 28 life.

Had fun and got to do my thing!

If anyone else puts this kind of list together let me know how it goes.

Have (1) Va1mar
Want (1) Osiryz