Geistlight Snare

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Geistlight Snare


This spell costs less to cast if you control a Spirit. This also costs less to cast if you control an enchantment.

Counter target spell unless its controller pays .

pappy4eyes on Mono U spirits

1 year ago

Looks like a good deck, a friend of mine has a similar spirit deck.

I am not very good at deck building, but here are some more spirit cards that look cool: Departed Deckhand, Dreamshackle Geist, Dungeon Geists, Hands of Binding, or Nebelgast Herald (might be good with the flash from Rattlechains). Skyline Cascade enters tapped, but lets you keep an opponent's creature tapped for an extra turn. I think my friend has Cemetery Illuminator in his deck. If you exile a spirit from your graveyard it could be a way to have more options to play each turn.

It should be noted that you might have to cast Geistlight Snare for 2 mana sometimes since you only have 4 enchantments, but that should not be too much of a problem.

Again, I am not sure if any of these cards will work with the deck, they are just cards I thought looked cool. Feel free to completely ignore me. :)

zachz on Tap 'em Out!

1 year ago

You mentioned running dry on mana, as well as not having defenses. With your concerns in mind, I have a couple more cards to suggest. For start, a few more reimbursable defensive spells that give you back land taps after you cast them. Additionally, more dual-mana lands. Dual mana lands, once out, can be untapped for 2 mana, making them greatly beneficial for the reimburse spells.

  • Instants:
  • Rewind (Counterspell)
  • Snap (Creature Control)
  • Geistlight Snare (Cheaper counterspell with Spirits, Enchantments)
  • Lands:
  • Coral Atoll
  • Karoo
  • Guildless Commons is colorless but having numerous 3 CMC cards means you don't need all colored mana.
  • Path of Ancestry is very useful to Scry in your deck, as most of your creatures are Human/Soldier/Spirit.
  • Creature:
  • Cloud of Faeries is a reimburse flying creature that also has cycling. Many options for you there.

Excited to see how this deck works for you, and where you take it!

keizerbuns on A Very Disturbing Deck

2 years ago

Thanks mdf64! My bad, I’m gonna change this to Historic haha.

I did actually have Geistlight Snare in the deck before but I took them out to add more Malevolent Hermit  Flip cards, but maybe I should try cutting a few things and adding some back in again. I did also think about adding Skyclave Apparition but ran out of room. I’ll definitely experiment with skyclave and Shipwreck Sifters and see how it goes!

I think you’re right about the Undead Butlers, I had them in there as fodder for Rite of Oblivion but the disturb cards themselves already kinda work for that.

What are your thoughts on Otherworldly Gaze? Do you think I should cut it or keep it?

Thanks for the suggestions! I guess I’m gonna have to rework this a bit.

mdf64 on A Very Disturbing Deck

2 years ago

I'm guessing this deck is supposed to be for historic, because if it's for modern making it a semi-boggles deck seems like a better plan. I do like the inclusion of King Narfi's Betrayal and Rite of oblivion as ways of getting your guys in the Graveyard. I also recommend Shipwreck Sifters as it gets bigger, gets you card selection, and cards in your graveyard. I also recommend Skyclave Apparition for removal as it's good, plus it's a spirt. Oh and Geistlight Snare is an amazing counter spell to protect your huge creatures. I'd honestly cut undead butler for more spirit or protection.

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