Garna, Bloodfist of Keld

Legendary Creature — Human Berserker

Whenever another creature you control dies, draw a card if it was attacking. Otherwise, Garna, Bloodfist of Keld deals 1 damage to each opponent. (Dying is being put into the graveyard from the battlefield. Tokens enter the graveyard before they cease to exist)

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CickNason on Prosshy Prossh

3 months ago

I would add more mana dorks: Ignoble Hierarch adds Jund colors and gives exalted as a bonus Deathrite Shaman acts as graveyard hate and can drain/gain at instant speed on on top of exiling any lands from anyone's graveyard for mana of any color also at instant speed. Delighted Halfling adds colorless or any color for legendary creatures and makes them uncounterable.

I would also add more aristocrat/sacrifice effects: Korvold, Fae-Cursed King crazy draw engine with sac synergy and a potential one-shot kill if he gets big enough Mahadi, Emporium Master generates treasures EOT based on how many creatures died, setting you up for big plays in the coming turns Pitiless Plunderer generates treasures whenever another creature you control dies immediately Chatterfang, Squirrel General basically a 3 mana Parallel Lives. Goes infinite with Pitiless Plunderer 1.Activate Chatterfang by paying b and sacrificing two other Squirrels. 2.The Squirrels die, triggering Pitiless Plunderer twice, creating two Treasure tokens and two 1/1 Squirrel tokens. 3.Activate a Treasure token by tapping and sacrificing it, adding b. 4.Repeat. 5.Resolve all Chatterfang abilities, causing any number of target creatures to get +2/-2 until end of turn any number of times. This gives you: Infinite colored mana. Infinite death triggers. Infinite ETB. Infinite LTB. Infinite sacrifice triggers. Infinite Treasure tokens. Reduce all opponents' creatures to 0 toughness.

Some pay off for sacrificing Mirkwood Bats, Blood Artist, Garna, Bloodfist of Keld & Poison-Tip Archer are good win condition for infinite sac outlet effects

Some better tutor effects: You can replace Diabolic Tutor for some other options below Diabolic Intent Tutor for 2 mana for any card with an additional sac requirement for sac effect synergies Demonic Tutor The OG best tutor Diabolic Revelation You wanna be cheeky? If you have big mana you can dump it all to grab multiple pieces to win the game

Some ramp effects: Cultivate & Kodama's Reach puts one to hand one to battlefield Nature's Lore & Three Visits puts any forest card onto the battlefield Entish Restoration is a new card that is better than harrow because you sacrifice a land on the resolution of the spell rather than paying the additional cost upfront, which makes it more safe from a feels-bad counterspells which puts you down a land. If you have a big enough creature you get 3 basics to the field all at instant speed as well. Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip is a pet card of mine which allows you to search for a basic and when you have 7 lands she flips and generate lands and card draw for pretty much free. Oracle of Mul Daya Allows you to play an additonal land every turn and allows to play them off the top of your library. If you dont see a card you like you can shuffle it away with a fetch land to try to get another off the top.

Better Lands: Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth & Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth are must includes allowing all your lands tap for B/G respectively in addition to your other colors. The pain lands Llanowar Wastes, Karplusan Forest & Sulfurous Springs are cheap dual lands that give you all your colors The reveal lands Game Trail, Foreboding Ruins & Necroblossom Snarl are also good cheaper options which give you dual colors The shocklands Blood Crypt, Overgrown Tomb & Stomping Ground are fetchable and come into play untapped for a measley 2 life are some of the best lands in the game Verdant Catacombs is the last fetch of your color not included. I would include it if you could because it allows all three of your fetches to fetch any of your shocks or battlelands. You can also include other Fetchlands as well such as Arid Mesa, Misty Rainforest etc to fetch because they can fetch for one of the jund colors of lands at least, however, they aren't as efficient Ziatora's Proving Ground is a must include because you can fetch it out and it taps for jund as well as cycle if it comes too late. If you don't have a turn one play you can fetch it out as your best land with no plays.

Hopefully this helps

enpc on Favorite creature recursion in Rakdos

1 year ago

Garna, Bloodfist of Keld doesn't need the dying creature to be non-token, why not use a bunch of token engines like Goblin Assault, Chancellor of the Forge (a good card to actually use recursion on), Goblin Rabblemaster, Legion Warboss, Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin and Krenko, Mob Boss. Then you can use cards like Pashalik Mons, Weirding Shaman and even potentially Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician as sac outlets. You also have access to cards like Squee, Dubious Monarch, Squee, the Immortal and Squee, Goblin Nabob (bascially all the Squee value).

I'm not saying build a goblin deck, but build a goblin deck.

NTakamura on Favorite creature recursion in Rakdos

1 year ago

I would like to know your favorite spells and permanent that brings creature back from the graveyard to the battlefield in Rakdos. I have an attack heavy sacrifice deck using Garna, Bloodfist of Keld as the commander and I want to tighten up the recursion package. So suggest away your favorites.

scotchtapedsleeves on Building around Hazoret's Favor

1 year ago

Sounds like you're looking for aristocrats. You can find aristocrats commanders here. Garna, Bloodfist of Keld looks fun, I use Marchesa, the Black Rose recursion is very strong in aristocrats.

Gleeock on Mishra's Relentless Horde

1 year ago

Yeah, Rakdos swing-wide seems like a "labor of love" probably will take some playtesting. They keep making good commanders for swing-wide in the midrange for : Karazikar, the Eye Tyrant, Garna, Bloodfist of Keld, etc... but not alot of low-end setup support to make a token hoard. I enjoy polymorphing tokens in the colors, but again not alot of low end base support for that, I typically do that more in the Jund colors. Tribute to Horobi  Flip is ok, but again, most often opponents will just swing rats into each other to just get rid of them.

Gleeock on Help Me Pick A Commander

1 year ago

TypicalTimmy I love the new Garna, Bloodfist of Keld -- Her stainglass foily majesty lights up my Rakdos or Jund pretties. I would say is better many ways... though, for just straight up enhancing dmg to make an infect blowout more worthwhile has its' advantages (dmg doublers.. Fiendish Duo, Fiery Emancipation probably more budget options too.

One that is a solid consideration for you would be Extus, Oriq Overlord  Flip - you have the double striker in a pinch... but boy, that blood avatar token on the flip side is vicious with infect.. I usually give him lifelink

TypicalTimmy on Help Me Pick A Commander

1 year ago

Build Garna, Bloodfist of Keld with an incredibly dense package of Goblin tokens and Zombie tokens. Use sac outlets to kill your own creatures.

Notice Garna says "Whenever another creature you control dies (...)" and not "non-token creature"? So yes, your 1/1 red Goblins and 2/2 black Zombies trigger her.

Swing with the might of the masses and two things happen. Your opponent takes a ton of damage, or they block your little 1/1s and 2/2s and you draw tons of cards.


You sacrifice them without attacking, and everyone loses a bunch of life.

  • You don't need to sacrifice them. You can always use wraths that hit your side as well, ensuring the same result with better outcomes because now your opponent's boardstate are devastated as well. The key difference here is a wrath can be responded to. Sacrifice the creature, it's gone by the time the ability hits the stack. Plus, countering 20 sacrifice ability triggers is next to impossible, whereas one Damnation is easy. But for good measure, build for both.

Quickspell on Would a pauper commander be …

1 year ago

Yes, because even the strongest decks are not that strong. In my pod everybody has at least one pEDH deck (Tatyova, Benthic Druid, Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker etc.) they all put a lot of time and energy into building their deck. I just threw a bunch of Commons into Thalisse, Reverent Medium, anything I could find within 15 minutes, that makes tokens.

The games are a blast. They are fun, straightforward, low-power, classic. Wins feel much more deserving, combos are so rare and hard to pull off that nobody gets salty about them. I want to build another one with Garna, Bloodfist of Keld and I am putting in cards that I would otherwise never even consider looking at.

You know how often it is said that Magic has a pool of 30+ thousand cards. That is nonsense, because only a few thousand are actually playable. The rest is just noise. With pEDH, many of those forgotten cards suddenly come back to life. And it’s so cheap, the total shipping cost is usually higher than the deck

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