Gaddock Teeg

Legendary Creature — Kithkin Advisor

Noncreature spells with converted mana cost 4 or greater can't be cast.

Noncreature spells with in their mana costs can't be cast.

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indieinside on ETBs?

5 months ago

I build a Gaddock Teeg deck. I am playing several cards like Hushwing Gryff and Torpor Orb. What would this look like for me if my go to enchantment is Aura Shards? Does it go off?

capwner on The Harvesttide Festival [Human Primer]

5 months ago

Selesnya legendary toolbox was my first EDH deck, with Captain Sisay! Love the theme and flavor on this, recent changes look really solid too! Maybe Sisay herself could fit, being a human that tutors for a lot of key cards :) First thing I noticed was your amount of protection effects (which I think is a good idea in this creature strat), maybe adding something like Ghostway or Eerie Interlude which protects you through things like Toxic Deluge or Farewell could be good even though it clears your counters. Teferi's Protection is of course the peak of these cards, but I know that one's kinda spendy. Hardened Scales would probably fit well too and is $2. Yasharn, Implacable Earth, Krosan Verge, and Gaddock Teeg are some of my favorite Selesnya cards in general. Overall cool deck, I like the flavorful legends!

GodzSoldier on staxy abzan stuff

1 year ago

I haven't played too many stax decks with these colors except for one. So I recommend Yisan, the Wanderer Bard. Not only can get around a lot of Nasty staxs like rule of law, but also makes your deck more reliable when it comes to trying to find the right piece for you match-up. It also will eventually lead you to Elesh norn :p. Second card I'd recommend is Gaddock Teeg. He essentially makes your creatures unkillable through board wipes. Obviously you have a few cards you can't then play.m, but I think the slight annoyance is worth it haha

FormOverFunction on Salty Commanders!

1 year ago

Gaddock Teeg jumps to mind, as that locks a lot of things down. Child of Alara seems to elicit groans, as does Sen Triplets. Edgar Markov is pretty relentless as well, and puts a pretty big target on the player. I’m interested to see what other recommendations people have!

Made_Compleat on People's Thoughts on Mommy Norn?

1 year ago

Oh no! A functional monowhite commander! EVERYBODY PANIC!

Alright. I get that Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines is a big deal. A decent statline, vigilance, Yarok, the Desecrated as one ability and a much, much, much better version of Hushbringer as the other. She's certainly a powerhouse. But should she see the hammer? I think not.

I'll not say that Machine Mom isn't disruptive. She can shut down a good amount of popular cards in the format, such as Bramble Sovereign, Terror of the Peaks, and the notorious combo piece Palinchron. She can and will double up monowhite Oblivion Ring style effects. Honestly, I think that doubling Seal Away type cards is going to be the stax-ier part of Mama Machine. She doesn't shut down many combo decks (unless they use the aforementioned Palinchron), and really doesn't answer most cEDH decks. She hates out on ETBs, sure, but Yasharn, Implacable Earth hates out on sacrifice, arguably better. Gaddock Teeg is just absurdly good stax, and both Gaddok and Yasharn grant access to Green.

If you want to make Elesh Norn stax, then, ok, that's probably a deck that will give everyone a headache. But... are we going to cry "BAN HER!" for one way of building around Machine Mommy? If you want to run stax, go and buy a Hokori, Dust Drinker or Oloro, Ageless Ascetic. They're much better depriving everyone of fun than New Norn. Elesh Norn can do so much more than just stop everyone from having fun.

Honestly, a lot of the complaints that I see here are against the Stax archetype in general, not Norn. And I get that Norn seems like a good Stax commander, but... If hate stax, than complain about Hokori, or Oloro, or yes, even Archelos, Lagoon Mystic. Stax has its place: cEDH and masochistic playgroups.

Something that no one here is referencing is the Game Knights video in which Josh Lee Kwai played with a (proxied) Elesh Norn, and his deck was oppressive, but nothing too bad. Notably, Norn's restrictive ability saw a lot less use than her double ability, which was used to double small value abilities, as well as oblivion ring effects. The deck won the game, but it was very close and I wouldn't say it made Norn look banable. Not by a long shot.

So, in conclusion, Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines is a powerhouse, who certainly can be a problem, but probably isn't the worst card in EDH. Really, a lot of the complaints about her are complaints about Stax in general.

Thanks for reading my rant.

Also, did anyone else notice the fact that Navani (from Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive) and Elesh Norn have the same epithet? That always makes me crack up.

Worx on Competitive Captain Sisay (Proven)

1 year ago

I too don't sign in to Tappedout much lately so this too is a delayed comment :)

I love the idea of Emiel the Blessed, because not only is it a wincon WHEN you combo it with Village Bell-Ringer, but it also can be used as a defensive tactic when a creature - specifically Captain Sisay. Problem is it requires another creature that is not easily tutorable - but it IS only a 3 drop creature, has flash, and it is awesome to work with Gaddock Teeg. So a definite possibility that I will test.

As far as Drumbellower, its basically a 2 mana cheaper option than Seedborn Muse but still has the same strategic value as it - so it boils down to whether that 2 less mana cost is enough to warrant it being included over other options.

Agreed about Halo Fountain. It's a no brainer Gaddock Teeg proof tutorable wincon :)

Thanks for on going input.

ThatWeirdPerson on Gaddock Teeg Says No

1 year ago

My friend used to have Gaddock Teeg deck and every single time someone casted a noncreature spell with CMC 4 or greater he would say "Gaddock Teeg says no".

Worx on Competitive Captain Sisay (Proven)

2 years ago

MstrCpr Thanks mate. It's been in the works a VERY long time and has won many many tournaments.

The Paradox Engine ban was at first a disaster, but now, I can still win turn 5-6 virtually all the time, and IF I get a good draw, then I can still win turn 4! ;)

I haven't made any notes for a long time and I really should update...

But to answer your questions regarding Vivien, Monsters' Advocate, Ashaya, Soul of the Wild, Ugin, the Spirit Dragon, and Eight-and-a-Half-Tails;

Let's just say that I am constantly tossing up whether to include Akroma's Memorial or not due to it's mana cost and the introduction of Crashing Drawbridge. I deliberately stay away from mana costs of non-creatures of higher than 4 so Gaddock Teeg is not an issue. So having a planeswalker of Vivien, with a cost of 5 with no real instant win - I just can't see it's value. Same with Ugin - just an overkill and horrendous cost of 8.

Ashaya is just to expensive for what it does. I mean I used to ALWAYS run the combo Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite and Kamahl, Fist of Krosa for win in removing opponents lands. But I also have a lot of wincons now so I just want to keep the mana costs down.

Eight Tails was a card I used to run, but I found I rarely needed it in Tournaments and if you are doing it only for removing opponents lands, then the above said Elesh Norn/Kamahl wins hands down.

The latest iteration and what I am working on is to ensure I can get the 'haste' out easily, ie Oswald Fiddlebender with artifact tutor so I can get Thousand-Year Elixir out, and then I can again remove Akroma's Memorial, and put back in Masako the Humorless

The deck has undergone a LOT of changes over the years, but still kicks butt and is VERY reliable. (I did sell some cards - mainly lands and foils - kicking myself over selling my foils of Selvala, Heart of the Wilds) So hat's why the lands don't seem 'stable'.

Thanks for commenting and the appreciation.

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