Fungal Bloom


(Green)(Green): Put a spore counter on target Fungus.

skelegon on Fungi

2 years ago

So if you want this to be fungus based maybe use Thelon of Havenwood or maybe lean into the saporling part a little harder. Some cards to look at for saporling: Fungal Plots Verdant Force Tendershoot Dryad Sprout Swarm Jade Mage. For fungus: Sporesower Thallid Fungal Bloom Savage Thallid Smell Fear. Either or just good cards: Sylvan Anthem Necrogenesis Utopia Mycon Moldervine Reclamation all of these are under $10 and more or less fit theme. Of course feel free to do whatever you want.

Demarge on

5 years ago

Fungal Bloom in most cases is just a worse proliferate source, you also could just cut the token makers that isn't saprolings, the reanimation type spells also are more a weaker Harmonize when the deck isn't actively filling it's gy like this version of ghave is.

Bxbx on Spore Galore with Atraxa

6 years ago

Hi,cool deck!

Some changes I'd suggest:

You should shift the manabase more towards green because this is clearly your main color. Also, I'd recommend to cut both copies of Phyrexian Arena :D and also Grave Pact because their mana costs are too restrictive in a deck that plays cards that cost WUBG (Atraxa, Preator's Voice), double-green (Night Soil, Fungal Bloom, Spore Flower), green-white (Selesnya Evangel), green-black (Necrogenesis) and green-blue (Vorel of the Hull Clade). You could maybe add Dictate of Erebos because it costs 5 and only double-black.

Paradox Haze could be nice for your spore counter triggers. Strionic Resonator also works with Atraxa.

There are also some cool sorceries that produce saprolings: Fertile Imagination, Saproling Symbiosis, Spontaneous Generation, Death Mutation and AEther Mutation.

Snacrifice on Trostani Spikes & Spores

6 years ago

You might like Spore Flower, as it's a fungus that doubles as a fog-effect.(especially with Fungal Bloom and the rest). Also Mycologist is another white spore maker for you.

I'm suprised not to see Sporogenesis or the absolutely amazing Sprout Swarm(the latter of which is one of my favorite cards printed. I prefer Selesnya Evangel over the guildmage myself.

Seed Spark is a really decent mixed used card as well.

Byvci on Tribal Tech (Every Single Tribe in Magic! Part 1)

6 years ago

assassin: Scarblade Elite

assembly worker: Mishra's Factory Self-Assembler (only works with changelings and itself

atog: Atogatog

aurochs: Aurochs Herd Bull Aurochs Rimehorn Aurochs

bat: Skeletal Vampire

beast: Vitality Charm

cephalid: Aboshan, Cephalid Emperor

chimera: Brass-Talon Chimera Iron-Heart Chimera Lead-Belly Chimera Tin-Wing Chimera

druid: Gilt-Leaf Archdruid Seton, Krosan Protector

dwarf: Depala, Pilot Exemplar Dwarven Bloodboiler Dwarven Lieutenant Dwarven Pony Dwarven Recruiter Heart Wolf

eldrazi spawn: Brood Birthing

eye: Evil Eye of Orms-by-Gore Evil Eye of Urborg

fox: Patron of the Kitsune

giant: Hearthcage Giant

goat: Springjack Pasture

gorgon: Hythonia the Cruel

kavu: Coastal Drake Alpha Kavu Kavu Howler Kavu Mauler Kavu Monarch

kithkin: Goldmeadow Stalwart

knight: Knight of the Mists is sort of tribal. Also War Falcon

kobold: Kobold Drill Sergeant Kobold Overlord Kobold Taskmaster

minion: Balthor the Defiled

moonfolk: Patron of the Moon

nightstalker: Return of the Nightstalkers

ogre: (don't really work in an ogre deck, but I guess they sort of count?) Gutwrencher Oni Painwracker Oni Scourge of Numai Yukora, the Prisoner

orc: Raiding Party Orcish Captain

pegasus: Sacred Mesa

pentavite: Pentavus only card with pentavite, but sort of works with changelings

plant: Avenger of Zendikar

rigger: Steamflogger Boss

scarecrow: Scarecrone Reaper King

wall: Fortified Area Glyph of Life Rolling Stones Wall of Caltrops Animate Wall Total War Mob Mentality Glyph of Destruction Wall of Mulch Glyph of Reincarnation Glyph of Delusion Glyph of Doom

There's also the flagbearers: Coalition Flag Coalition Honor Guard Standard Bearer But they don't really have synergy with each other. You might be able to pull some shenanigans if you give a flagbearer hexproof or protection with a changeling out though.

Thelon of Havenwood, Fungal Bloom, Sporesower Thallid, Savage Thallid and Pallid Mycoderm are all listed as saprolings. I don't know if you merged fungus and saproling intentionally, but if you did it might make sense to change saproling tech to saproling/fungus tech.

ExiliusGallant on Sprout (Tiny Fungi)

7 years ago

WHAT?! No Fungal Bloom...

Maybe Rot Shambler might work... also try Vampiric Rites and lastly Sprout Swarm

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