Fractured Loyalty

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature

Whenever enchanted creature becomes the target of a spell or ability, that spell or ability's controller gains control of that creature. (This effect doesn't end at end of turn.)

legendofa on Coveted Jewel deck ideas

1 year ago

Are you looking for a a sort of winner-takes-all approach? Contested War Zone, Crag Saurian, Turf War, Fractured Loyalty

A combat control approach? Anything with goad, Commander 2013 curses, Seeker of Slaanesh, Goblin Diplomats, Shipwreck Singer

Group hug? Rites of Flourishing, Humble Budoka, Secret Rendezvous

legendofa on Summoning Sickness?

3 years ago

Yes. A creature has summoning sickness until you start a turn with it under your control. It doesn't matter how it came under your control.

Something like Drooling Ogre or a creature enchanted by Fractured Loyalty could potentially continually gain and lose summing sickness, being passed back and forth.

king-saproling on The Curse of Ardenn and Ludevic

3 years ago

Captivating Glance seems like it'd be very good here, as the control effect continues to apply even after the glance moves to something else. Custody Battle works similarly. And Fractured Loyalty, which is particularly strong because you can target the enchanted creature with Ardenn's ability to get the creature, then later move fractured loyalty to something else with Ardenn's ability and repeat the process to gain multiple creatures over time.

These might interest you too: Captain's Hook (attach to opp's creature using Ardenn, then pass it along to keep destroying dudes), Assault Suit, Infectious Rage, Steam Vines, Shifting Shadow, Spirit Link, Aurelia, the Warleader, Spark Double, Copy Enchantment, Clever Impersonator

king-saproling on Norin the No Nonsense

4 years ago

Twinflame is nice for either cheaply reusing the ETB effect of a costlier creature, or looping it with Anarchist + striving it to continually reuse an ETB effect. Priest of Urabrask + Cloudstone Curio + anything that reduces the priest's cost (Ruby Medallion) or doubles its effect (Panharmonicon) nets you extra mana and extra triggers on things like Impact Tremors. The Priest can even provide infinite mana in the right setup.

Embermaw Hellion makes your enchantments hit harder. Fractured Loyalty on second glance is too situational here since you don't have that many effects that target things. Umbilicus and Blood Clock are not stars by any means, but they do allow you to reuse ETB creatures. Indomitable Creativity seems great if you have a lot of tokens out, and can act as removal as well.

Just thought of a few more that might interest you: Commune with Lava , Flameshadow Conjuring , Minion Reflector , Feldon of the Third Path , Sandstone Oracle , Skirk Prospector

Myrmecodia on Norin the No Nonsense

4 years ago

king-saproling Great suggestions!

I haven't tested out Sculpting Steel or Grinning Ignus , but I'm interested in it - looks like they could make the cut but I want to see how they do! I'll test them out.

I don't think I have quite enough flicker effects to make Priest of Urabrask , Anarchist , Meteor Golem , or Knollspine Dragon worth it. The latter 3 are also pretty expensive, how have they performed for you?

In what situations do you usually use Twinflame ? With our eternal struggle for card advantage, I'm not sure if it would be worth the draw usually.

I'm not sure quite how synergistic Embermaw Hellion , Fractured Loyalty , Umbilicus , Indomitable Creativity , or Blood Clock are. Maybe I'm missing it - have any of them been stars for you?

StopShot on Midrange Burn Cards

4 years ago

My favorite creature burn card of all time is Lightning Axe . I love it so much that it's almost something like a pet card, but it doesn't quite reach your 6-to-8 damage mark. (May I ask what has 8 toughness that you need to remove so much?)

Boros Reckoner is another option. Anything that hits him he can have that damage thrown back at it. Think of it as red-deathtouch, but you can also sling that damage at your opponents as well.

Fractured Loyalty , that way if you waste a weak spell on the tanky creature, not only do you remove it, but you also get a free-tanky creature.

Inner Struggle also works as well. If the creature has equal or greater power than it's toughness this will remove anything. Justice Strike is better if you're splashing white though.

Indomitable Creativity can remove anything if you're feeling lucky. You can also use it on your weak creatures in hopes of pulling better ones.

Transmogrifying Wand makes big creatures a lot less threatening.

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