Flood of Recollection


Return target instant or sorcery card from your graveyard to your hand. Exile Flood of Recollection.

Kurppa on Niv-Mizzet, Wheel of Pings

2 years ago

Awesome deck! I really like spellslinger decks, and playing this seems really fun.

However, considering how many instants and sorceries you have and the wheel theme, i'm surprised you don't have any graveyard recursion or synergy.

some cards that you could consider are: Bond of Insight, Call to Mind, Flood of Recollection, Mystic Retrieval, Pull from the Deep, Relearn, Shreds of Sanity, Backdraft Hellkite, Past in Flames, Volcanic Vision and The Mirari Conjecture

some of those exile themselves and since you have so much draw power that might actually be a downside. If i were to cut something for those I would maybe one of those shuffle effects.

here's some cards that cast instants or sorceries from your or other people's graveyards: Finale of Promise, Diluvian Primordial, Mnemonic Deluge, Mizzix's Mastery and Spelltwine.

mnemonic deluge and diluvian primordial are pretty funny, though kinda expensive. Imagine casting a wheel and then "going shopping" for spells, i highly recommend it. though these exile, so if you loop your deck you can't cast the spell you coped again.

if you want to bounce creatures with niv-mizzet, you could consider Arm with AEther or Sigil of Sleep.

some more spellcasting synergy: Firebrand Archer, Saheeli, Sublime Artificer.

i don't know how often you would be able to kill or do something significant with Spiraling Embers, but i thought it would be a fun inclusion.

here's a few cards for copying instants and sorceries:

Bonus Round, Insidious Will, Reverberate, Thousand-Year Storm, Swarm Intelligence and Twincast. twincast, reverberate and insidious will double as interaction, and you could also consider Narset's Reversal

and a few more card draw inclusions: Laquatus's Creativity and Sea Gate Restoration  Flip.

sorry for the wall of text, just got excited about brewing so i wanted to suggest a bunch of cards. I hope that this at least gave you some ideas.

tsewall on Orvar CEDH

3 years ago

Ok, so as a beforehand this may be a longer post because I'm debating turning my casual Orvar list into a cEDH list myself. So it'll be a bit of out loud brainstorming :P Hope it's helpful and not TLDR...

Lands: Tolaria West as an additional tutor for Mystic Sanctuary or Nykthos (or in a pinch a mana rock or pact of negation on a combo turn)

Swarmyard can provide some incidental protection for Orvar

Things I'm considering that aren't on your list Creatures:

Spellstutter Sprite With Orvar out it hits any two drop. being able to gradually increase it's effectiveness with one mana cantrips seems good, especially when you are also playing cloud of fairies... which leads me into

Glen Elendra Archmage is a little high on the CMC side, but we're already running lots of 4 drops and a six drop as a potential win con. So I think at first glance the downside is negligible. Plus it plays into the inadvertent fairy theme...

Artisan of Forms is literally the best creature on the field. Both hers and Orvar's ability trigger's on cast. So you just stack her trigger first then copy whatever she becomes and get that as the token. Instant speed Dockside Extortionist ?

Vedalken AEthermage Literally only running for wizard cycling. Most of our outlets are wizards. In your current list you have 8. all worth tutoring for IMO. I'm currently running like 9-10 so it's pretty impactful

Venser, Shaper Savant Acts like spellstutter sprite, but hit's anything. And you can just let the copy go away upon resolution of the legend rule.

Spells: For sake of brevity I'll just list the cards you don't have on your list that I'm considering and why I'm considering them...

Glamerdye can target lands (which is probably one of Orvar's strongest abilities) and it has retrace, so it's recurable, and instant speed. all plusses.

Dizzy Spell tutor or copy trigger. essentially a modal spell. very good.

Cerulean Wisps cantrips and untaps a creature, potentially very useful depending on cedh meta. I have Kraum and Pako in mine so having a blocker is often needed. Also can help slow annoying tymna.

Rescue is interesting, still not sold on it. But it does give you a copy of a creature, and allows you to save/replay an etb critter. Orvar is able to mitigate losing creatures by making copies of them usually, but he can't save himself and copying into a board wipe does nothing.

Blink of an Eye target's permanents, can draw you a card and there is another card with a different name that does the same thing

Flood of Recollection Pet card of mine, single use but I like it on turns I want to go off with High Tide and don't want to exile it with JVP or Snapcaster. works well with Narset's reversal too...which I'm not running lol.

Run Away Together considering this as a way to deal with a threat and copy one of my creatures.

Cards I love:

Energy Tap this is great. didn't even consider it. solid inclusion.

Time Spiral and transmute artifact... mentioning these just because I'm jealous...

Treachery Ditto ^

Sakashima of a Thousand Faces love the silly synergy with Nykthos. Ridiculous.

Pyre of Heroes This is silly, didn't even see this spoiled. Birthing pod in colorless? are they crazy!

Cards I'm "meh" on:

Memory Crystal You're only running (I think) two buyback spells. So most of the time it's a dead card. I see Drift of Phantasms, but id rather be tutoring for the buyback card or something more impactful. Also copying sapphire medallion helps buyback and other non buyback spells.

Drift of Phantasms very linear tutor in cedh imo. I get that it hits hullbreacher, spellseeker, etc. I think I would personally rather slot additional control. But if you love the card run the card.

Inga Rune-Eyes Not impactful enough for me in a 4 drop slot. scrying one statistically is akin to drawing half a card, so three is one and a half?. You could run the 3 drop fairy that draws you a card for more fairy synergy lol... sorry, maybe I have a fairy problem. Also, I'm not sure how often you'll get her second line to happen. I don't see how you trigger that without investing multiple cards to copy her? unless I'm missing something? does it happen often for you?

Grim Monolith without an infinite mana outlet I don't think it does enough. Also I didn't Sol Ring in your list easy swap?

Extraplanar Lens In general I think this is a bad card. ramp it out early and someone smashes it, your down a land and probably a turn. Plus you have to imprint a land every time you make a copy of it. so the downside for their removal becomes even greater in my estimation. Orvar already ramps well enough to not need this card. but high risk high reward I guess.

I'm also soft on the tribute/trinket mage. They're good for the thing they grab but they're not ultimately what I want to be copying. you could run Shipwreck Dowser and Salvager of Secrets instead and lean into the Archaeomancer synergies, but then our cost is getting higher, and obviously you could copy what they tutor for... back to the balance of creature targets vs permanent targeting spells...

I think that's it... If I missed why you are running something let me know, like I said I'm brainstorming myself so the discourse will be super helpful for me, hope this was helpful for you! Also I should go back and read comments... yeah I'm that guy...

Thanks for posting the list!

Corrosive_Cat on Frantic Archaeology [Infinite Graveyard Jank]

3 years ago

It's not fantastic, no, but it's the only card that does what it does in Izzet for so cheap. A recursive 1-mana spell is great for Prowess - the closest I could really find is Flood of Recollection, which is really not ideal in comparison, even if it is targeted. If you were looking in green then sure, but for red/blue it's mighty useful.

crEepr on The Prints & The Paper: Pauper-Legal "Non-Commons"

3 years ago

I dont know if youve not done commander legends yet but some new additions from CMR include Champion of the Flame, Fleshbag Marauder, and Flood of Recollection Hope these helped as I just stumbled upon this and thought it was really cool.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Collected Conjouring, CoCo's weird cousin

3 years ago

I think I might just have found some perfect cards for CoCo Jr.:

Nahiri's Wrath might be the best finisher option you have. And to draw enough cards to have it do lots of damage, See the Truth seems like made for this. We might be on to something here...

I kinda like where this is going.

Another possibly impactful card: Sanity Grinding. And for more value: Shreds of Sanity and Flood of Recollection. Also, there is a second Contingency Plan: Taigam's Scheming.

Barbarian_Sun_Pope on

3 years ago

Nice, I like the bit more counter/control heavy route you've taken here. Have you considered Cunning Nightbonder as a sideboard option for control or to potentially conserve mana to pump Wildborn Preserver? Also Mission Briefing might be a better alternative to Flood of Recollection since it is at instant speed. Hope this helps.

anubis1ra1 on Lokotor's Cube

4 years ago

Flood of Recollection -> Mission Briefing

Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis is too strong Artisan of Kozilek is concerning with green ramp Channel NEEDS to be cut, you can't have that and any fireball effect, or eldrazi with annihilator

Bounding Krasis is concerning. What is its role?

Infect in general seems really strong

Reanimator seems strong as well given the top end creatures that exists, but hard to say relative to everything else

Blue feels like most cards exists to punish other archetypes, but it doesn't do much on its own

Red feels about right to me at a glance.

What is the intended power level? This seems to range from vintage cube to standard in power level. I would expect Channel with moxen and well supported a storm archetype, not Ayula, Queen Among Bears.

Lodestone Golem along with the artifact cost reducers, untappers and such could potentially be oppressive.

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