Fleetfeather Sandals

Artifact — Equipment

Equipped creature has flying and haste.

Equip 2 (2: Attach to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery)

Asgeren on Volrath New School

2 years ago

I am honored that you would build a deck inspired by mine! Looks great - I think if I could use newer cards in my deck other than the ones you have, I would definitely consider these: Fleetfeather Sandals, Hall of the Bandit Lord, Tainted Strike, Vedalken Orrery, Pestilence Demon and Imp's Mischief. But the deck looks solid overall, nice work!

Asgeren on Hurling Body Parts

2 years ago

Niice deck! - much more creature heavy than mine. looks fun! Some suggestions for cards I would have loved to have played if I wasn't restricted by old borders: Hall of the Bandit Lord, Vedalken Orrery, Rogue's Passage, Shizo, Death's Storehouse, Whispersilk Cloak, Fleetfeather Sandals and since you have so many creatures maybe Chainer, Dementia Master :)

Samothrace on

2 years ago

Ive play-tested maybe 20 hands, and I can see what you mean. It is really hard to swing early AND make it really hurt on a budget. If I were you, I would not try to swing so early. This is just my take, and I come from a very removal heavy met, but I would rather swing for lethal turn 5 than put out a vulnerable commander turn 2 that swings for 2-4 damage. There's evasion on the card, but I would still consider Fleetfeather Sandals or Prowler's Helm to make the damage a more sure thing. Maybe your meta doesnt work this way, But i would lay low and accumulate artifacts, and then win the game all at once.

for bigger damage, maybe Dragon Mantle or Ghitu Firebreathing would do well?? just some ideas.

DespairFaction on Budget Equiptment

2 years ago

Hey, here are some changes I might recommend while still staying on a budget. Fist, for a voltron deck I would probably drop the creature count a little bit as 29 is a little high. For this build I would probably eye something around 22-25. Also your land count is very low, I would bring that up to about 36 lands with several ways to search for lands, that will allow you to have plenty of mana and cast the bigger stuff in your deck.

Next, I would cut some cards that seeming underwhelming. Those are: Auriok Edgewright Auriok Bladewarden Fireblade Charger Leonin Relic-Warder , Evra, Halcyon Witness Shimmer Myr Spikeshot Elder , Wayfarer's Bauble ill talk about this one below, Leonin Bola Neglected Heirloom  Flip Berserkers' Onslaught . So yeah once you know what to cut, it becomes very easy to make a bunch of additions.

Im not sure if you are married to the $50 budget, most of my suggestions here will be about $1 a piece but here's what I would add. First as mentioned we want better mana production, so you'll want Gift of Estates and Armillary Sphere over wayfarers bauble. In 700 games of commander, I've found that armillary sphere is just better than bauble for many reasons I wont go into right now. Fervent Champion , Sun Titan Kazuul's Toll Collector , 4 basic or flip lands, Flamekin Village Blackblade Reforged . Berserkers Onslaught can be a straight switch for True Conviction . Fleetfeather Sandals . Because your mana production is getting better, you can go just a little bigger on the top end of your deck. I might put 1 or 2 bigger equipments at the top end like Argentum Armor or maybe even a Scytheclaw . I would add Dismantling Wave and a Tome of Legends .

Here's some other very good cards on a budget that I might consider Forging the Tyrite Sword to cheap tutor, Ignite the Future excellent card draw Showdown of the Skalds also great card draw. Theres a whole package of cards you can use with Goblin Welder Goblin Engineer and Daretti, Scrap Savant and if you add those I would add a Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion . Because you have Toralf I might consider a few more red based board wipes like Chain Reaction or Magmaquake but i wouldnt say no to a Fumigate or a Rout either.

Anyway that should give you plenty to think about for now. Enjoy!

Snacrifice on [Primer] Crouching One-Drop, Hidden Ninja

3 years ago

I'm really surprised at the lack of any real options for haste in this deck. Lightning Greaves or Swiftfoot Boots(or their cheaper cousin Fleetfeather Sandals, esp. considering how quick Yuriko can come out swinging with them.

Either way Tormented Soul gives you another unblockable 1-drop to help even out the way the deck leans blue(and uses less of your islands you'll want to use for your extra turns), and Gudul Lurker is another 1 drop unblockable. Cloud of Faeries with the mentioned Lightning Greaves means you could theoretically have Yuriko hitting a player turn 2.

Daedalus19876 on Patty's Pretties

3 years ago

Pauper EDH is always interesting, though I'm not GOOD at it haha. To me, the lowest priorities here seem to be Vault Skirge, Fleetfeather Sandals, and Lumithread Field -- they all seem like the lowest impact spells you have here.

I also really like that you have the ability to cast Spare from Evil then sink a bunch of mana into Crypt Rats, that's a sweet synergy... You get a +1 from me!

Joe_Ken_ on Mardu Crusade

4 years ago

Skyknight Vanguard is a pretty cheap knight with flying that also produces an additional body on attack although it is a soldier.

Akroma's Memorial is a good artifact to give your entire board a ton of keyword abilities which I think could be swapped out with Debtors' Knell for the deck. Although the card is a little pricy.

Sunforger is a good card with free equips since you can then for off removal from your deck pretty easy and save your board with cards like Boros Charm , Make a Stand , and Eerie Interlude

I’ve always like Fleetfeather Sandals since they give flying and hast to a creature.

Moonsilver Spear will make you some angel tokens that can be good flyers for the board.

I would pick up a Smothering Tithe for the deck to help with ramp. As well as the signets for each guild being Boros Signet , Rakdos Signet , and Orzhov Signet

A fun card I also always had in mind when I was working on a similar deck was Bludgeon Brawl since it will turn all of your mana rocks into equipment that will help your creatures hit hard.

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