Flamethrower Sonata


Discard a card, then draw a card. When you discard an instant or sorcery card this way, Flamethrower Sonata deals damage equal to that card's converted mana cost/mana value to target creature or planeswalker you don't control.

Neotrup on Kess, Dissident Mage and Adventures...

1 year ago

Kess, Dissident Mage allows you to cast an instant or sorcery spell from the graveyard. This means you can move any card from the graveyard to the stack, as long as the resulting spell is an instant or sorcery. You are allowed to cast Granted from Fae of Wishes being in your graveyard, or cast Flamethrower Sonata  Flip from Torrent Sculptor  Flip being in your graveyard. Because Fae of Wishes goes on an adventure when Granted resolves rather than going to the graveyard, you'll be able to cast it later rather than being permanently exiled by Kess, Dissident Mage's ability.

legendofa on Is the Adventure half of …

2 years ago

I believe not. I'm sure one of the more experienced rules-ologists can provide a more technical answer, but basically, Bonecrusher Giant is an instant, Bonecrusher Giant is a creature separate from that instant, and Clone only copies creatures. Similarly, Clone can't copy Flamethrower Sonata  Flip, only Torrent Sculptor  Flip.

Neotrup on Multiple Card Interactions

3 years ago

Veyran, Voice of Duality doubles triggers of permanents you control. This means it cannot double spell effects (like those Opt ) or even triggered abilities of spells (like Flamethrower Sonata ). As such, it does not double the Storm triggers of spells you cast with Storm .

Storm count, Thousand-Year Storm , and Aetherflux Reservoir each work a bit differently. For the two permanents, they will count spells that were cast before they entered the battlefield. Aetherflux Reservoir will even count itself (assuming it was cast), and for it's storm count you only look at the number of spells cast before the trigger resolves, even if the spells were cast after it triggered. Aetherflux Reservoir also only counts your own spells, unlike Storm . Thousand-Year Storm only counts spells cast before the triggering spell, just like Storm , but also only counts instants and sorceries, so it won't count itself like Aetherflux Reservoir would. Much like Aetherflux Reservoir , it only counts your own spells, not your opponents'.