Fireflux Squad

Creature — Human Soldier


Whenever Fireflux Squad attacks, you may exile another target attacking creature you control. If you do, reveal cards from the top of your library until you reveal a creature card. Put that card onto the battlefield tapped and attacking and the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order.

Icaruskid on Imagine Dragons | Rosnakht [PRIMER]

1 week ago

khayoz Great questions!

So in the current "combo" build the priority is finding a Transmogrify spell as fast as possible. This means card draw, card draw, card draw, leaving very little room for interactive spells, in fact maybe only 2 or 3 slots total are optional. I even got rid of my hand fixers Into the Fire, Fire Prophecy, and Volcanic Spite for better card draw spells to avoid consistency issues/whiffing.

So putting in removal like Wild Magic Surge and others is probably prudent but here's the challenge: take away too many Heroic spells and the deck doesn't go off at all for lack of kobold token targets. Take away draw spells and you can't find Transmogrify spells. So adding more interaction may undermine the all-in combo build's winning chances.

With mono red I think leaning into the risk/reward style is the only way to play to win. That's why I run Zada in the list because even if you are a little behind on turn 8 or have to rebuild from scratch, a single Transmogrify targeting her can drop 10 dragons on the board out of nowhere. Yes that's great explosive potential but notice how it's about consistency too. I didn't get 2 dragons on turn 4 but I got 10 of them from a combo move on turn 8 = similar outcome.

As far as dealing with removal, single target isn't a threat at all because we can play our commander with tax, a Heroic spell, and likely have the deck velocity to land multiple threats a turn. As usual it's board wipes that are the critical test. The best way to play around this is not to go all in and play every Heroic spell so that the wipe leaves you creatureless and with no cards in hand. Pace yourself. Play two Heroic spells so you have 2-3 kobolds ready and wait for the right time to strike against the control player.

The best cards here are repeatable Transmog effects like Lukka, Coppercoat Outcast and Fireflux Squad so you can keep playing threats every turn. And because nearly half the deck is card draw, rebuilding your hand kind of built-in.

Power Level is tough. This list is tuned. If I spent $50 on a precon and added $50 of upgrades I'm not sure I would win as much as this deck does in my casual $100 budget pods. But it's not oppressive, unfun to play against, or impossible to disrupt either. In fact this build is a little more of a glass cannon than go wide aggro builds. Maybe 6 or 7?

When there is no perfect answer, I think it all really comes down to taste. Combo can whiff. Voltron is even more glass cannon than aggro or combo. Aggro can run out of steam, lack threat level altogether or may have the hardest time rebuilding after multiple board wipes. That's why for me, taking the win percentage out of the equation and focusing on whether the style I'm playing is fun is important. And for me the answer was very flavor focused on seeing tiny kobolds transform into deadly dragons. Win or lose its cool to pull off!

Icaruskid on Imagine Dragons | Rosnakht [PRIMER]

1 week ago

shock7123 At first I wanted dragons as the only creatures in the deck. It took me forever to realize that Fireflux Squad was worth running! I'll try out Zada too. Thank you for suggesting it!

Crow_Umbra on Musashi's Mosh Pit [Primer]

4 months ago

I haven't had a chance to test any of these irl yet Last_Laugh. People's schedules haven't lined up and all that, so haven't proxied anything yet.

From lots of goldfishing some of the new stuff over the past week, I've generally liked the pacing of what I currently have included. ED-E seemed kinda slow and vulnerable to removal from creature & artifact removal for my tastes. In terms of the other stuff though:

  • Craig Boone, Novac Guard - A personal favorite character from Fallout NV. I do like the option for potentially repeatable targeted removal on creatures, or opponents can take it to the face if they don't want their commander or value creature removed. The damage will balloon, & Lifelink makes it enticing.

  • Kellogg, Dangerous Mind - An upgrade for any decks that were running Captain Lannery Storm. I doubt I'll use the creature theft option, I just really like the Haste and First Strike on a 3/2 body.

  • Paladin Elizabeth Taggerdy - Probably the one I'm most iffy about since I've removed Fireflux Squad and Winota in the past. I like the exploration of the design space with other stuff like Ilharg, Shadowfax, Lord of Horses, and Arni Metalbrow. At baseline, I like that Taggerdy is another source of draw, & her Cheat In ceiling goes up with the power anthems in most Isshin decks.

  • Caesar, Legion's Emperor - Could become a staple for Isshin token decks. Each modal option is very relevant to what these decks want to do, & they typically have the tokens to spare.

Like I wrote in the Fallout Updates blurb, I think Pip-Boy 3000 might be a potential replacement for Sword of the Animist in decks that are still running it, mostly for the utility options. I doubt I'll run it, but it's there.

Gleeock on Murders at Karlov Manor

6 months ago

I think polymorph-type effects would be a great design space to explore. Fireflux Squad & Reality Scramble are underappreciated

Crow_Umbra on Murders at Karlov Manor

6 months ago

I haven't read the recent MtG storied beyond some of the TL;DR summaries. I know that some of the Guilds got hit pretty hard by the Phyrexian invasion, particularly the Simic, Golgari, and Gruul (?). The new 3-color precons definitely make it seem like Simic survivors got absorbed by the Azorius, and their combined forces are now a more investigative body. Also likely why a Simic mutant would now be Bant aligned. At face value it seems like Selesnya absorbed some of the Gruul clans.

"Disguise" definitely sounds like it could be Morph-esque. I don't think it would be a DFC mechanic, as I think MaRo has stated in the past that there are print-cost apprehensions to having DFCs in precons. The only other thing I could think of as a "disguise" would be the type of aggro effects we've seen on stuff like Ilharg, the Raze-Boar, Winota, Joiner of Forces, and Fireflux Squad. So maybe like an aggro "Creature Cascade", especially since Discover is currently in Standard.

Crow_Umbra on Musashi's Mosh Pit [Primer]

1 year ago

Lol yes, I'm pretty stoked for the new Mishra, 8netherwind8. I submitted card entries for new Mishra, Phryexian Dragon, & Meld Mishra yesterday. I got notifications that I got feature queue tokens for the entries, so I'm hoping that means they'll be approved for use soon.

At the very least, I want new Mishra for the group slug aspect. Being able to Meld it is a cool goal to pull off though.

I recently made a few swaps: Squee, Dubious Monarch replaced Goblin War Drums, & Inquisitorial Rosette replaced Fireflux Squad. I like that the Rosette is a token maker & Menace anthem.

I recently saw a leak of a card portion from Brother's War for what essentially could be a Grand Abolisher that also makes tokens. I'm excited.

Last_Laugh on Isshin, Two Triggers as One EDH

2 years ago

Hanweir Garrison  Meld and Hanweir Battlements  Meld are worth running. I see Hellrider in your maybeboard but it deserves a spot in the deck (probably in Inferno Titans place tbh). I'd also work on weeding out underperformers and getting in your Orzhov Signet and your 3 talismans. Fireflux Squad is nuts here and just exiles 2 tokens to vomit 2 actual creatures from your deck into play for free. Ogre Battledriver costs 1 more than fervor but the buff it applies buffs all your enters tapped and attacking tokens which adds up fast. Plumb the Forbidden is an excellent draw card here.

Anyways, most of these suggestions are either in my deck or in my maybeboard so feel free to check out my list for ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Isshin - Army of Darkness

desmondwrite on Attackharmonicon

2 years ago

Oh dang, awesome suggestions. I didn't even know about Fireflux Squad. I'll look through this and see what I can add/remove. Thanks my dude.

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