Feed the Pack


At the beginning of your end step, you may sacrifice a nontoken creature. If you do, create X 2/2 green Wolf creature tokens, where X is the sacrificed creature's toughness.

_Moonie_ on Meren's Menagerie

1 year ago

DreadKhan I do like One with the Kami. It's a great card. Reminds me of Feed the Pack which I actually used to have in here. I should add them into a sideboard. Same with Altar though I haven't been able to gauge how good any of my decks are yet

My problem is I haven't gotten to play any of my decks other than against each other. I don't play competitively and my friend group has always played modern but I've been pushing them towards EDH more so they're finally starting to get some decks built.

Thanks for the suggestions

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Grothama casual

1 year ago

Her Royal Fluffness approves, very cool list!

Gigantosaurus, Nessian Boar and Treeshaker Chimera would be fun additions to draw a ton of cards. Anothee card I have in my Grothama is Feed the Pack. It has the potential to draw you a lot of cards here.

carpecanum on Aren't You Getting a Little Briared?

1 year ago

Rite of Consumption, Tend the Pests, Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord, Feed the Pack

Tend the Pests especially because its an instant that can react to an opponents removal.

If you need to bring the price down you have a couple $5 lands that could be replaced easily. Basics or even cheap guildgates work in a two color deck.

Fractal Harness to add counters.

legendofa on How is Camaraderie a Bend?

1 year ago

Skagra42 Which part of Shamanic Revelation do you think is the bend?

As I see it, Collective Unconscious and Regal Force show that can draw cards based on number of creatures, although it's more typically based on power, like Greater Good or Momentous Fall. Both Unconscious and R.Force might also be bends, but I don't think they are.

Momentous Fall bring us to the life gain side. ability to gain big chunks of life has quite a bit of precedent, with cards like Blossoming Wreath, Nourish, and Wandering Stream. Gaining life based on power has become more prevalent recently, but has been around since at least 2006, with Gristleback, and Feed the Pack was printed just before Shamanic Revelation.

Furthermore, S.Revelation has been reprinted in eight different products, and is virtually a staple for precon Commander decks. I don't think a bend card would receive that much exposure, but that's entirely my speculation.

So my interpretation is that while the individual parts may not come together often, every part of Shamanic Revelation is acceptably , with established and demonstrative precedent. is probably the second or third best color for both drawing and life gain, but it's reasonable for it to do both.

Guerric on [Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*

2 years ago
I got in three more games last night, and got to test the deck out a bit more. It was again 1v1 unfortunately, but it was a strong matchup vs a highly optimized Ghalta, Primal Hunger deck that has no problem killing off single opponents incredibly quickly, so I was playing by the seat of my pants the whole time, though I won all three games. The first game was the tightest, and showcased the power of Bishop of Wings, Soul Warden and Archangel of Thune in particular, who were the MVPs of the match. I had a strong start with a turn one Sol Ring, but made up for it by missing my land drops for several turns against a deck with crazy ramp and endless resources and fatties, but was able to get through it due to my curve and Giada, who allowed me to consistently play threats turn after turn, and the almight power of Bishop of Wings, Soul Warden, and Righteous Valkyrie, who effortlessly healed me through several battles. What was threatening me however, was commander damage from Ghalta, as I could only afford to take three more before dying, forcing me to commit all of my angels besides Giada (and Righteous Valkyrie who he had removed with Beast Within to blocking Ghalta, resulting in their deaths. I was left with only Giada, Bishop of Wings, Soul Warden, and four spirit tokens that I got from Bishop of Wings when my other angels had died. What's worse, my opponent had paid Lurking Predators, so every time I cast a spell he got to put free creatures onto the battlefield. Thankfully, that turn I played Archangel of Thune, and the die was cast. When it ETB'd, both Bishop of Wings and Soul Warden procc'ed, putting 2 +1/+1 counters on everything. Lurking Predators then worked against him, because when his creature entered, Soul Warden procc'ed and Archangel of Thune put another counter on all of my things, including the four spirit tokens I had put out. While Feed the Pack would have allowed him to go wide with many 2/2 wolf tokens, he couldn't do that since the dynamic duo of Archangel of Thune and Soul Warden would only pump my aerial team to astronomically high power. I was able to swing in for lethal and the game was over! To the many on the forums and elsewhere who lecture other builders that the Soul Sisters aren't that great and one life isn't that big of a deal, I think they need to think about their synergy with the deck's gameplan, something that a match like this showcases!

The MVP of game two was Linvala, Keeper of Silence. He had an incredibly explosive start and probably would have killed me by turn six or so, except that on turn three I played Linvala with Giada, right after he had played Llanowar Tribe, which was now a cute 3/3 with no other powers. Even so he was able to play Omnath, Locus of Mana, store some mana, cast his commander, and be a couple of points away from a lethal play with some other synergies he had, but Linvala held him down long enough for my growing angel army to chip away his life total to zero.

On the third game the shoe was on the other foot from the first one, and he didn't have the acceleration he needed to put up a threat to my quickly goldfishing angelic armada. Lacking key removal spells, he three a ten power Nessian Boar at me in order to kill my best pieces of his choice and to draw a ton of cards. I responded at instant speed with a Swords to Plowshares, preserved my board, and swept in the next turn to knock him down to two life. He wasn't able to recover and the game was done.

This was a particularly helpful play session in highlighting the power of some key cards like Soul Warden, Bishop of Wings, Archangel of Thune, and Linvala, Keeper of Silence, as well as the importance of having the right amount of good, premium, white removal in hand, which made a big difference in the outcome of the second and third games. The only card I didn't care for in one of the games was Mirror Entity, which confirms its likely cutting from the deck in the next update. I hope these game reports are helpful to the community as you build your decks!

_Moonie_ on Therewolf

2 years ago

Feed the Pack might be a good wolf token generator if you don't think the CMC is too high

DoctorSpicy on Flinging Big Lhurgoyfs (Adun)

2 years ago

darklord1135, so I ended up not finding a spot for it, simply because Korozda Guildmage, Feed the Pack, and Verdant Sun's Avatar care about toughness. There aren't a lot of cards that reward you for having a high power creature without punishing you for it also having a high toughness, so it pushes the deck in the direction of making sure that all the big creatures have big power AND big toughness. Thanks again for the recommendation! I still wish it could have worked out in the end, but c'est la vie!

billy21 on Werewolves

2 years ago

I'm thinking you should add a bunch of wolf tokens to get more wolves. Also Draw more ramp less.

Wren's Run Packmaster

Kessig Cagebreakers

Master of the Wild Hunt

Predator's Howl

Ranger Class

Wolfbriar Elemental

Feed the Pack

Howl of the Night Pack

Return of the Wildspeaker

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