Feast of Succession


All creatures get -4/-4 until end of turn. You become the monarch.

KBK7101 on Post your favorite MTG card …

2 years ago

Most of my favorite art comes from the lands from certain planes. Lands usually give the best representation of what the plane is supposed to be, in my opinion. Case in point, see the Amonkhet plains that was posted above.

I have a lot of cards that I love the art for, but I'll try and narrow it down to my favorite planes and a few assorted others. Sadly, I don't have hyperlink privileges, so you'll just have to suffer with card links. lol

I also LOVE the art/designs for the five Amonkhet gods, but I feel like I've posted too many as it is. lol

Named_Tawyny on Breya, Etherium Shaper master of …

3 years ago

You've got it nearly exactly right.

The Thopters, which started out as 2/2s would become -2/-2s and die. The Master of Etherium (which was a 6/6 before the Feast of Succession would be reduced to a 2/2 by the feast, and then reduced further to -2/-2 after the Thopters died.

Breya (who starts as a 5/5) would be reduced to a 1/1 by the Feast. After the Master of Etherium dies, she would lose the +1/+1 bonus, and become a 0/0, also dying.

This is all providing that there was nothing else buffing them.

Polaris on Breya, Etherium Shaper master of …

3 years ago

Yes, everything will die. Feast of Succession is an until end of turn effect, so you'll start with Breya as 5/5, MoE as 6/6, and four 2/2 thopters. After Feast resolves, Breya will be 1/1, MoE will be 2/2, and the thopters will be -2/-2 so they die. With the lowered artifact count MoE will be a -2/-2 and die, and with his bonus gone Breya will be 0/0 and die.

This will all happen with no chance for players to respond, but in three events (so "Whenever one or more creatures die" effects would trigger three times).

Swebb87 on Breya, Etherium Shaper master of …

3 years ago

If my opponent has both Breya, Etherium Shaper Master of Etherium on the battlefield with four 1/1 thopters, and I play Feast of Succession , how does it sequence. The thopters die, does the Master of Etherium become a 1/1 as it now only sees Breya, at which point he dies too and then finally in turn does Breya die? Or do just the thopters die?

Narkro555 on Dragon go Om Nom Nom

3 years ago

Replaced Feast of Succession with Befoul. It's much rarer I'll want to get rid of indestructible tokens, instead of giant creatures or disguise lands like Arixmethes, Slumbering Isle.