False Demise

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature

When enchanted creature dies, return that card to play under your control.

Coward_Token on Need help finding cards to …

4 years ago

Oh and you can recur the component parts of stacks under your control too: Athreos, Shroud-Veiled, False Demise, Minion's Return, Shade's Form, Unhallowed Pact, Unholy Indenture, Fool's Demise

milse on Cards at Wrong Rarity in …

4 years ago


Just tried it out quickly now and didn't see any of the cards I mentioned. (That's a good sign. When they were commons they popped up all the time.) And False Demise was at the right rarity, too. I didn't even know before that it was at the wrong one. (It's an uncommon in Mercadian Masques, common in ALL.)

We'll be giving it a full run through tonight or tomorrow.

bushido_man96 on Alela, lets have some fun

4 years ago

You might consider adding some protection for Alela along the lines of Neurok Stealthsuit, Mask of Avacyn, Swiftfoot Boots, Lightning Greaves, and/or Whispersilk Cloak. An underplayed blue card, in my opinion, is Diplomatic Immunity, as well, or even a simple card like Robe of Mirrors. All of them offer some protection for Alela, and trigger her ability to make a token. Some other budget options that are underplayed include Kaya's Ghostform and False Demise.

Hopefully those get you some ideas for protecting the Commander better.

Barjack521 on [Dimir Aristocrats] (Budget)

4 years ago

have you considered the Iridescent Drake + False Demise or Abduction combo? Sac the drake with either to any sac outlet it returns and you put the aura back on, rinse and repeat infinitely. sac to Altar of Dementia for even more spicyness

Nemesis on

4 years ago

Sorry, I wasn't really being clear. The artifact and enchantment removal can be traded with any of the ones listed. Personally I like all three of the ones I listed more than the ones you currently have.

As for the phantasmal terrain & Seasinger combo, I would definitely trade them out for something else. if you want to stick with the "steal a creature" subtheme you have going on, Dominating Licid could work as a replacement.

About the protection comment, I was talking about the artifacts along with other effects. In your list you have: Lightning Greaves , Swiftfoot Boots , Mask of Avacyn , Darksteel Plate , Whispersilk Cloak , False Demise , Diplomatic Immunity , & Regeneration . I think you may have a few too many, but this is just my personal preference.

Lastly, the deflection effects are usually pretty sumoptimal, but if they're in the deck for the theme, then I totally understand keeping them in.

lords2001 on Bruna, the Enchantress

5 years ago

I like it.

Some ideas - you don't need to do them all but I would suggest doing some -

Gift of Immortality is an amazing card for you as it negates a wipe or spot removal to get rid of you.

False Demise is also worth a look.

Spirit Mantle is too good to pass up as it stops blocks. Unquestioned Authority is also a great option to stop hate on your commander.

Curator's Ward is hexproof - another nice option.

Greater Auramancy is excellent as it protects your enchantments and your creatures. Its very, very solid. Copy this enchantment to essentially make all enchantments untargetable. Please note that this will stop you from attaching further enchantments but hey.

Sphere of Safety gives you some protection without drawing heat from the board.

Hour of Revelation is a great sweeper as sometimes you need to wipe out their hard to hit stuff.

Austere Command is expensive to cast but is able to target the things you need dead.

Land Tax is also a great one to have for EDH as it gets you the lands you need against ramp.

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