

Each opponent loses X life. You gain life equal to the life lost this way.

seizan8 on Who needs life anyway

3 months ago

Beacon of Immortality und Sun Droplet ?

Exsanguinate, Debt to the Deathless und Gary find i scho chli scammy. Hatred wer funny. Bond of Agony shiint mer au meh flavorful. Für alternate win cons wür i eher Triskaidekaphobia, Near-Death Experience, Angel's Grace und Wall of Blood spiele. isch chli interessanter als 1 charte wo eifach all gegner killt...

TheForsakenOne on K'rrik, Manipulator of Life (Totals)

3 months ago

This deck seems very .... confused. On one hand you have swamp synergies, on the other sacrifice synergies, and then you have weird cards like Elder Brain that don't fit into either. I'd suggest picking one of the two theme's and sticking to it.

Cards I would suggest cutting:

Withercrown (just not a good card)

Crypt Incursion (Too situational, its going to be dead a lot of the time)

Xathrid Gorgon (Too slow)

Visara the Dreadful (Removal magnet + too slow)

Consume Spirit (There are better mana sinks than this)

Corrupt (Needs too many swamps to be worth the mana)

Liliana's Shade (Also just not a good card)

Elder Brain (just a weird card in general and too inconsistent)

Cards I would suggest adding:

Abhorrent Overlord (Makes a buch of creatures for your sacrifice triggers)

Pontiff of Blight, Thrull Parasite, Basilica Screecher (More extort cards that synergize very well with K'rrik)

Exsanguinate (Better mana sink than consume spirit)

Nirkana Revenant (Another mana doubler for swamps)

Vein Ripper (Very good for this kind of deck, but it just came out and is currently pricey so I'd wait to buy this one)

Bitterblossom, Dreadhorde Invasion (make a creature every turn for your sacrifice outlets)

Viscera Seer the classic free sacrifice outlet. Also see Woe Strider

Ayara, First of Locthwain (Free creature with K'rrik out and pings opponents every time a black creature enters which usually happens a lot with sac decks)

wallisface on Black/blue zombie control deck

4 months ago

I don’t see the game going long enough to ever get use from Exsanguinate, Rooftop Storm, and Hordewing Skaab - i would replace those cards with something costing much-less mana… Fatal Push would be a good replacement

legendofa on The Baron's Coterie

4 months ago

Buried Alive is 3 mana, Demonic Tutor is 2 mana, and Bloodghast is 2 mana. If you cast Buried to dump a Bloodghast, it's still going to take another land play to get the same value as playing Bloodghast directly. I would cut Buried and just add another Bloodghast.

There aren't many repeatable sac outlets that draw cards, but Village Rites and Corrupted Conviction are solid, along with Deadly Dispute. I think these will help you more than long-term draw, but for the sake of completion Phyrexian Arena and Black Market Connections are the standard and top end, respectively.

Next thought is, you have a lot of potential finishers. The Exquisite Bond combo is the most generally useful, in my opinion, and you can get some redundancy with Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose. I would cut Mind Twist and two Exsanguinates for a couple Vitos and a couple more Thoughtseizes for more early advantage. Discard that you choose > random discard > discard that they choose.

Falkenrath Forebear can also work as Vampire-centric sacrifice fodder, especially alongside Voldaren Bloodcaster  Flip if you go hard in this direction, but it's a little less reliable. Maybe just break away from vampires and use another recursive creature.

How much does Surgical Extraction help you? If you're against graveyard decks or combo decks regularly, keep it in main deck. Otherwise, it's sideboard material. As I write that, I realize there's no sideboard listed--do you use sideboards?

Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth is very good with Cabal Coffers, so keep those together. But how do you use the fetchlands? If it's only to find another basic Swamp, there's no reason not to just use more basic Swamps.

JimboSliceJr on Infinite Wheels of Death

4 months ago


Sure thing! Bloodchief Ascension & Mindcrank create an infinite mill and damage cycle.

Mikaeus, the Unhallowed & Triskelion create an infinite damage cycle where you remove counters from him to do 1 damage to a player & the rest to kill himself. Then he is returned to the battlefield and you repeat. This also works with Mikaeus, the Unhallowed & Walking Ballista, but he needs a third card like Zulaport Cutthroat or Blood Artist to create the infinite cycle of damage/life gain. If you can’t get one of those two cards, Grave Pact or Dictate of Erebos will create infinite sacrifice cycles. Then you could also create infinite Eldrazi tokens/treasures with either Pitiless Plunderer or Pawn of Ulamog.

Next is the Ashnods alter & Pitiless Plunderer combos with either Bloodsoaked Champion or Reassembling Skeleton that can infinitely sacrifice to create infinite colorless mana for cards like Exsanguinate.

Finally if you have Sensei's Divining Top, Bolas's Citadel, & Sheoldred, the Apocalypse you can draw a card with Sensei’s, gain 2 life, then pay 1 life to cast Sensei’s, and repeat until you can find a combo while gaining life with each draw.

Hope this helps!

legendofa on Reinvented wheel

4 months ago

xipee808 The flash does help a lot. And I might be underestimating it. But I will suggest, like you mention, running the full playset is probably too much. Hullbreacher cuts into the mill plan (but I see the Laboratory Maniac in the sideboard) and the draw-damage pressure. I think I see where you're coming from, but just to be sure, could you explain the intended use step by step?

What I see is:

You're in a good spot now, you have resources and your opponent should be on the defense. A lot of those resources rely on your opponent having a reasonably discardable hand, though, so I assume you want to swing with Tourach and/or feed an Exsanguinate and end the game quickly.

I have to admit, I have more experience with pure discard than with wheels, so I might just need to see it in action, but I see Hullbreacher being a 1- or 2-of at most as a finisher, and not as part of the control plan.

How do you get your opponents to discard without them drawing for more than one turn, if you can "wheel and gain from Liliana's Caress and other enchantments"? Once they discard, their hand is empty, and Breacher stops them from significantly refilling their hand.

Still, this is a solid looking deck, so nice work! Have you been able to use it in live matches a lot?

Profet93 on Volrath, Voltron Reanimator

5 months ago

Skirge Familiar > Grimore of the dead - Skirge is a combo enabler and while it does cost one more mana, is tutorable and more importantly, more easily recurrable. Not to mention it adds mana. While grimore does have a big payoff, it is widely telegraphed and doesn't give you any upfront investment.

Sheoldred, the Apocalypse + VILIS, BROKER OF BLOOD + Skirge Familiar = Infinite draw triggers. Near-infinite black mana, lifegain, lifegain triggers, card draw, looting and self-discard triggers. Sheoldred is good against blue decks that like to draw a lot as well with a deathtouch bonus

SHEOLDRED, THE APOCALYPSE + Greed + SKIRGE FAMILIAR = Infinite looting, draw triggers, self-discard triggers and Near-infinite lifegain triggers

Asmodeus the Archfiend + Necrotic Ooze + SKIRGE FAMILIAR = Infinite card draw, draw triggers, looting, self-discard and Near-infinite black mana.

SKIRGE FAMILIAR + Peer into the Abyss + Exsanguinate/Torment of Hailfire = GG. Peer is great on it's own. Given you are mono black, you should emphasize a bit more on the big black mana as a fallback incase (or rather, when) your reanimation strategy doesn't pan out given to all the grave hate in EDH (further exacerbated by all your black decks in the meta).

On the note of big black mana, Deserted Temple - Untap coffers + political tool. Thespian's Stage is a potential consideration as well. I know it seemed slow in the previous iteration but some big ramp pieces should be considered as well.

Victimize - Swap from maybeboard to main. It's 3 mana, sac a creature and get 2 back. It's a lot of value for such a cheap cost

Blightsteel Colossus > Kozilek - It serves the anti-mill purpose with high mana and potential alt wincon. Is it not included due to price? He would be much better than the cut suggestions below.

While cutting too many expensive cmc cards goes against the plans, these are just my thoughts of your weakest high cmc cards to consider removing....

Archon of Cruelty - Costs too much for such little impact. 8 mana should be game winning. While I know you're not paying retail, it's the fat of the deck that's ripe for cutting. Even if it said each opponent it's still not worth it.

Archpriest of Shadows - Reminds me of ashling the extinguisher. Not impactful enough, cool ability though. If you do want another 5cmc card to take it's spot, Junji, the Midnight Sky has a nice death trigger that's flexible and helpful.

Dauthi Voidwalker - I'm torn, I do like him a lot. Especially since you said there is mill in the meta. The weakest option for cuts for sure. Just 2 mana that doesn't impact your strategy doesn't seem worth it IMO. If you ran Leyline of the void + helm combo and used this as redundancy that would be one thing.

Hoarding Broodlord - A weird runescarred dragon. 8 mana wins games, not tutoring.

Pathrazer of Ulamog - I get the high cmc is great, but he isn't impactful enough.

Torgaar, Famine Incarnate - Make someone's life 20, nothing crazy.

Strands of Night - Black has better recursion. Losing a land is a harsh penalty.

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