Excavation Technique


Demonstrate (When you cast this spell, you may copy it. If you do, choose an opponent to aslp copy it. Players may choose new targets for their copies.)

Destroy target nonland permanent. its controller creates two Treasure tokens.

Max_Hammer on Mathas, King of Politics

1 year ago

I had nothing to do this morning in class, so here you go, too many card suggestions.

This section is for giving your best friend a reward for being awesome. While, y’know, giving yourself something too.

-Incarnation Technique, Creative Technique, and Excavation Technique all give you and a buddy a powerful effect. Of course, you’re getting the better end of the deal, but they can have cool stuff too.

-Benevolent Offering kind of goes along with that, too.

-Tempting Contract and Master of Ceremonies both give everyone good loot, but give you more.

-Flumph is great. It’ll trigger some of the effects in the section below when people attack you for a card, and it’ll make everyone your friend.

-Tenuous Truce is Flumph for two.

-Smuggler's Share is nice, since you’ll get just a little more out of giving everyone extra card draw.

-Jailbreak is excellent for only two mana and basically no money.

This section is for discouraging opponents from messing with your effects.

-Revenge of Ravens and Oath of Kaya both do the same thing, more or less. You can see why they’d be nice, especially with goad.

-Cunning Rhetoric and Mangara, the Diplomat both give you extra card draw for your opponents’ hubris.

-Sivriss, Nightmare Speaker gives you extra draw every turn. Like, three cards worth. That, or it’ll be a lightning bolt to the face for someone, so you win either way.

-Sword-Point Diplomacy is kind of the vibe I’m going for here.

-Emberwilde Captain is more goad and works with your pre-existing Monarch card.

-Leyline of Combustion is always pretty fun, along with all of the leylines. Just super annoying, is all.

This section is for cards that benefit you solely, but using the other two sections for leverage, you can get the most out of them.

-Magma Hellion and Lava-Field Overlord give you a big bad creature. That’s all, really. Not super scary, but they’re here.

-Bring Down, Gang Up, Deadly Designs, and Play of the Game are all good removal that other people can pay for and when there’s some big Emrakul threat on the board, people are usually pretty willing to spend to get rid of it.

-Mogg Assassin and Council's Judgment are both more removal, but less shaky ones. Just remember that Judgment can exile more than just one thing.

-Wake to Slaughter and Dredge the Mire are both resurrection spells and both very nice. Only problem is that an opponent has to pick for you. Just make sure that anyone willing to help will be given a high five and a 5/5 angel or something.

JANKYARD_DOG on Turning it Off and On Again

2 years ago

Alright, lets take a stab at this... no promises it's any good, closest to boros I've gotten is Mardu.

I see Karmic Guide but no reveilark. 13/14 out of 21 (dependant on red devotion) of your creatures have 2P or less. On second thought perhaps Hofri makes it overly complicated considering the exile clause is mandatory. speaking of power 2 or less, Welcoming Vampire could help keep gas in the hand, esp. if you can produce creatures on Each turn.

Valakut Awakening  Flip could be used to dig for combo pieces, or an early land. Also general removal can help deal with any pesky nuisances including planeswalkers such as Chaos Warp, Generous Gift, Reduce to Memory and too a lesser extent Oblation/Excavation Technique (opponents getting advantages, Ick!). There's also Angelic Purge if you need one of your exiled creatures back in the yard I suppose.

Oh, and in before 'why u no Boros Charm?'

Anyway, I hope you find some of this helpful at least. Sorry I cannot offer on what to remove... not my strong suit. Enjoy

twechsler on Messing with Lore

2 years ago

seshiro_of_the_orochi thank you for your suggestions. I am planning on adding Jhoira's Familiar because I think it will run very well in this deck. Thran Dynamo is another great one but I think I have a lot of mana ramp cards right now (about 16). In the future, I could swap that out for Burnished Hart or Excavation Technique as I think these are the worst mana cards right now. Similar story for Myr Retriever but I agree because he is very mana efficient. I have 9 cards for recursion not including osgir but I can definitely swap the myr in for Sun Titan or Refurbish. I know Lightning Greaves has some infinite combo ability because of its 0 mana cost to equip but I'll probably get the cheaper of the two unless you really think that its worth the extra dough. Once again thank you so much for taking the time to help me out.

MaltOMeal on Absolute Theocracy

3 years ago

Sup lobsternips!

As a baseline, you'll need to add lands, which I'm sure you know. Since you're making Treasure and Gold tokens in this deck you'd probably be good with roughly 34-36 lands, leaning more to the most mana color you'll need, say like a 25/25/50 split if thats what you're going for.

- We'll cover your cards to include by type, so lets start with creatures. I like the Angels, Demons, and Dragons subtheme, if you were considering it I'd try and include Kaalia of the Vast if you can get your hands on one, otherwise just slim down on the tribal stuff, reaching too far into each different theme could result in inconsistencies and clunky play. I've been there, it sucks a lot. (Unfortunately, you can't run Shalai, Voice of Plenty since she has a Selesnya color identity)

-When it comes to your Dragons, I think you hit the nail on the head, nothing I would really change or take out. Allows for Magda, Brazen Outlaw to have a decent outlet if you don't want an artifact.

-Finally, the other things you've got going. Dockside should just be an auto-include, albeit a heavy price tag, but if you can get one you should definitely include it.

  • Dark Impostor , while mana intensive is still a decent mana sink that can function effectively as targeted removal. Definitely keep your edict creatures, they are super useful and trigger Negan, and thats what you want.

  • Starnheim Aspirant is useful if you go super heavy into the Angel theme, but if you skimp on the Angel theme this could very often be a dead card.

  • Storm-Kiln Artist , I like this a lot for this deck, can be a beater, and generates value.

  • Vault Robber , seems bad, and bad to do. Synergizes with Magda and makes Treasure tokens, but thats really it... PLUS it requires you to have a creature in YOUR grave. I'd cut this, but if you have a reason to play it I'm not seeing immediately play it in your deck.

  • Viscera Seer , good card, good sac outlet, not much else to say.

  • Creatures I'd include based on what I've seen: Solemn Simulacrum , Burnished Hart and Mayhem Devil . Some good ramp and a decent damage dealer if you'd like to play a cheap one. Plus the Devil is great at just 3 mana.

First thing I wanna point out is the abundance of them, its good, but its quite a few. I like the variety of them though, from token generation to mana value, all of them are GOOD in a sense.

  • Angelic Renewal is basically a one time effect. While good, there are better recursion spells out there, but this one does fit the Angel theme so thats really cool. :D

  • Land Tax : Definitely play this if you want more inclusions in your deck and want to play less lands, but don't forget to have a focus on more basic lands for the landbase.
  • Luminarch Ascension is subject to removal by other players, and somewhat makes you a target, but with Divine Visitation and your non-Treasure generators make this super useful.
  • Aside from that, I think that's a decent spread of enchantments. Nothing to add really, love the inclusion of the Sagas and Revel in Riches .

    I'm sure you'll add more later, but here are some I'd DEFINITELY include:

  • The three signets for your colors, Arcane Signet as well.

  • Goldvein Pick : hidden tRAESurES!!!
  • Inspiring Statuary for a low mana investment, you can effectively keep your Treasures around, or use your Gold tokens twice(tap it for colorless, then sac it for colored mana).
  • Panharmonicon to double up on edict effects.

  • Not much in this category outside of removal or token generation.

  • Wouldn't run Secure the Wastes strictly because it doesn't put Humans into play, play the sorcery option Martial Coup instead if you want a token creator with some OOMPH.

  • I'd recommend more removal, but with everything else considered I think you're pretty much good here. Really like the Crackling Doom and Vona's Hunger inclusions.

    OOOOkay, lots to look at here.

  • Mortuary Mire : Get that creature back in play!
  • High Market : Useful when Dictate of Erebos is in play.
  • Sanctum of Eternity / Command Beacon : You never know when you might need to use them. Negan can get expensive real fast.
  • That basically does it for my brief review, hope I was of some help!

    DemonDragonJ on Kill them With Kindness

    3 years ago

    I have replaced Bramblecrush with Excavation Technique , because the latter card has a more lenient mana cost, it is usually better to be able to destroy a troublesome creature than a troublesome land, and the demonstrate ability can be used to gain favors with other players, which is a major strategy of this deck.