Erebos's Titan

Creature — Giant

As long as your opponents control no creatures, Erebos's Titan has indestructible. (Damage and effects that say "destroy" don't destroy it.)

Whenever a creature card leaves an opponent's graveyard, you may discard a card. If you do, return Erebos's Titan from your graveyard to your hand.

DreadKhan on 12 Rack Diesel

2 years ago

Apollo_Paladin, I'm glad you like the deck's premise, discard is a ton of fun to play. Waste Not is an interesting card, I've never actually played with it, this might be a deck to try it out in!

duchessCretina, thanks for your input! this is going to be a bit long, but you've challenged the core of my deck I feel like, so I'm obligated to offer some manner of explanation at least. Anyways, no offense taken, hope my ideas make sense to you!

I do have Hymns in my sideboard, I actually find them frustrating to play in a deck like this, which cannot win without it's Rack effects, and a one-time discard two random cards can prove insufficient discard over time. It's terrible to topdeck when people are in topdeck mode, where an enchantment can make it impossible for them to ever keep a card if they're already low. I run x4 Hymn in my Pox deck very happily, where it does win games almost by itself, but that's because the deck is able to pressure people with creature damage. In this deck, I need to people to be in a position where they are avoiding playing spells due to my early Racks/PW discard engines, but when one of those 'each upkeep' Enchantments hit the field, it becomes impossible to keep the Racks from hurting you, if I have a couple racks and 1 or 2 Discard Enchantment, people would need to be running serious card draw to not die in a couple turns, even if they were at a decent life total, 0 life can come suddenly if you're getting hit for 6 or more. Tourach himself is a really neat card, I'm mostly not sure if I want to run any creatures in here, to hopefully blank people's creature interaction. I could run him in the sideboard maybe, that'd be hilarious to board in after people are confident I'm not running any creatures and remove 'dead cards'. Anyways, it's a card I wonder about, because again in my Pox deck I run x4 Erebos's Titan to beat face vs opponents that have run out of creatures, Tourach would be worth thinking about there. The other alternative that deck has really considered was Rotting Regisaur, which has a few drawbacks compared to the Titans, even if a 7/6 is bigger than a 5/5. I actually found White one of the most frustrating opponents, many decks run lots of lands, as well as exile-based removal (so I can't use the Titan's ability/just reanimate one with Animate Dead), so Tourach would work wonders in that hard matchup.

Yeah, I think you might have a point, I could probably run a few non-basics in here for various benefits. Man-lands are probably reasonable in here (helps close in games that end up going longer somehow), as is Castle Locthwain. Worth some fiddling!

Wow, did not know about Sudden Edict, what a good fit!

If the deck had no budget limit, it might run more Lilianas, but you can only have 1 LotV out at a time, so I'm not sure it's a card I 'need' to have out to win, as is this deck tends to be pretty hard on decks that don't run high creature counts, and as for those enchantments, have you ever tried them out? I mostly grabbed Bottomless Pit when it was dirt cheap on a lark, to see how it worked. I actually hated it in the deck I'd hoped it would fit into, but eventually I built a deck vaguely similar to this one, and it wins more games than it has any right to, it's easy to get out multiple Racks, and if I Dark Ritual out a Bottomless Pit, it might be scoopy-time for some decks very quickly, while I largely don't mind it due to sheer redundancy. By their 3rd turn, you're better than a turn 1 Hymn in some ways, and if you followed it up with a Rack or two, you put your opponents in a situation where they can only afford to play a card if it either wins the game on the spot (or very, very quickly), or gains them a lot of life (relatively rare).

Optimator on Giant's Deck

3 years ago

It looks like the spoilers that I put the non-Boros giant suggestions aren't working. So weird. I'll try to reconstruct what I suggested.

So I know you had your heart set on Brion as your commander, but I wanted to list all the good giants with , and in their colors, as there are a bunch that are excellent. Brion doesn't bring much to the giant-tribal table other than a small-ish lifelinking Giant body and occasional face-damage. You may want to use Iroas, God of Victory or Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas as your commander if you're dead-set on staying Boros colors. If the idea of fully exploring Giants in Magic's history is the goal, and being the most Giant-y deck, having more colors or all five colors will give you a greater creature spread and significantly help with the deck's function.

Arbor Colossus - great rate! Worth considering

Beanstalk Giant - ramp AND a giant body! Worth considering

Earthshaker Giant - Worth considering

Garenbrig Paladin - playable, but probably wouldn't make the cut in a five-color deck

Gorm the Great - interesting choice, and nice at four mana, but probably not worth a slot

Marshdrinker Giant - odd removal piece.

Nylea's Colossus - good effect even without a ton of enchantment support. Worth considering

Outland Colossus - Worth considering

Rampart Smasher - watch out, Knights! Probably wouldn't make the cut

Skyshroud Troll - Regeneration is always nice, but the stats aren't great

Sunder Shaman - fucking awesome giant. One of the best reasons to consider running Green cards. Can't recommend enough.

Swarmborn Giant - kinda a weird one, but interesting nonetheless

Towering Titan - potentially awesome! Worth considering

Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath - fucking incredible. Pretend you're terrorizing standard! That pricetag though :(

Valleymaker - very interesting utility. Potentially worth considering, but might not make the cut in a five-color deck.

Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig - Absolutely stellar Giant. three on-color might be hard to swing in a five-color deck, although any deck would probably lean Green due to ramp and utility. Very much worth considering.

Frost Titan - outstanding giant. One excellent reason to run Blue. Highly recommended, like all the titans. Too bad Prime-Time is banned! (Primeval Titan)

Galecaster Colossus - extremely strong Giant. better in Wizard-tribal decks, but is still really good on its own.

Oloro, Ageless Ascetic - A real powerhouse. Highly recommended

Ruhan of the Fomori - Another excellent giant. Highly recommended

Skaab Goliath - Pretty decent. Might not make the cut in 5-color but worth considering]

Thryx, the Sudden Storm - Incredible! Ramp AND a flying body. A perfect reason to run Blue. Highly recommended

Bartel Runeaxe - this is a giant. Probably only worth running for the memes. Expensive too. A piece of Giant Magic history though.

Doomwake Giant - Pretty decent even without Enchantment support--lots of one-toughness support creatures out there.

Erebos's Titan - slightly recursive threat. Decent

Grave Titan - an utter powerhouse. One of the best giants. Highly recommended

Grixis Slavedriver - decent for a common. Probably not quite worth a slot.

Helldozer - pretty good! Three on-color might be hard but the payoff is huuuge.

Knight of the Last Breath - leaving behind blockers is pretty good. (Mana)-expensive though.

Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger - Pretend you're terrorizing Standard!! Incredible Giant, but expensive.

Necrosavant - recursive creature, but you probably don't want to be sacrificing giants

Nightfire Giant - could be decent utility. Not the strongest giant but worth looking at

Tithebearer Giant - good for a common I suppose!

So as you can see, there are a bunch of fantastic Giants outside of Red and White colors. The stand-outs on a budget are:

Arbor Colossus - Beanstalk Giant - Earthshaker Giant - Outland Colossus - Sunder Shaman - Yorvo, Lord of Garenbrig - Frost Titan - Ruhan of the Fomori - Thryx, the Sudden Storm - Helldozer

I should have a Frost Titan, Arbor Colossus, and Outland Colossus for trade.

Once you have the deck for a while, snagging Grave Titan - Oloro, Ageless Ascetic - Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger - Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath- Towering Titan as upgrades would be well-worth it.

Optimator on Giant's Deck

3 years ago

Some more giants that are worth considering:

Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas - Kalemne is bae, but I'm biased.

Realm-Cloaked Giant - this card is mandatory.

Hundred-Handed One

Quarry Colossus - this one is passable.

Grasping Giant - I love this one--just put it in my Giant deck

Oathsworn Giant - Good utility if you are wanting to swing out every turn

Swathcutter Giant - I actually kinda like this one a lot.

Sentinel of the Eternal Watch -

Taurean Mauler - one of the best giants, sadly

Bonecrusher Giant - pretend you're terrorizing Standard!

Arbiter of Knollridge - gimmicky but fun.

Boldwyr Intimidator - I have one in my Warrior deck. Very funny card. Not exactly a powerhouse at 7CMC but the unblockable aspect could win a game here and there.

Siegebreaker Giant - Pretty good for 5 mana IMO

Non-Boros Giants Show

One thing that's tricky with Giants is that they are traditionally commons and uncommons; usually rare large red creatures are Dragons. As such, many giants are pretty low-impact or poor deals for their mana (think of the classic Hill Giant). There are enough good ones to fill out a deck, though, but you gotta hunt for them.

tkjanacek on

4 years ago

Bloodgift Demon is better than Indulgent tormentor, Dread Return than Whisper, blood litrugist. Erebos's Titan , Wake the Dead should fit in here nicely. Thespian's Stage can copy the coffers. Pitiless Plunderer and Pawn of Ulamog have strong on-death triggered abilities. Phyrexian Delver is one of my favourite cards. I don't think Corrosive mentor is any good. Entomb and some discard enablers like Putrid Imp would strenghten the reanimator aspect of your deck. Living Death and Twilight's Call should be great since you both have means to fill your graveyard and empty your opponents'. Filth might be good. More sacrifice enablers like Viscera Seer or Bloodflow Connoisseur wouldn't hurt. Exsanguinate is a great way to spend large amounts of mana. I would recommend replacing Vampire of the Dire Moon and Tenacious Dead with Weaponcraft Enthusiast , Marsh Flitter or Sengir Autocrat .

beakedbard on Devotion

4 years ago

Erebos's Titan seems like an underrated card in devotion decks it curves right before Gary and had a decent body for the cost. I think black devotion is going to be pretty strong in Pioneer.

DreadKhan on Kryptonian Graveborn

4 years ago

You might want to take a look at Erebos's Titan which can be animated indirectly with Animate Dead. Heck, you could summon him normally in your deck in an emergency, which would be an advantage, but pulling an opponent's creature and one of yours with Animate Dead is a nasty combo. The Titan is also good vs decks that rely on destroy effects and run few creatures, which could be helpful too vs control, if you could get him out successfully.

I would definitely run 4 of Buried Alive in your deck btw, it seems sub-optimal to run only 2.

SynergyBuild on GB Rock (MH3)

5 years ago

I feel like dropping Desecration Demons for some other fatty like Erebos's Titan, it has more protection, and self-recursion with Scavenging Ooze synergy. Triple black is a little hard to get, but easier than Phyrexian Obliterator that many lists run.

DrkNinja on TWIN LILIANA CONTROL - Black Devotion [Primer MH2]

6 years ago

I'd cut a Leyline for Stony.

Also Gifted Aetherborn is a solid card, but in modern I feel it's too heavily overshadowed by Vampire Nighthawk which is pretty much a removal spell.

Have you ever considered running an Erebos's Titan? A friend of mine plays a deck similar to this and that's one of his cards that he loves.

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