

Whenever you cast a creature spell, you may pay . If you do, return target creature to its owner's hand.

Last_Laugh on

1 year ago

There's a few spots here where you've opted for non-creature effects over creatures serving the same functions.

Ramp: Beastcaller Savant is very similar to a morph creature thanks to haste and paying for his own 1 mana to recast in combos. Wild Cantor is a turn 2 Animar option. I'd suggest dropping your artifact/sorcery ramp for more 2 drop creatures (and Birds of Paradise). Cloud of Faeries and Peregrine Drake are both ramp and combo pieces here.

Bounce Enablers: Equilibrium and Deadeye Navigator both work great here. If your playgroup will let you proxy just ONE card... make it Cloudstone Curio.

Card Draw: Tishana, Voice of Thunder will draw a bunch of cards. Prime Speaker Zegana used to be go-to draw for Animar once upon a time.

Combo: Weird Harvest and Ancestral Statue will enable a combo with Purphoros. It'd need 3 counters on Animar, , and Harvest in hand. Harvest for to look up Purph/Statue, play statue for , then play Ancestral Statue targeting itself with it's own etb over and over.

My list isn't budget friendly, but it should still help. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Animar, Gaea's Hemorrhoid ⫷PRIMER⫸

Forkbeard on Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm: Double Dragon

2 years ago

Oh this is a lot to process, ha. Here's some thoughts around the suggestions.

  • Genesis Wave - love the card, definitely tempted as another 'sneak into play' option.
  • Equilibrium - also love this card and use it to great effect in my simic elf deck, but I'm not sure that I can justify it in here due to the already hefty casting costs on all these dragons. More on that later...
  • Sylvan Library & Mana Vault - undeniably amazing cards, I just don't have spares laying around just now. Our play group allows proxies but we have specific rules around them; a maximum of 3 nonland proxies per deck and you have to own a real copy of it. I've opted for Doubling Season, Parallel Lives & The Great Henge for those slots. I'm already running Worldly Tutor in here.
  • Shifting Shadow - this is a VERY interesting card, I've never seen it before! I wouldn't play it without Miirym on the table but I do think this card is neat.
  • Mana Echoes - an awesome card and I've used it to great effect in mass token swarm decks + sliver combos, but I'm not convinced it's a great call in a dragon brew. Might be worth trying but I'm not sure what I'd cut for it.
  • Rhythm of the Wild - another beaut of a card and I had it in here, but having played the deck a few times now I absolutely want/need my tokens to have haste as well.
  • Spectacular Showdown - in my experience with the deck so far, win-more stuff like this isn't needed. The dragons _are_ the finishers.

  • Alright so about the hefty casting cost problem of dragons in general. Yeah. Now that I've had a chance to play the deck a bit, I'm running into the same problems I had with Atarka. With so much ramp + treasure support (treasures are particularly rampant in my playgroup), Commander in general is so fast these days and this deck had a very difficult time keeping up. I really like the brew I have here, but I need to consistently ramp to have any hope of getting this battlecruiser off the ground. I need to start thinking about fast mana (Ancient Tomb, Mana Crypt etc) because I'm finding that some games don't go beyond 5 turns these days. Dark times for a Timmy like me.

    griffstick on Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm: Double Dragon

    2 years ago

    I say cut Thundermaw Hellkite too. Idk I feel like having Genesis Wave resolve with x being 7 or greater would be fun. I also want to suggest Equilibrium. Bounce your own creatures could be a good idea.

    Ok but what about Sylvan Library or Worldly Tutor? Or other really powerful cards like Mana Vault

    DarthSeatb3lt on Barrin, Master Wizard

    2 years ago

    The synergy with Induced Amnesia is fantastic!

    I like the idea of the deck - seems very unique and fun. A couple suggestions you could consider: it looks like you're dabbling in the wizard synergy but you could go a bit deeper for even more synergy with cards like Cyclone Summoner, Docent of Perfection  Flip, Minn, Wily Illusionist,Patron Wizard, Trophy Mage,Tribute Mage, Trinket Mage, Jace's Archivist and Azami, Lady of Scrolls

    I think the above additions would help you keep the theme of your deck while offering more synergies all around. If you take this approach, you could also look to include Stonybrook Banneret as a budget medallion.

    fetch your token fodder generators with: Trophy Mage,Tribute Mage, Trinket Mage create more fodder with: Docent of Perfection  Flip, Minn, Wily Illusionist

    and bounce more with: Cyclone Summoner Stern Proctor & Equilibrium

    The rest are just decent control/draw.

    Additionally, in keeping with the bounce theme you may want to consider Into the Roil, Blink of an Eye, Disperse, and maybe even Capsize or Snap the former three will let you bounce your own targets for more ETBs/protection and in a pinch they can bounce those pesky enchantments blue has so much trouble dealing with.

    For counterspells, the lower the mana cost, the better the counter. there are some great budget options if you find you've always got a handful of cards for free counters (Misdirection Disrupting Shoal) but one of the classics that isn't too pricey isArcane Denial but I'm quickly growing to loveAn Offer You Can't Refuse and Swan Song

    For removal, the bounce theme is always great but for those pesky indestructible creatures I auto-include Resculpt in every blue deck I make.

    Overall your deck looks like a ton of fun to play already, just adding in my thoughts.

    freezerboy on You Know, I'm Something of a Ninja Myself - EDH

    2 years ago

    Curious how you have Razaketh, the Foulblooded in there with your playgroup rules. I'd say any ninja deck would need an Equilibrium to keep things going back to your hand. I have a couple more options like that in my Satoru deck, though I went a bit jankier than you did.

    Who Wants to Be a Ninja?

    griffstick on Drawin cards and swinging like a proper blue mage.

    2 years ago

    Equilibrium would be good in a deck with this many creatures.

    Last_Laugh on

    2 years ago

    Accidentally double posted somehow. Deleted this one lol.

    Last_Laugh on

    2 years ago

    Ok, I misread (or rather didn't finish) your deck description. Avoid Cloudstone Curio if you don't want to go infinite. Below are examples of infinite combos that exist in your list.

    If you're trying to avoid combos, avoid things like Dockside Extortionist and Peregrine Drake that add more mana than they will potentially cost. Those 2 will go infinite with Cloudstone Curio and any other creature.

    Ancestral Statue also easily goes infinite with Animar by targeting itself with its own etb over and over and eventually costs nothing to cast.

    Morph creatures like Rattleclaw Mystic, colorless non-artifact creatures (like Eldrazi), and hastey mana dorks like Beastcaller Savant (or any 2 mana dorks with Urabrask out) go infinite with Cloudstone Curio also.

    Try Equilibrium and/or Temur Sabertooth instead with no land untap like Peregrine Drake or treasure creating etb's like Dockside Extortionist, and no Ancestral Statue to avoid all the above combos.

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