Enigmatic Incarnation


At the beginning of your end step, you may sacrifice another enchantment. If you do, search your library for a creature card with converted mana cost equal to 1 plus the sacrificed enchantment's converted mana cost, put that card onto the battlefield, then shuffle your library.

K4nkato on Tomb of Annihilation (Venture into the Dungeon)

9 months ago

I have a few observations:

1) Your curve is too high. Too many hands have nothing to do on turn 1 & turn 2. Against midrange decks like Rakdos Midrange they’ll likely have Bloodtithe Harvester in play with Fatal Push ready to kill your three drop (they sack a blood token to trigger Revolt). Unless you open an Intrepid Outlander you’ll be defenseless until turn 4 or 5. You should diversify your curve with more 1 and 2 drops to smooth out your plays. While it’s not directly dungeon related I think Mosswood Dreadknight would be a great 2-drop.

2) You don’t have enough interaction. A combo deck like Greasefang, Okiba Boss can combo on turn 3 before you have a chance to remove her with Murderous Rider. If you remove her vehicle with You Find a Cursed Idol but don’t kill her she’ll just combo again the next turn. There’s a lot of great removal options in G/B like Abrupt Decay or Assassin's Trophy that handle tons of different matchups.

3) You don’t have a good plan for over-the-too value decks. The dungeon plan takes time to grind (not a bad thing), but your need to give yourself the time to grind. If you play against a deck with something like Bring to Light or Enigmatic Incarnation you might get completely ran over by Omnath, Locus of Creation or The Scarab God. You can fight back against these decks with unconditional removal like Go for the Throat and discard spells like Duress and Liliana of the Veil.

4) You need some more card draw. If you’re lowering your curve you should expect to play longer games & can pull ahead of opponents with card draw engines. Castle Locthwain pulls you ahead of your opponents in long games. Hive of the Eye Tyrant gives you an option to win the Dungeon back from an opponent when you’re out of creatures & closes long games against control decks. Field of Ruin is great for midrange mirror matches bc it blows up your opponent’s castles.

Dungeons can be a hard mechanic to work with but it rewards you for playing long games & slowing your opponent down. If you run a solid midrange deck with Dungeon cards to break parity and pull you ahead you’ll have a solid game plan.

Yesterday on I'm looking for cards like …

2 years ago

As a deckbuilding challenge, I'm trying to build a deck that includes viable lines for every one of the Birthing Pod-like cards.

Are there any that I've missed?

Also I guess these, too.

I'm not looking for things like Reshape, where I can control the mana value of the chosen permanent by paying extra.

Thanks in advance!

sparklepants on Rune Storm

3 years ago

This looks hilarious but I don't understand the Skyclave Apparition / Enigmatic Incarnation interaction.

TCK_Green on List of EDH Tutor Cards

3 years ago

TIL that emojis aren't parsed properly by TappedOut even though they appear fine in the preview! Let's try again...

I've found this list really helpful whilst drafting decks over the last few years, thanks for putting it together! :) Judging by the 400,000 views that this has had I'm guessing I'm not the only person who feels that way :D

Since this list hasn't been updated since pre-WAR, I thought I'd put together a pretty comprehensive list of all tutors released since then (including all of the tutors mentioned in the comments above). Hopefully putting it in one place will make it easier to update! Note - as per the list you've curated, I've excluded any tutors that fetch specific cards (e.g. Yanling's Harbinger ) or basic lands. I've also left off the card types and colours since there's already enough text in the comment and it can be seen from the preview. Right - on with the list!


It wasn't entirely clear to me what categories the below cards should go under since they search for specific card subtypes:

Seeing as the three creators of this list haven't been on TappedOut in at least 8 months I'm guessing that this comment won't go anywhere, but at least it's all in one place for people to search for later. I'm happy to help maintain and update this list if I'm given access. (If I haven't heard back in a couple of months then I might look at creating a copy of this list and linking it here for anyone looking for an up-to-date list of tutors.)

TCK_Green on List of EDH Tutor Cards

3 years ago

I've found this list really helpful whilst drafting decks over the last few years, thanks for putting it together!

Coward_Token on Commander Legends Spoilers

3 years ago

Soulfire Eruption: Swingy In Garruk's Wake/Fire Covenant-ish card that also can give a window of opportunity for some serious card advantage. Neat design for mono-!

Armored Skyhunter: experimentation etc. Relevant tribes for Kemba, Kha Regent, Raksha Golden Cub, and Syr Gwyn, Hero of Ashvale

DemonDragonJ: Yeah there's also stuff like Faith Healer, I was mostly thinking more contemporarily, specifically various THB cards like Final Flare. That set also had Enigmatic Incarnation tho so whatever.

9-lives on

3 years ago

Wow! I love Neoform, Fiend Artisan, Prime Speaker Vannifar for creatures! However, few of those are better than Grim Tutor, ones that are much better are especially Fiend Artisan and Neoform. Although, Neoform is assuming that I have big creatures or medium creatures in mana cost to sacrifice. Eldritch Evolution is almost the same as Grim Tutor, except that it has the constraint of already costing 3 mana, then using a sacrifice of X mana for X+2 mana cost creature return. I'd rather use Grim Tutor, pay 3 mana, and pay 3 life for that, and be able to choose any card I like, even if it's not a creature. Enigmatic Incarnation is also worse. I've heard that using a card with life cost is far more effective than using a card that costs more mana, depending on the card. Like shock lands when you want tempo. Most creatures can only do so much and usually must stay alive to have a certain ability used in the battlefield, like Prime Speaker Vannifar. Untapping and tapping would be useful with her, but I don't know what cards I would sacrifice. Perhaps you can help me with that? By and far, the best card for creature summoning is Fiend Artisan, but only if I wait a turn to use his ability, which if I sacrifice a lot of creatures, will be pretty strong I believe.

rotimislaw on Minotaur Dreams (Standard Hidden Gems: week 1)

3 years ago

I meant Peer into the Abyss rather as an another idea for a card to build around, not a win-con for this Minotaur deck, I used the wrong wording ;)

Anyway I agree, Enigmatic Incarnation would be better as a next choice.

Cheer up for your weekly builds!

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