Endless Obedience


Convoke (You may tap your creatures as you cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell reduces its cost by or by one mana of that creature's colour.)

Put target creature card from a graveyard onto the battlefield under your control.

Darb_the_Bard on A fistful of Myr [Urtet, Remnant of Memnarch]

1 year ago

My favorite part of Urtet is untapping all the Myrs and finding ways to take advantage of that. To that end, I think Improvise is a great mechanic in this deck (Kappa Cannoneer and Organic Extinction are great examples already in the decklist). Since the artifacts are also creatures, Convoke can be similarly powerful. Both are even more powerful in your list since you are also running cards like Drumbellower and Unwinding Clock.

I mentioned some good Improvise cards in a previous comment, but here are some more fun possibilities:

  • Whir of Invention - 3 blue pips is tough, but perhaps worth it if leaning into blue and you like tutors
  • Saheeli's Directive - 3 red pips this time, but perhaps the upside is worth it?
  • Battle at the Bridge - likely just one black mana to get rid of a creature, even if it has indestructible

And here are some possible Convoke cards:

  • Obelisk of Urd - often "free" while pumping all your Myrs, which can still untap after the Convoke and attack with the pump that same turn thanks to Urtet
  • Return to the Ranks - get back a bunch of 2-mana creatures (I would likely want to pack a few more in the deck to make it worth it, but something to consider)
  • Endless Obedience - recursion from anyone's graveyard
  • Unmake the Graves - more recursion
  • Ephemeral Shields - protection for Urtet
  • Overwhelm - the creatures you tap for the Convoke will get the buff and can still attack thanks to Urtet
  • Lethal Scheme - destroy a creature or planeswalker while improving your hand with Connive
  • Mob - cheap creature removal
  • Sundering Vitae - cheap artifact/enchantment removal
  • Sprouting Renewal - more cheap artifact/enchantment removal (maybe you want the token sometimes?)
  • Venerated Loxodon - a 4/4 body that gives a +1/+1 counter to every creature that Convokes it; seems especially decent since you are also running cards like Hardened Scales and Doubling Season

nbarry223 on None

1 year ago

There's plenty of brews I've come up with, which I've abandoned because they just weren't fast or consistent enough for the modern benchmarks.

Not every idea is something that can be used in the format. My most recent idea I had to throw out was a convoluted self-mill reanimator deck, using convoke on Narcomoeba for Endless Obedience to bring back Angel of Glory's Rise which finds Laboratory Maniac and some other human that draws (lots of options). While it technically was capable of meeting the 4 turn rule, it completely folded to hate, and too much of the "core" didn't do much beyond enabling the combo.

For those reasons, I've abandoned the idea until something new is printed that makes it seem more viable, then maybe I can revisit it. Point is, not every idea can do something in the format, and you need to be realistic about your expectations for your "stack of cardboard."

nbarry223 on No Land Challenge It Definitely Has To Be Affinity

2 years ago

I'd say that evoke cards where you exile a card to pay the cost, like Fury and its cycle, the Force of Vigor cycle, the Nourishing Shoal cycle are all some solid options here.

Paradise Mantle would definitely be a solid option as a free card that could potentially do something for you, but I'm struggling to think up a way to get that one mana without lands to equip, since Mox Opal and Simian Spirit Guide are both banned. Leyline of Abundance might be worth considering as well, but it's probably not that amazing, since you'd only have the mantle to enable it.

Ah - Chancellor of the Tangle

Ok, now that you can produce some mana, you could potentially do some really stupid stuff, not sure how far down the rabbit hole you want to go though.

I'd say a solid enabler as well would be Wild Cantor since it is two colors for your free cards if you decide to go that route, and it could store your mana from Chancellor of the Tangle

You could also now play Aether Vial to cheat stuff in.

There's lots of convoke cards begging to be broken as well, and you can get black creatures out in the form of Salvage Titan, so that's just something to think about.

If you were willing to play some of the flip lands that are technically not lands, I'm sure you could do some crazy convoluted stuff and win with Laboratory Maniac without lands, but it would no longer be an affinity deck, and you could argue it did technically have lands. I'm thinking convoke Endless Obedience into Angel of Glory's Rise after basically dumping your deck into the graveyard.

That's a far cry from the current build of the deck, so I'm just mentioning it instead of suggesting it.

JoJosMagic on Teysa, Broken on a Budget (Feedback!!)

3 years ago

maybe some inexpensive black cards to try Sanguine Bond with Blood Tribute for extra points throw in Aetherflux Reservoir. as for death triggers and graveyard shenanigans Endless Obedience, along withWight of Precinct Sixand Grimoire of the Dead . for tokens can't beat Army of the Damned with Ayara, First of Lochthwain this can be deadly. you might wanna throw in a tutor or two Diabolic Tutor + Mastermind's Acquisition...last thoughts Bontu's Monument Throne of the God-Pharaoh...any way hope that helps ..happy shopping

Darth_Savage on broke god deck

5 years ago

There are probably two ways to do golem tribal, the first, which is in RB would be reanimator effects Trash for Treasure and Endless Obedience probably being your best options, with Platinum Emperion and Mycosynth Golem as the creatures you want to cheat into play. The second option is the splicers, primarily these appear in GW; Blade Splicer, Master Splicer, Vital Splicer, Sensor Splicer and Maul Splicer (for completeness there is a blue splicer Wing Splicer). in addition to these, white also gives you access to Tempered Steel.

If you want a straight up Golem agro deck then that is a little harder. You almost certainly want Lodestone Golem and Golden Guardian  Flip, but early plays are difficult in tribe Chronomaton and Keeper of the Lens are the only 1 mana golems and Soultether Golem the only 2 mana option.

You certainly have set yourself a challenge, the tron lands and cavern will eat land hate and your chosen tribe doesn't have much support, particularly if you aren't playing white or blue. I recently helped another player build an artifact deck Sai and tezzy demo, the aim of which is basically to spam thopter tokens. One card that stands out as not really fitting is Hollow One, since Smuggler's Copter isn't enough support for it. I wish you luck with your brew and hope I've been of some help...

Chill_Casual on Kalitas on a Budget $50 Challenge

5 years ago

Endless Obedience Chief. Get those zombies to do the heavy lifting.

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