
Creature — Eldrazi

Untap Endbringer during each other player's untap step.

: Endbringer deals 1 damage to any target (creature, player, planeswalker or battle).

, : Target creature can't attack or block this turn.

, : Draw a card.

Grimgrinner on Kruphix, God of the Beatdown

1 year ago

Cards i think can be cut:

Darksteel plate, orbs of warding, simic locket, seek the wilds, lifecrafter's bestiary, batterskul, opt, predator's rapport, plasm capture, giant adephage, titan's presence.

Suggestions: Talisman of Curiosity, Mind Stone, Arcane Signet, Garruk's Uprising, Hydroid Krasis, Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait, Eye of Ugin, Conduit of Ruin, Endbringer, Kiora's Follower

DrukenReaps on Liberating Surprise

1 year ago

Grind, Profet93 it's no Sculpting Steel and certainly not Mirage Mirror but it still turns into any of my creatures, instants, or sorceries. I mean I guess I'm unlikely to have a reason to copy All Is Dust or a legendary creature, still feels like a decent number of targets and utility to it. Some of those are still not optimal really leaving me with the following- Conduit of Ruin, Endbringer, Junk Diver, Meteor Golem, Wandering Archaic  Flip, Scour from Existence, and Titan's Presence. I can even use it along side Mirage Mirror to grab a permanent copy of an opponent's creature. Alternately with Wandering Archaic to double up on some instant or sorcery my opponent's let me have.

A few Wastes still might not be a bad idea but I'm just not convinced cutting Mirrorpool is correct. It certainly doesn't seem like my weakest land to me. I think I'd sooner cut Eldrazi Temple, Tomb of the Spirit Dragon, Command Beacon, Winding Canyons, or/and maybe even High Market. Even the Urza lands, as my personal experience with them is that they are just non-basic Wastes lol. Though, I do want to give them another go since I only just put them back in the deck.

DreadKhan on Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph [Gunslinger]

1 year ago

Not sure if they're worth bothering with due to their slowness, but you can get a ton of damage out of Arc Mage and Inferno Titan if you're adding 2 to each ping for 1. Electrickery is pretty good value with your Commander in metas where people run smaller creatures, not sure how common that is, Electrickery also removes bigger stuff if you've got Deathtouch. For Arc and Electrickery I would replace a variation of Prodigal Sorcerer, and for the Titan I would think about switching out the Frostwielder. Inferno Titan is a crazy card with your Commander, 9 extra damage whenever you swing is pretty silly for one card and your Commander.

It's also slow and clunky (and you can't cast it atm), but Endbringer's ability to untap itself is pretty sick even if you don't have much colourless, the ability to ping on each turn is not nothing. This would be a card to look at if you decide to run a bunch of utility lands that make colourless, a good first one to consider that makes colourless is Shivan Gorge, which can ping each opponent. Tower of the Magistrate can do weird things, you can target an opponent's creature too fwiw, removing equipment and messing with targeted effects. There is also the odd dual that can make colourless you could sneak in, Shivan Reef or Cascade Bluffs are good examples that enter untapped. There are also some good colourless mana rocks, Talisman of Creativity or Mind Stone or Thought Vessel, but I do appreciate that your deck is designed atm to play low MV spells (which don't need ramp as much), but ramp can be very good. The lands and ramp you could probably remove basics for, though I wouldn't lower your land count very much, I feel like 36 is a bit high for a deck with an average MV well under 3 but hardly absurd for a deck without much ramp. I'm still a bit blown away that I actually suggested Shivan Gorge. If you decide to run a bunch of colourless stuff, I could probably figure out something to pull for Endbringer.

Love this deck idea, hope some of ithese were helpful!

keizerbuns on Eldrazi Pyre

2 years ago

Thanks for the comment, fatalzintomyum, I'm glad you like the deck! I'm not quite sure what you mean when you say I should just play 4 Matter Reshaper since I am already running a full set. If you mean I should be playing Matter Reshaper as my lowest CMC creature, I already tried that in my first version of this deck and the deck didn't really run very smoothly, it was a little too slow to get started.

That being said, maybe I don't have to start at 1 CMC and go up from there, maybe I could go with what I think you're suggesting and start with 2 drops instead. Both Nest Invader and Eldrazi Skyspawner both look like excellent suggestions for ramp, but I think I might need the card draw effect like what Salvage Drone had more than ramp so I can find my Pyre of Heroes more reliably. Do you have any suggestions for 2 or 3 drops that can help me draw?

I think Endbringer and Drowner of Hope are both great suggestions for my 6 drops, maybe I'll try that out and see how I like it. Currently I'm just using the 6 CMC creatures as a toolbox so I can grab which ever one I think best fits the current situation and those look like they have a lot of utility!

I did also think about adding Wretched Gryff but I decided not to add it just because I thought Bane of Bala Ged was my best strongest 7 drop and I added in the Dread Defiler to make use of the creatures I was sacrificing and putting in my graveyard. I actually don't want to pod into my Elder Deep-Fiend cause it's ability only triggers if you cast it, and podding it just puts it onto the battlefield from the library.

Thanks again for the suggestions! I'll try them out and see if I can't improve this deck further!

fatalzintomyum on Eldrazi Pyre

2 years ago

I have a couple suggestions. First of all, I think that you should probably just play 4 Matter Reshaper. It is probably just your best card to pod, also just a decent low curve threat. I do not know if budget considerations are a thing here, but I believe that you might have a couple too many 6 drops. I think maybe 1 copies of Endbringer and Drowner of Hope each might be the best options, but I am not sure. I like Elder Deep-Fiend just for having synergy with your other cards, but I think you just want 1 seven drop to pod into it, maybe a Wretched Gryff? As for the 2&3 drops, maybe Nest Invader and Eldrazi Skyspawner would be good options

multimedia on Atla’s Eggs

2 years ago

Hey, nice version, but the manabase hasn't been as upgraded as much as the rest of the deck, you forgot Command Tower.

Because you have Avacyn, Angel of Hope and Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger do you really need lots of other big creatures? Most creature board wipes are good with Eggs because even if Atla will die to the wipe she will trigger for each Egg that also dies. All your opponents creatures die and you're left with a battlefield of creatures from Eggs. Avacyn and Ulamog have indestructible making them survive board wipes that destroy or do damage.

Vanquish the Horde and Blasphemous Act are powerful creature board wipes in multiplayer Commander because they care about the number of all creatures from all players on the battlefield. Wrath of God and Day of Judgment are the traditional four mana ones and Austere Command is very versatile. Fanatical Devotion is a nice budget sac outlet for Eggs since it can protect Atla from most board wipes.

Consider more ramps sources especially two drop or less ramp that's not creatures can help with Atla?

The manabase here has a few good lands (Mesa, Orchard, Glade, Shrine, Panorama), but most are subpar for much lower budget decks. Temple of the False God is a not a good land; my advice is cut it from all your decks even decks with green which have land ramp. Needing five lands just for Temple to be able to make mana isn't worth it. The Life lands such as Blossoming Sands, etc. are lackluster since 1 life gain is not worth the land always ETB tapped. If you're on a budget for lands then consider these for upgrades?

Some cards to consider cutting:

Good luck with your deck.

carpecanum on Kelsien, Double Tap

3 years ago

I have a Red/Blue deck that is mostly creatures that tap for damage so I got to know a bunch of them. Endbringer is the only other exceptional one I can think of.

If you feel like being funny some day throw in Neko-Te

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