Elvish Bard

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Elvish Bard

Creature — Elf Shaman

All creatures able to block Elvish Bard do so.

legendofa on Adventures in the Forgotten Realms …

3 years ago

I'm going to complain a little more. I apologize.

Why are all the bards in Magic ? Yisan, the Wanderer Bard was kind of the trendsetter, and he's not especiallu D&D bard-ish. I can kind of forgive Elvish Bard and Joraga Bard since they're Elves.

Which of these describe traditional/stereotypical D&D bards?

Instinct driven, nature-centric, strong belief in destiny, physically powerful, focused on predator-prey interactions, minimalist

My answer is none. There is nothing about traditional D&D bards. They tend to fall into two broad categories, inspiring and manipulative. Inspiring would be -- Rally the Peasants , Outlaws' Merriment , Deafening Clarion , and Heartwarming Redemption are cards I would identify as showing this type of bard. Manipulative would be , with Beguiler of Wills , Besmirch , Role Reversal , and Captivating Crew as representative cards. Bards aren't nature characters. They can probably survive in the woods alone, but so can a paladin. Bards are , not .

carpecanum on Lathril larpers

3 years ago

Wood Elves , Elvish Guidance , some of the elfy planeswalkers are ramp but not sure what they cost now. My elf deck Pax Alfheim has some stuff that would work here.

Elvish Bard or Nemesis Mask makes sure your boss can cause combat damage

libraryjoy on Ideas for musician cards

8 years ago

There are actually already a few musician cards in the game: Yisan, the Wanderer Bard, Elvish Piper, Piper's Melody, Satyr Piper, Talruum Piper, Elvish Bard, Joraga Bard, Druid Lyrist, Elvish Lyrist, Warbreak Trumpeter & my personal favorite: Devout Harpist. (Guess which instrument I play ;) ) Some of them seem similar to ideas you already have, but maybe you'll find some ideas from these.

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