Eiganjo Uprising


Create X 2/2 white Samurai creature tokens with vigilance. They gain menace and haste until end of turn.

Each opponent creatures X minus one 2/2 white Samurai creature tokens with vigilance.

legendofa on How Do You Feel About …

3 months ago

plakjekaas That's possible. But to me, Battle - Duel or Battle - Riot or Battle - Skirmish or whatever seem more like instants or sorceries, or maybe enchantments. Alpha Brawl, Spectacular Showdown, Massive Raid, these all share that flavor space (and I wish I could come up with some non-red examples off the top of my head). All of these could potentially be reprinted as story spotlights in some future set, like Renewed Faith from Onslaught to Amonkhet.

Conflict is everywhere in a game about conflict, and I'm sure I'm thinking too small, and biased by what we have now instead of what could be coming in the future. Looking at current story spotlight cards, some that I would consider as flavorfully battles are Battle at the Bridge, Battle for Bretagard (these even have Battle in the name), Eiganjo Uprising, Hostile Takeover, Hour of Glory, Mage Hunters' Onslaught, Rampage of the Clans, Storm the Citadel, and The Fall of Kroog. These can easily be thematically redesigned as battle cards.

So I'm not saying you're wrong, but those types of events just don't fit my current mental picture of a battle. That's why I said battles probably aren't a strictly necessary addition to the game--they're mechanically new and interesting, but what flavor space can they carve out for themselves? Or will they simply take over this flavor space, and we're going to see less major-combat-themed cards of other types?

Soulus101 on Isshin, Two Heavens As One - Eiganjo Uprising v1.3

1 year ago

I love a good token deck, and Isshin seems like fun! Have you considered playing more into doubling triggers on your opponent's attacks? Revenge of Ravens is a very good Propaganda-type effect for Isshin. You could then lean into Eiganjo Uprising or Genesis Chamber and goad/force-attack effects, with cards like Goblin Spymaster, Karazikar, the Eye Tyrant, Kardur, Doomscourge, Vengeful Ancestor, Baeloth Barrityl, Entertainer.

In terms of protection spells, Inkshield seems like a great effect in this deck.

Paladin Class seems a good fit. protection from spells on your turn, an anthem, and a massive double-boost on the last effect. And Linden, the Steadfast Queen also seems like a strong effect to maintain your life total while your team is tapped down. Angelic Exaltation is an all-in Exalt effect that lets you get in for a lot of damage with one creature, should the need arise.

shixzo on Samut Enchantress Tokens

2 years ago

councilofautumn - thank you! Academy Rector is always fine but not important for the deck to function, and I keep trying to reduce the number of reserved list cards in my decks.

Jetmir, Nexus of Revels puts a win condition in the command zone and is probably a much better commander overall. However, I think I'll probably leave Samut, Voice of Dissent as the commander for now. Her haste-granting ability is still quite important for sudden death attacks with several of the token swarms, and I really enjoy the complicated untapping puzzles that arise when her activated ability becomes relevant in this deck. Damage prevention is not a problem I've personally come up against, but Skullcrack definitely seems great if that's a strategy in your local meta. You could also play Leyline of Punishment if you want to stick with the enchantment theme.

Other recent cards I'm considering for this deck: Jukai Naturalist, Witty Roastmaster, Eiganjo Uprising and Shigeki, Jukai Visionary.

legendofa on Give Your Opponents Tokens

2 years ago

I think Trespasser's Curse can find a home here. For newer cards, how about Eiganjo Uprising and Tribute to Horobi  Flip?