Dusk Legion Zealot

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Dusk Legion Zealot

Creature — Vampire Soldier

When Dusk Legion Zealot enters the battlefield, you draw a card and you lose 1 life.

DarkKiridon on Eternal Vampires II

7 months ago

Stromkirk Captain, Dusk Legion Zealot, or Cemetery Gatekeeper over Sanguinary Mage. Also Vampire of the Dire Moon is good too. Henrika Domnathi  Flip might fit in here. Your mana base is weird, but that's just my opinion. :)

Fatal Push, Infernal Grasp, Cast Down, Terminate, Dreadbore for other removal suggestions.

MELLT on Vampire

9 months ago

These are some other cards to consider for the deck and theme. I would suggest using a 24/36 ratio (24 lands to 36 non lands). This gives you the best probability to draw a land every third or fourth turn, which will let you work your way up the mana curve. You should also strive for a nice bell curve on the mana graph if possible. A couple of 1 drops, a few 2 drops, a handful of 3's, a handful of 4's and then back down to a couple of 5 or 6's. Anything more costly than that can be hard to play or not quick enough for some games. And a couple of "responses" is good, ie "destroy target creature" or "exile target enchantment" Probably don't need more than 4-6 in a 60 card deck. I would pick 3-4 really important creatures, like Vito and indulging patrician and bloodthirsty aerialist, for the deck's theme and include 4 copies of them (except legendary creatures since you are only allowed to have one of them on the board at a time and you don't always want to draw a second one to just hold in your hand forever, so maybe drop it to 3(?) or keep at 4 if you think it's important enough). Then pick some "support" cards that help the theme along. In this case stuff like your card draw vampire would be a good choice. A couple of card draw type cards is great. For really expensive costing cards, 6+ mana, they should be your finishers. Once they hit the board you should be on your way to victory, so hopefully just 1 or 2 copies is enough. For a life gain theme, your defiant bloodlord or sanguine bond, is perfect. For a +1/+1 counter theme, you may want to look at splashing red for those vampires instead of white. I would focus on one or the other to streamline the deck to help you narrow down your choices for cards. I've mostly included the vampires with life gain/drain mechanics, but I can look into the +1/+1 counters vampires if you want as well. I like the vampire themes! A powerful tribe in magic!

  1. Anguished Unmaking
  2. Arcane Signet
  3. Blade of the Bloodchief
  4. Blind Obedience
  5. Blood Artist
  6. Cordial Vampire
  7. Creeping Bloodsucker
  8. Cruel Celebrant
  9. Dusk Legion Zealot
  10. Falkenrath Noble
  11. Forerunner of the Legion
  12. Gifted Aetherborn
  13. Isolated Chapel
  14. Legion Lieutenant
  15. Mavren Fein, Dusk Apostle
  16. Nighthawk Scavenger
  17. Olivia's Wrath
  18. Sanctum Seeker
  19. Shattered Sanctum
  20. Tithe Drinker
  21. Vampire Nighthawk
  22. Vampire of the Dire Moon
  23. Vindicate

Strangelove on The Black Rose Grand Theft

1 year ago

Heyo happy to chime in! +1 m8

-allThreaten effects in favor of payoffs like Mob Rule, etc... or sticks like Big Game Hunter, Evil Twin, etc. Once you hit any of these you'll be doing the same thing (from your opponents' POV): soft-locking the board.

-1 Primordial Mist

+1 Sultai Emissary

+6-10 Dusk Legion Zealot, draw, ETC ...I feel like these are MVP and lend to an aristocrats style.

-1 Curse of Stalked Prey... too conditional in the late game

-1 Captivating Crew... too much mana

+1 Vigean Graftmage, or anything that can put counters on Marchesa

+1 Plaguecrafter, etc... these are oppressive engines

With a lot more draw + lower cmc removal/ removal-sticks this will slap!

aholder7 on Assailing Archeology

1 year ago

I like the feel of this deck and it seems fun but I have some questions and comments.

First, is green bringing enough to the table? you are playing 8 green cards if you count the backside of the flip land. They are also cheaper cards which means you would need to assure having access to green early consistently. You are devoting more than just a small splash to it, but all you are getting out of it really is some minor ramp. something like Mind Stone or Talisman of Dominance would probably serve you better. without delerium, traverse could be replaced by a basic. With delerium its a great card but in order to do that you need to get all 4 of your types (Land, Sorcery, Artifact and Creature) into the grave. Artifact and Creature are fairly easy but with as few fetches as you are playing you need to have already gotten a Cathartic Reunion or similar off before you have a consistent chance at delerium.

second i think you need a bit more interaction. you have Bone Shards which is a nice way to also get cards in grave. but as a 3 of, you aren't going to be able to respond to many things. I'd suggest throwing in Lightning Bolts but there are a number of cheap removal options like Disintegrate or Go for the Throat if you prefer those.

I think Jaxis, the Troublemaker is one of your best cards here. 3 mana with no warning to drop a leveler or combustion. if you can keep him around you can provide value by continuing to drop threats.

I don't see you hard casting most of your larger threats so Chainer, Nightmare Adept seems like they'd only be able to be a discard outlet and you have plenty of those.

it sounds like you are enjoying Void Maw so i'll skip commentary on it.

overall i think you lack early game presence or a way to stabilize if you manage your way through it. This is especially true if you are using Bone Shards as a way to get value out of unearth targets instead of putting targets in the grave. some basic cards like Yarok's Fenlurker/Burglar Rat/Dusk Legion Zealot can be a blocker and manage resources a bit.

I also don't think your tutors are entirely required with threats and filtering.


-1 chainer

-3 solemn

-4 rampant growth

-2 traverse

-2 profane tutor

+2 Jaxis

+1 combustible

+4 Mind Stone

+2 Sundering Titan as a scarier unearth target.

+3 Terminate

RoyaleWithCheese on

1 year ago


Hey, I just updated the deck.

I played a bunch of matches yesterday against a friend of mine, who plays Kess duel. Unfortunately, I couldn't play with different decks.

His Kess is really control/removal focused. A lot of removals and counters, so it was really tough for me.

My main take was: I need more draw. I don't have much more draw spells that can fit the deck, but I include some cards like Cremate and Dusk Legion Zealot. I also think I had too much ramp spells, so I took off a mana dork.

Made some other changes aswell. And I managed to get a Ranger's Guile, thanks for the suggestions!

Anyway, thanks for the comments! Cheers!

matchgrizzle on Monoblack Death Drain

1 year ago

Pretty cool man. Very straightforward but I think it has a lot of important elements. I think card draw is the biggest thing you're missing, but that is hard to do in black for sure. Sign in Blood is good because it can double as a burn spell, but I'd definitely recommend getting some more Phyrexian Ragers, and maybe some other ETB card draw creatures like Dusk Legion Zealot, which you can double up on with Gravepurge if you can get them into the GY.

Davinoth on Edgar's Evisceration Station [Retired]

2 years ago

     lukas96: It's funny, I actually just cut Dusk Legion Zealot in favour of Night's Whisper lol. Honestly I might end up switching it back, but I've also been considering re-adding a couple of the Village Rites/Deadly Dispute/etc. style of cards.

     Patriarch's Bidding is a card I used to great effect back in the day. I hadn't really thought about it here but I think I'm going to consider it, too. Effects that return from my Graveyard to my Hand are generally better as I get to trigger Eminence again, but as a game goes longer that Patriarch's Bidding just gets more and more valuable.

     Vampire Nocturnus is soooo good. Love this card! Despite being predominantly a Black build I just found this card was more often than not not doing it's thing, and it was regretfully cut.

     Between Ashnod's Altar, Phyrexian Altar, Goblin Bombardment, Yahenni, Undying Partisan and the more narrow options like Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord and Skullclamp, I tend to get quite a bit of value out of Grave Pact and Dictate of Erebos. They're also really nice as a way to get rid of Indestructible blockers.

     Herald's Horn is actually a new addition that I haven't casted yet, so it may be that I agree with you but I don't have that data yet. I do like that it can act as a pseudo-draw tool, though.

     Great suggestions! Thank you. =)

lukas96 on Vampire's Delight

2 years ago

Anguished Unmaking and Vindicate are better than Bedevil and Utter End Imo. I honestly don't think that Sorin Markov is very good for this deck. Sure he sets one players live total to 10 but I wouldnt want to pay 6 mana for that. Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord is pretty good as a replacement for him imo. I would definitely play Patriarch's Bidding in this deck.

Skyblade of the Legion is a really low impact creature. You don't have that much lifegain in the deck so I don't think that Markov Purifier is any good for your deck. YOu dont have that many Swamps so Nirkana Revenant propably doesnt do much.

Florian, Voldaren Scion Vampire Socialite Dusk Legion Zealot Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet are some Vampires that you could add

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