Druid's Call

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature

Whenever enchanted creature is dealt damage, its controller creates that many 1/1 green Squirrel creature tokens.

Azoth2099 on Uril, the Aura Menace

6 months ago

Umbra Mystic, Greater Auramancy, Destiny Spinner & Moon-Blessed Cleric could be worth considering! Other stuff like Druid's Call & Mark of Sakiko as well.

Azoth2099 on [Rafiq of the Plenty] EDH

6 months ago

chubthrasher Yeah of course. Once you playtest it enough to figure out what's really essential here so you can make room for things that truly strengthen it, I think this one will be a banger. Also, not sure how I forgot about Druid's Call, but it could be decent.

kouzios on Token Time

1 year ago

Going to list a bunch of cards you probably don't want in your deck for fun

Shalai, Voice of Plenty, decent protection and mana sink

Gwenna, Eyes of Gaea, you only have like 3-4 hits for the untap so meh

Akroma's Will killer card, and it's instant speed

The Weatherseed Treaty is... cute? one less land than kodama's reach, but it then makes a token, then it gives a creature like +2/+2... Ok not amazing, but it does give trample too?

Congregation at Dawn cute tutor

Angel of Grace is a lot of mana to hold up when your opponent will likely just combo for an alt win con but it's also based

Rosie Cotton of South Lane doesn't do a ton for you but it's cute. And it combos with Herd Baloth or Scurry Oak if you're into that.

Farmer Cotton not flash unfortunately, but it is an X token creator and it makes food too which is cute?

The Battle of Bywater is also cute, although you don't care about food, and your alternatives give you other benefit like having a side castable in the graveyard

Broodhatch Nantuko cute blocker, otherwise trash. Same with similar card Druid's Call

Mosswort Bridge feels decent when you know for sure your commander has that 10 power condition satisfied.

Traverse the Outlands based card, can be sad when your big creature is removed in response, but it's based so...

Strionic Resonator is honestly decent, you have a decent number of triggered abilities. I guess Lithoform Engine is also valid there

TheVectornaut on Squirrel Necromancer

1 year ago

The first card that strikes me as weak here, although I do see the flavor reason for its inclusion, is Vermin Gorger. Requiring a tap to sacrifice really hurts its ability to sacrifice things tactically. A cheap alternative could be Carrion Feeder as it also plays with the +1/+1 theme. On the more expensive but also more exciting side, there are mana generators like Ashnod's Altar or Phyrexian Altar. This could help you play a lot more spells each turn, synergizing particularly well with Squirrel Sanctuary and Chatterstorm. I could even see cards in the vein of Reassembling Skeleton being useful with such an engine, but I'll admit that I'm probably in the weeds at this point. I also think you might have too many Disentomb and pump effects. I'd rather just have more copies of the best creatures than spend extra mana to recall and then recast them, and there's little point in protecting creatures when you actively want them to die a lot of the time. A final line of play that might be interesting is to go fur a Lure approach in an attempt to get more triggers off Druid's Call. Hornet Nest can offer a similar and compounding role while also conveniently being a target for Swarmyard. With a Chatterfang out, I can see the tokens getting out of hand very quickly. Then again, actually forcing attacks into a defender would probably require going into red for Infectious Bloodlust or something.

carpecanum on Elsdragon Says Block

1 year ago

Basalt Golem and Voracious Cobra are funny. Rite of the Raging Storm maybe.

If you were a rich man : Benefactor's Draught is an ugly surprise for opponents who think their guys are tapped out and safe. Druid's Call is super effective. Vigor is hilarious. Neko-Te is fun.

TypicalTimmy on How come some card links …

2 years ago

Druid's Call and Druidic Call

But I don't think the second one is a card at all?

And then there is cards such as Sol, Advocate Eternal and Champions Of Archery.

The only thing I can think of is that the last two are Heroes of the Realm cards. So is the purple highlight on purpose for those cards specifically, or is there something else going on here?

warwolf831 on Virtus & Gorm-Reach out and (death)touch you!

2 years ago

I'd never even heard of Druid's Call but it seems like the kind of card I'd love to play...Thanks for the suggestion!

Dromar39 on Virtus & Gorm-Reach out and (death)touch you!

2 years ago

Gorm and Virtus are fun to play. Druid's Call on Gorm is super fun.

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