Dragonspeaker Shaman

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Dragonspeaker Shaman

Creature — Human Barbarian Shaman

Dragon spells you cast cost less to cast.

legendofa on Dragonlords Wuberg

3 months ago

Ouch. Yeah, that's no good.

Do you want it to be Modern-legal, since you asked in the Modern forum? From what you remember, it sounds heavily , with ways to cheat around and . If it's Modern, that's going to cut out a lot of the cards you mentioned. Casual Legacy or Commander would let you hit all of them.

Were there any specific combos or synergies, or just big scary dragons?

To start throwing more cards out, Dragonspeaker Shaman, Dragonlord's Servant, Sprite Dragon.

Xtough on Drakuseth wants some good clean magic

6 months ago

Hi. A nice deck. Looks like fun :) I miss Dragonspeaker Shaman and Dragonlord's Servant

Darsul on Dragonforce

7 months ago


Ok, lets take this deck for exp(it's the deck you last updated here). From your brief description we know this is a dragon tribal that you intend on winning by turning your beat sticks sideways and saying math is for blockers. You have the deck tagged as casual which means any thing goes really but, as I'm stopping by to help with how to decide on what to cut were saying your going for a 60 card deck. Fist things first we need to ask ours self how am I going to cast my cards, 99.999999% (looking at you dredge players) you need mana to play your cards. Next question does my deck intend on winning my 4 or less? if no then, I'll need north of 20 lands if yes I'll look to south of 20 land. Dragons are tricky to get out +2(lands), am I running more then 1 color yes, how many (+1 each color over the second) +4 and do I need utility lands? no, +0. So, 26 of my 60 card deck will be lands which ones depends on which dargons make the cut. We intend on the deck to be a Tribal deck so personally I like the tribal to be at least 1/3 or how can I call it a tribal deck and I'm intending to smash faces with beat sticks so... Ill need at lest 20. To recap, Dragon tribal deck 26 cards will be land at lest 20 Dragons and 14 other cards. Combat damage (or opponent scooping to sheer terror do to the board state /evil-grin) so, lets make a list of what cards need to hit to make in the deck. Does it help with combat? Does it care bout Dragons? that's the criteria for the deck to make the cut. So something like Atarka, World Render auto include as it checks both boxes but, Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius doesn't check either box so he doesn't make the cut. Something like Crosis, the Purger goes in the maybe board while it hit the I care about combat damage, it doesn't care about dragons but, it is at least a dragon it self. Once you have your 20 beat sticks chosen how can your support cards help? We need to get our game plan on the field now and we have 3 paths to choose from "fair" magic and ramp them out, cheat them into play or control the board. I like to cheat stuff into play but, you seem to have chosen ramp. What ever path you choose b/c you choose look at your core 20 cards can most of them see play b/4 turn 4 or after? If b/4 your 14 support card should be devoted to keeping the core of the deck in play, if the core cards show up after turn 4 then your support cards should be playable early game and make sure you can see mid to late game. Farseek help us get the cord cards out sooner, Sarkhan Unbroken doesn't protect us does ramp but, i would rather see a Scourge of Valkas in its place. By the time we can Sarkhan we want dargons hitting the board instead. To choose what lands we need count up the pips then for what % those pips = they get that many land. for exp (tossing the only 4 copy rule out for this exp) if your deck had 10 Atarka, World Render, 10 Crosis, the Purger and 20 land you have 5 of each basic land of if you had 10 Dragonspeaker Shaman, 10Dromoka, the Eternal and 20 land you would use 10 mountains 5 forest and 5 plains.

Any way hope this helps, GL HF

TheMeadiator on 50$ Budget The Ur-Dragon

1 year ago

Great collection of dragons! Have you considered adding a few little guys to help reduce casting? Such as Dragonlord's Servant or Dragonspeaker Shaman? Just a thought.

eliakimras on B.F.D.

1 year ago

Glancing through your cards, your deck's problem might be because you're building it based on best-case scenario, with tons of clones and blink synergies. (In my playgroup, Miirym always gets removed before her untap step, so the Miirym player does not rely on her sticking to the board.)

I'll suggest some upgrades for your deck based on making it more consistent and less dependant on Miirym:

1st. Ramp

Explosive turns with lots of cost reducers sound nice... if people don't blow up your dorks before you get any value from them.

2nd. You need more lands (36 lands + 13 ramp cards is a good starting point)

3rd. Better counterspells

4th. Better removal

5th. Better boardwipes

6th. More card draw

7th. Better win conditions

debuf on infinite rats

1 year ago

ok, I just play against my friend with the dragon deck and I think it might need some more mana producers or cheap fear.

His commander is Atarka, World Render, and here are some cards that I now know are in his deck: Foe-Razer Regent, Furnace Whelp, Rapacious Dragon, Atarka Monument, Frontier Siege, Vandalblast, Sweltering Suns, Talisman of Impulse, Akoum Hellkite, Harbinger of the Hunt, Dream Pillager, Sol Ring, Dragonmaster Outcast, Dragonspeaker Shaman, Savage Ventmaw, Dragonlord's Servant, Tyrant's Familiar, Thunderbreak Regent, and Drakuseth, Maw of Flames.

MilesHiles on Ur-Dragon's Multiverse Onslaught | *PRIMER*

1 year ago

Deck looks sweet! A couple of wonky things I noticed though:

1) Sivitri, Dragon Master is cool flavor wise, but I have a hard time understanding why she's there when you'd seemingly only use her for her -3 ability. In which case, cards like Eladamri's Call seem way more efficient for you in both mana and situationally.

2) I see none of the cost reduction gobos! Dragonlord's Servant and Dragonspeaker Shaman are crazy useful for early and late game plays. Being able to stack your commander's eminence reduction on top of base mana reduction makes playing everything else in your deck much faster. (Special mention to Rivaz of the Claw for his mana and turbo recursion)

3) What does Sarkhan, Fireblood do for you in most games? It seems like his main practicality is mana with a side gig on looting. I think having a 2 drop mana rock, like Arcane Signet or a mana dork, like Birds of Paradise, in his place might be more efficient for you in the long run, as you can always play them on tempo. Hitting turn 3 double red isn't unheard of, but it's certainly more difficult in a WUBRG deck with almost no rocks.

And lastly, 4) This deck deserves a Counterspell or two!! At least something like Angel's Grace to smack down infinites because as is, you've only got Teferi's Protection and no way to save yourself once it's gone. Ideally, you wouldn't need both but sometimes throwing away your Protection on a board wipe leaves you open to getting swept in the next turn rotation. Either way, I love the theme and style of the deck! Happy

RockIV on Rocks Dragon Deck

1 year ago

Juicy_J82 thnks alot for the advice!.

been doing test with the lands as you told me , and the deck stills runs nice.

while doing some more test i started thinking about Sakura-Tribe Elder, i end up feeling that i almost never need him and when i do , an Evolving Wild seems better, its 0 mana against two. So i was thinking a replacement for him,Evolving Wild seems good but Seething Song its like a red Dark Ritual, and i can put a dragon for 3 in the 3rd turn. Other option would be more direct damage to remove more enemy creatures.

didnt try Dragonspeaker Shaman yet, i only have two of them, maybe its too low.

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