Drag to the Underworld


This spell costs less to cast, where X is your devotion to black. (Each in the mana costs of permanents you control counts toward your devotion to black.)

Destroy target creature.

Stardragon on Spare a Coin for a …

1 year ago

I'm making a kill steal creature deck with Athreos, Shroud-Veiled as the commander. Is there any cards that will allow me to put more than one coin counter on more than one creature at the end of each of my turns? Proliferate won't help me here, and neither will Blink nor Flicker since it's effect is not an etb effect. Plus any good instant kill not exile spells are also appreciated

Kill spells in my deck already Doom Blade

Drag to the Underworld

Go for the Throat

Hero's Downfall

Infernal Grasp


Murderous Cut

Link to Deck Your soul will decorate my mantel

jink47787 on Endless Death

1 year ago

Hey, these removals spells might help you out: Mutual Destruction and Drag to the Underworld.

Also, I would consider removing Thornbite Staff, as the combo is a bit too specific, and also maybe remove Army of the Damned for a better all-around cards (such as Soulless One or Necrogoyf

zAzen7977 on K’RRIK, LORD OF THE STORM cEDH [MH3 Update]

3 years ago

Profet93, thanks for the +1 and your comment! You bring up some important points.

I’ve optimized the deck for Tainted Pact . I can use it to search for any particular card I need at the moment to complete a combo, since I only have 1 of each card in the deck. If I can steal an opponent’s Thassa's Oracle with Praetor's Grasp (which is more likely than not if an opponent is running blue), then I can cast Tainted Pact , naming a random card not in the deck, and exile my entire library for the win. I can also set this up with Doomsday , as I explain in the primer.

I considered Contamination , but the creature sac requirement prevents me from keeping it in play for long, since I run only a few creatures. Infernal Darkness accomplishes the same objective but I can keep it around a turn or two as necessary by paying life during my upkeep with K’rrik. The goal is to protect myself for at least 1-2 turns while I assemble a combo. You are right that Defense Grid is more effective during the early game, but this build is designed to win asap, and I rarely ever reach the late game where this becomes an issue.

You are also right that Drag to the Underworld is a lesser removal spell compared to others. However, in this build I mulligan aggressively to ensure that I can cast K’rrik within the first 1-3 turns. With K’rrik on the field I meet Drag’s devotion requirement, so I only have to pay 4 life and 0 mana with K’rrik to destroy any creature. Hero's Downfall requires at least 1 colorless mana to cast. I’m thinking in terms of speed, since each mana I have should go towards the 3 mana I need to cast Bolas's Citadel once I pull off Doomsday . So I would rather pay 0 mana to kill a creature with Drag and save my mana for Citadel.

Pathinfder97 on

3 years ago

For life link and death touch I like Vampire Nighthawk and Gifted Aetherborn over Blood Glutton . Because it’s mono black maybe Gray Merchant of Asphodel could have a place here?

Some budget removal would be Bone Splinters , Eliminate , Smother or Murder . Drag to the Underworld May be a good option as well.

Some lifelink enchantments are Vampiric Link and Eternal Thirst Dark Ritual isn’t modern but can help cast big creatures early if you’re playing kitchen table.

Duress can be helpful going up against faster decks and a peek at someone’s hand is always nice.

This looks like a fun deck to play!

sparklepants on Dreams from the abyss

3 years ago

This looks competitive but I feel it can be quite slow and doesn't interact enough.

also why not run 4 copies of Peer into the Abyss and Grim Tutor ?

I'm trying to get competitive so I'm interested in understanding this deck.

also why not Drag to the Underworld in the sideboard at least.

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