

(1)(Blue): Counter target red spell.

legendofa on I See Your True Colours

1 year ago

Nice deck! I have one in . If you need a lot of red hate, Chill and Douse are two more good options. Merchant Scroll and Mystical Tutor can help find your color shift cards. (I'm assuming a moderate budget, since I see cards like Sapphire Medallion and Rhystic Study in here.)

jamezbl0nde on Any Color You Like

1 year ago

am i crazy.. i don't see Painter's Servant .... seems like an auto include with Insight, Llawan, Cephalid Empress, Wrath of Marit Lage, and Douse.

ClockworkSwordfish on Rare commander build?

2 years ago

EDH as a format never especially enchanted me, so more often than not the only reason I'd design a deck is around an especially odd or challenging commander.

Blind Seer is an absolute house that nobody sees coming. He turns Flash Flood, Hydroblast and Blue Elemental Blast into to blow up any permanent, or basically a monoblue Vindicate. Douse can likewise counter spells at will. Messing with colours completely opens up a lot of old school hosers, especially those that freely blow up permanents in mono blue. You can see the list here: Colorblind.

Another one I'm fond of is the never-seen Iname, Death Aspect, who can rather uniquely dump 30 or 40 Spirits into your graveyard all at once. From there, Living Death, Lotleth Giant or Mortal Combat can seal the deal. More of a combo deck, it doesn't have as much variety, but I guarantee it's a commander you'll never see across from you at the table. FINISH HIM

On the challenging side of things, I'm a big fan of Haakon, Stromgald Scourge. Since you literally cannot play him from the command zone, the only ways to make him accessible are Command Beacon and the more recent Netherborn Altar. You have to really jump through some hoops to get him in your graveyard where he can finally be played, but having the hurdle before his funky ability can be abused is sort of a fun game-within-a-game. Haakon Haxx

Named_Tawyny on Douse & Color Word Changers; …

2 years ago

Gidgetimer nails it. Because Glamerdye alters spells and permanents, and NOT abilities on the stack, the ability itself which had already been activated would be unaffected.

NB: If Player 2 had cast and resolved Glamerdye BEFORE casting their red spell (and thus before Douse 's ability had been activated, it would prevent Douse from targeting their red spell.

NB2: If instead of Douse Player 1 had used a Blue Elemental Blast and Player 2 had altered the text on that, it would work as Player 2 was hoping.

Gidgetimer on Douse & Color Word Changers; …

2 years ago

Casting Glamerdye on Douse will not affect the ability already on the stack. I personally wouldn't use 113.7a to explain this. I would use the rule that 113.7a is based on (109 and the fact that abilities on the stack are independent objects). But my explanation probably isn't as accessible as just using 113.7a.

Kwhill on Douse & Color Word Changers; …

2 years ago

Imagine the following scenario:
Douse is in play under Player 1's control.
Player 1 activates Douse targeting a red spell.
Player 2 casts Glamerdye targeting Douse .
The Glamerdye resolves and changes the text of Douse to counter green spells instead.
Player 2 argues that the ability already on the stack is affected and now says "Counter target green spell" and that the red spell will not be countered.
Player 1 cites 113.7a (Abilities exist independently of their source) to say that the ability is not affected by the change of text on the source card and that the red spell WILL be countered.

Who is right here?

MagicMarc on How to win with Blind …

3 years ago

So, to win games with Blind Seer is pretty straightforward but will get you hated by your friends.

You win with this combo: Blind Seer + Douse . Then you just counter 100% of their plays! For a total of you can counter anything they play that is not a land. The only limit is your mana pool.

You can also use Blind Seer along with creatures with protection from color(s) to have immunity and evasion.

Here is a deck of mine where the Blind Seer and Douse can make someone very sadface.

Sumradagnoth on Llawan Stax

4 years ago

mynameisfifi tbh I wasnt sold on Shifting Sky/Wash Out either, but just making a list of things to consider.

A more interesting include I stumbled on is Chill, and more likely Douse (which would give reason to stick Trait Doctoring back in (although this may step on the toes of the Counterbalance engine a bit).

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