Domri's Ambush


Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control. Then that creature deals damage equal to its power to target creature or planeswalker you don't control.

smack80 on Here Comes the Boo-m

2 years ago

Hey, I'm working on a minsc list too. Here's waht I have:

Some tricks I've found:

If your commander is a planeswalker that costs 4, you want to be casting him on turn 3 or 2 and have defense up. EDH players just love throwing spare attacks at planeswalker so you need defense. Kodama's reach doesn't let you do this, but 2-mana ramp will. Even better is ramp that also leaves behind a blocker, like Wall of Roots. You have the Lotus cobra already, consider also Thunderscape Familiar. Tinder Wall can cast Minsc on turn 2. Khalni Garden will give you mana and leave behind a blocker as well. Wilson, Refined Grizzly is an ALL-STAR attacker and defender.

I like Gruul for removal that hits lots of things at once so I can just run my opponents out of resources with every 3-for-1 or 4-for-1. Vandalblast, Mizzium Mortars, Chandra's Ignition, Tribute to the Wild, Volcanic Offering, Decimate.

Don't play Fling effects. You don't need to sacrifice your guys to deal damage=power. You can play things like Soul's Fire and Ram Through and Domri's Ambush.

Loxodon Warhammer is straight worse than Shadowspear and your growing creatures can easily wear Belt of Giant Strength for no equip cost.

TheMeadiator on Let them fight! (Godzilla)

3 years ago

Gruul is my all-time favourite colour combo. And fight is just such good removal! I was surprised to see you didn't have many plain ol' fight spells like Titanic Brawl , Prey Upon , or Savage Smash . Domri's Ambush is great straight up damage too, no fight required - same with Thrash / Threat .

Mage Slayer is also an excellent artifact for getting damage through any blockers. Doesn't even have to connect. Just declare attacks and hit face.

Rhythm of the Wild is great protection for your creatures, and can make them come in faster or stronger.

Overwhelming Stampede is a great finisher that has won many gruul matches for me, and would work awesome with your pump spells.

Your deck is very creature heavy (I approve!) but trimming it back by a few mooks could give you room for epic moves like Dictate of the Twin Gods which in your deck would certainly be worth the risk.

Your deck obviously works the way you want it to, but I think adding just a few more non-creature spells would allow you to hit even harder with the creatures you keep. Good luck!!

Defied-27 on The Beasty Boys (Budget)

3 years ago

Hey Saccox, Domri's Ambush is a great swap for Ram Through especially against decks that run Plainswalkers! Also I feel that you could run Zhur-Taa Druid for Ilysian Caryatid if you want to lean more into the burn side of this deck. Thanks for the great suggestions!

Saccox on The Beasty Boys (Budget)

3 years ago

Hi Defied-27, Domri's Ambush for removal? and Zhur-Taa Druid for another ramp creature?

Saccox on GRUUL ENERGY!!!

3 years ago

Hi YodaVoda, Domri's Ambush for removal and Season of Growth for drawing cards?

Saccox on The zada's death touch Pezzent

3 years ago

Fantastic_Mr_King It's a ultra budget deck(10/12 $)for novice players.Thrash / Threat,Domri's Ambush and Nature's Way works with death touch ability;red spells works with zada and help for do more damage. Unfortunately zada don't work with removals :(

Please check all my ultra budget decks and tell me what you think ^^

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