Dockside Chef

Enchantment Creature — Human Citizen

, Sacrifice an artifact or creature: Draw a card.

DemonDragonJ on Tenacious D and the Sac of Destiny

2 months ago

I like this deck, very much, but have you considered putting Dockside Chef into it, or is the chef's ability to expensive to be reliable?

DemonDragonJ on Savage Destruction

3 months ago

I have replaced Mindcrank with Thought Vessel, because this deck does not care about plundering my opponents' graveyards, and it is always nice to have both an additional source of mana and a way to increase my hand size. Unfortunately, I no longer have an infinite combo with Bloodchief Ascension, but that combo did not fit with the theme of this deck, either, so I have replaced that enchantment with Dockside Chef, which is a quite awesome card, in my mind.

wallisface on Why Are So Many Recent …

8 months ago

DemonDragonJ there’s a few things to consider here:

  • Dockside Chef, Soulreaper of Mogis, and Thallid Soothsayer all cost 2-3 mana to use their ability, while Stormclaw Rager only costs 1. That makes it significantly easier to hold-up mana to trigger instantly, and abuse. The difference between 1 mana and 2 is HUGE.

  • Dockside Chef, Soulreaper of Mogis, and Thallid Soothsayer all only draw a card from their effect, while Stormclaw Rager also pumps itself, which at instant speed could easily be abused for combat tricks.

  • the set that Stormclaw Rager was printed in was one where sealed/draft events were very-centric on players dropping massive “bomb” threats and just winning the game with them. In such a format interaction needs to be strong and usable to ensure its not entirely a race to see who can drop their bomb first. Stormclaw Rager’s ability being instant-speed would slightly undermine the power of those interactive spells, and potentially allow players already-ahead to snowball - this is something Wotc might have wanted to avoid.

Crow_Umbra on Why Are So Many Recent …

8 months ago

I think it's the push and pull of design and balance. Stormclaw Rager's ability is 1 colorless mana, and can use a creature or artifact as part of the activation. We have all kinds of utility token artifacts that have been introduced in recent years: Blood, Clue, Treasure, Map, Food, and Powerstones.

Dockside Chef costs 2 to activate, has Black as part of the activation cost, and although it can also sac a creature or artifact, is more vulnerable to removal as an enchantment creature. That adds some potential drawback/vulnerability, despite the ability to activate an instant speed without a per-turn limitation.

Soulreaper of Mogis is also a bit more restrictive for its activation cost at 3, needing Black for the activation, and is also more vulnerable to removal as an enchantment creature.

Soulreaper and Thallid Soothsayer are from 2020 and 2018 respectively. Given that WotC designs about 2-3 years before a set actually debuts, it's likely that this type of instant speed activation was still seen as acceptable during that time frame of design (likely designed in 2015-2017), and something they decided to scale back in the 3-5 years since then those sets released.

Kind of like how mechanics are now considered "deciduous" or "Evergreen", I think it could make sense that other elements of design might see phases of waxing and waning. Maybe they're doing less instant speed ability activation for now, but that could change and come back a couple of years from now.

DemonDragonJ on Why Are So Many Recent …

8 months ago

wallisface, I do understand that, so how are cards such as Dockside Chef, Soulreaper of Mogis, and Thallid Soothsayer allowed to use their abilities as instants? Did WotC change their minds on that subject?

pedroedmarcos on Can I attack with a …

11 months ago

Hey there,

I was playing yesterday and this question came the mind of one player. He had a Dockside Chef on the battlefiedl and a zombie with decayed. He attacked me with it, and wanted to sacrifice it to dockside after the damage and before it have to be sacrificed by the decayed trigger. Is it possible? Is there a window ?

DemonDragonJ on Stacking a Triggered and Activated …

1 year ago

if a player controls both a Dockside Chef and a Warteye Witch and sacrifices one of those creatures to the chef's ability, can they decide the order in which the creatures' abilities are put onto the stack?

DreadKhan on Korvold Sacrifice

1 year ago

There are lots of options to help fix your mana that have been printed, some of the handiest are those that can dig out a land, and lands that make more than 1 colour. Both are very useful, some effects can even dig out 2 or 3 colour lands, but these are pricier in most cases. Some budget options include Jund Panorama, Riveteers Overlook, Evolving Wilds, Terramorphic Expanse, Mountain Valley, and Rocky Tar Pit (the last two can find non-Basic lands, this includes Woodland Chasm, Highland Forest, Sulfurous Mire), Cinder Glade, Smoldering Marsh). Blighted Woodland can find other land types if you have Green already, Myriad Landscape can find Green (or another colour), finding Green is usually important because of cards like Cultivate, and Kodama's Reach, these ramp you but can also find you a needed land type. There are also even better options (arguably) like Farseek, Nature's Lore and the pricier Three Visits, these can find non-Basic lands, making them very useful. I always liked Harrow, it can find 2 different colours of land if it's helpful, there is also the lesser Roiling Regrowth. Since your Commander is at 5 mana, you might even include stuff like Skyshroud Claim or Circuitous Route, there are more but they aren't as popular due to costing 4 mana (you can get stuck on 2 or 3 lands).

A pair of random cards that might work for you are Midnight Reaper and Grim Haruspex, both draw cards whenever your creatures die, and cost very little mana. Another couple randomly useful creatures Dockside Chef, Skullport Merchant, and Mayhem Devil, which are certainly gotten pricier but is still extremely good.

Happy deck building!

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