Disdainful Stroke

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Disdainful Stroke


Counter target spell with converted mana cost/mana value 4 or greater.

K4nkato on By the time I get my Phoenix

7 months ago

Pioneer Phoenix MTGO trophy leader recommended running 1 Trespass in the sideboard and swapping a Disdainful Stroke or Narset's Reversal for Change the Equation. Might cut one Saheeli for the second Temporal Trespass but I’ll have to see.

dwbeckwith1 on Patchwork Self Mill

11 months ago

This deck is great! I added 2 Argoth, Sanctum of Nature  Meld to the mana base to add more self mill and built a rudimentary sideboard for best of three:


2 Outland Liberator  Flip

2 Witness Protection

2 Disdainful Stroke

2 Unlicensed Hearse

2 Gix's Command

3 Shore Up

2 Titania, Voice of Gaea  Meld

I am thinking of switching Disdainful Stroke out for Make Disappear but other than that this deck rocks. Great brew!

DreadKhan on Bureaucracy!

1 year ago

I didn't realize your deck had a fairly low budget when I first started typing, so a few cards I mention might be out of your budget, but I think some of the stuff might fit.

I have an Azorius deck that has an aspect of bureaucracy in it, have you thought about Preacher and Callous Oppressor? I think they might fit flavor-wise, clergy are in part bureaucrats, and arguably the main part of being a bureaucrat is callously oppressing people/destroying their wills to enable control over them. I also like Bribery and War Tax, maybe Spurnmage Advocate and Pulsemage Advocate, advocacy is common in bureaucracies, as are bribery and taxes.

I'm not sure how eager you are to throw more interaction in, but Dovin's Veto and Disdainful Stroke feel fairly bureaucratic, maybe Generous Gift as removal? Is Visions of Duplicity on theme enough? Duplicity seems pretty on theme, and shuffling other people's creatures is the annoying crap officials get up to when bored.

Cool Vorthos idea, hope you have good match ups in your area!

Vicarian on Raffine Metaschemer

1 year ago

Disdainful Stroke is likewise situational, but if you see a lot of battlecruiser Magic in your meta, then it's also a good inclusion, but only as a 1- or 2-of, since having it in your opening hand is generally an issue, and it's a dead draw if someone's not got any 4 CMC+ things in their library.

wisegreenbean on Defender 2.0

1 year ago

Decisive Denial works based on power, not effective power, so you're only really using the counterspell mode. In that case, I'd suggest Dovin's Veto or Disdainful Stroke or Bant Charm.

Archetype of Courage and Archetype of Endurance aren't super good value for the mana you put in. If you want increased combat effectiveness, there are toughness buffs, and if you want protection, that are counterspells or targeted protections like Ephemerate or Dive Down or Simic Charm or Resolute Watchdog

Turn to Frog is not a very exciting removal effect if you're in white and could just be running Swords to Plowshares. Same for the tapdown of Winterthorn Blessing, or the delayed value of Fall of the Impostor. Beast Within or Generous Gift are also premier removal.

You have a few off-theme creatures I think you won't much like: Disciplined Duelist works off power, Horizon Chimera gains a little life which is pretty low value overall, same for Lunarch Veteran  Flip. Rootcoil Creeper and Llanowar Scout aren't too bad, but I think there are probably better ramp effects for you.

Into the Wilds is kind of a slow and unreliable card advantage effect. I would usually prefer something like Shamanic Revelation or Collective Unconscious or Lifecrafter's Bestiary.

Aqueous Form and Staggering Insight are best on little creatures that attack a lot. You will often struggle to let your creatures attack at all, so I don't recommend them.

Cathar's Shield and Spidersilk Net are pretty low impact buffs. If you really want this effect, there's Slagwurm Armor.

Traveler's Amulet or Dromoka Monument aren't too exciting when you're in green and could have Vine Trellis or Wall of Roots or Rampant Growth.

Pledge of Unity and Brave the Sands are okish team buffs, but you can do better. Bar the Door and Solidarity are a little more on synergistic for your deck.

Slaughter the Strong is crazy strong in your deck!

golgarigirl on Scarab God UB Zombie Tribal

2 years ago

I would definitely look at some mana rocks (artifacts that make mana) for your deck to help you speed up. Some can even help you with card draw or other things later when you don't need them for mana. I like Mind Stone as an example. I would keep these to 3-drop or less.

Some creatures can help with card draw too. Tomebound Lich, Master of Death, and Liliana's Standard Bearer can all provide card selection on bodies (that you can re-use later if needed). Surveil isn't quite card draw, but in a zombie deck, it should do about the same if you're playing enough reanimation.

Additional card draw I would look at is sacrifice card draw like Village Rites, Reckoner's Bargain, and Deadly Dispute. If you can combine the sacrifice from these cards with an effect your zombies may have, they're extra worth it.

One thing you may consider doing with your deck is seeing how many zombies you get per mana/card spent. Scarab God cares about quantity of zombies to be super effective, so maximizing that is key!

In my group, I am a fan of Reality Shift, Disdainful Stroke, Negate, Hagra Mauling  Flip, Negate and Infernal Grasp for removal in these colors.

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