Dire Undercurrents


Whenever a blue creature enters the battlefield under your control, you may have target player draw a card.

Whenever a black creature enters the battlefield under your control, you may have target player discard a card.

Optimator on Tricksy Pixies

2 years ago

Some good enchantment-based card draw to note:

Kumena's Awakening - this would be an excellent choice on a budget. You should always have The City's Blessing. My favorite "not-Rhystic-Study" replacements.

Dire Undercurrents - amazing card but expensive. If I were you I would make this one of your first upgrades. Seems perfect.

Curious Obsession

Vampiric Rites

Arguel's Blood Fast  Flip and Greed and Erebos, God of the Dead - Alela's lifelink would help pay

Erebos, Bleak-Hearted is playable in this deck.

Dark Prophecy - the power is there, but might be difficult early.

Military Intelligence should be reliable. Great for two mana

Staggering Insight

Curse of Verbosity - I think it's kind of underrated. Should be good with your flyers and might take some heat off you. It's no Rhystic Study.

Rhystic Study duuuuhhhhh

Fall from Favor

Ophidian Eye

Insight - huuuge upside, potentially useless. I love it though!

Monastery Siege - it's basically drawing half a card per turn for three mana, but can protect your creatures if it's that part of the game. It's all right

Verity Circle - Huge upside, potentially useless

Phyrexian Arena - one of the best, but the price tag may not be worth it in this deck since you're running blue and can easily take advantage of flying creatures

Court of Ambition - it should be easy to get The Monarch whenever you want with your flyers

Marchesa's Decree is all right. Probably better in other decks

Sanctum of Calm Waters and Honden of Seeing Winds

Soul Ransom - might be fun to recur.

Teferi's Ageless Insight - might be good, better in decks where the commander draws cards. The power is there though.

Coastal Piracy

Kindred Discovery - ridiculous power with a ridiculous price tag to match. It's not a "may" ability so you can easily deck yourself. Isn't that winning though?

Patient Rebuilding - statistically draws one card a turn. Potentially high ceiling, can also whiff. Better for decks with graveyard synergies. Animate Dead and Necromancy are excellent, and Dance of the Dead is playable.

Mind Unbound

Well of Ideas

Thought Reflection

theGentlemanSeal on Devoted to two Gods

2 years ago

Great deck!

Helm of the Ghastlord would be a great addition to beef up all your blue/black creatures. Also, Oona's Gatewarden is an easy fit in here. Some more dimir fundamentals would be Baleful Strix, Cemetery Puca, Dimir Guildmage, or Dimir Guildmage.

In terms of finisher cards, you could add: Gyruda, Doom of Depths, Wrexial, the Risen Deep, Dragonlord Silumgar, Silumgar, the Drifting Death, Ghastlord of Fugue, Blizzard Specter, Dire Undercurrents,

A version of the deck will a mill wincon could also make use of Ashiok, Dream Render, Phenax, God of Deception, Lurking Informant, Nemesis of Reason, Psychic Drain, Mind Grind, Nightveil Specter, and the many more mill focused cards from across blue and black.

A deck that leans more into flash could use Slitherwisp.

Overall, I quite like and want to see it down the line!

dvlfsh84 on

3 years ago

I replaced a Swamp with Dire Undercurrents to include an additional source of card draw and an additional discard effect.

dpolatchek01 on [Primer] Crouching One-Drop, Hidden Ninja

3 years ago

Dire Undercurrents is another card you may want to check out. Great in any dimmer decks with a lot of creatures

jconeil1988 on Dark Eyes and Careless Hair (Alela EDH)

3 years ago

Okay, I've been working on Alela artifacts for well, almost a year, since her release. I'll share my list for reference, but a couple of suggestions I have for you are:

Dire Undercurrents. With Alela out, every artifact and enchantment you cast becomes a cantrip allowing for some really explosive turns. Now, it also has another use, I recently came across this other interaction in my deck.

With Dire Undercurrents and Alela out, obviously, have Cloudstone Curio. Have 2, very cheap, preferably free artifact creatures, such as Memnite and Ornithopter. One on the field, cast the other, Alela triggers bringing in a faerie, which triggers both Cloudstone and Undercurrents. Return the artifact creature that's on the field to hand due to Cloudstone's trigger. Choose your opponent to draw a card due to Undercurrents trigger. Repeat the process until all your opponents have drawn their deck.

Tezzeret the Seeker is a nice piece of ramp being able to untap your rocks or artifact lands as well as being able to fetch almost any artifact you will need.

If you'd like to take a look at my deck, Alela, Tinker Faerie Extraordinaire you might find something you'd be interested in.

I don't mean to hijack the thread, but if you'd be so kind Azeworai could you take a look at my deck and offer your thoughts. multimedia, I believe you've visited my deck before, but if you'd consider taking another look now that it's been changed I'd appreciate it.

Daedalus19876 on Click here if I can have your name.

4 years ago

WanderingSpirit: My initial cuts would be Temple of the False God (card is bad), decreasing the number of tapped lands, All That Glitters, Estrid's Invocation, Dire Undercurrents (I'd rather run Reconnaissance Mission, for example), Lawmage's Binding, Mana Geode (3-mana rocks with no upside are not my favorites), Wayfarer's Bauble (slow ramp), Faerie Seer (disappointing here, compared to your other creatures), and Latchkey Faerie (only worth it if you can pay prowl cost, which you rarely can here).

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