Dictate of Kruphix



At the beginning of each player's draw step, that player draws an additional card.

tkjanacek on Nekito

1 year ago

Necrologia is a combo with Psychosis Crawler. Demonic Consultation is a combo with Laboratory Maniac and Thassa's Oracle. Browbeat is not great in commander. Font of Mythos and Dictate of Kruphix are more Howling Mine type effects.

Caerwyn on

1 year ago

I would recommend cutting Howling Mine, Temple Bell, Fevered Visions, Dictate of Kruphix, Lore Broker - though it might look like "drawing more cards = win faster", they actually end up hurting you more than they help. Nekusar's biggest problem is that he gives your enemies plenty of opportunities to draw the cards they need to win--these cards only do small amounts of damage (and even then, only if you have other pieces on the board) while giving your opponents huge amounts of card advantage. That furthers their victory more than it furthers your own and ends up hurting more than it helps.

Instead, focus on cards that inflict massive amounts of draw simultaneously - Teferi's Puzzle Box, Dark Deal, Windfall, Winds of Change, and similar cards.

keizerbuns on Milking a Miracle

2 years ago

As always thanks for the feedback zapyourtumor! After playtesting this deck some more I'm starting to see your point. I think, like you said, cutting the blinks entirely is the right choice and I should focus more on the drawing/scrying and dumping cards into my graveyard.

I am trying to keep this deck as budget as I can so unfortunately that puts Jace, the Mind Sculptor and maybe even Path to Exile out. The only reason I have some expensive lands in here is because I already had them sitting around haha. I will add a couple Terminus and play around with the Considers and Thought Scours to see which one I like best.

My thinking with Dictate of Kruphix was that it would let me draw into my deck further each turn so that I can draw past the miracle I would be putting back on top of my deck every turn. That's not an issue anymore with all the cantrips and scrying cards I have now so I'll take those out too. I would take Double Vision out as well but I think it's a lot of fun so for now I'm gonna leave them in. Also, my thinking with Test of Talents was that it got more value out of it than the average counter spell and anything it can't counter I can just bounce or kill anyways, but I think you're right about swapping it out for Counterspell. Although I'll still hold on to Test in my side board.

Thanks again for the suggestions and feedback, I always appreciate them coming from you! :D

zapyourtumor on Milking a Miracle

2 years ago

I'm 90% sure soulherder isn't worth it here just to blink Bloodwater and keep doing miracles. You only have 5 other target creatures to blink and if they remove the bloodwater your soulherder becomes useless. I'd cut it. Similarly, I don't think Ephemerate is worth it either. All these cards are too situational, Bloodwater Entity is already good here without them.

Getting rid of soulherder also lets you play some Terminus mainboard. Even if Tide bounces Bloodwater to your hand, there's a lot of decks where Terminus is needed to slow them down and Tide barely does anything. Basically any aggro deck can just dump their hand again if you bounce: it does almost nothing against hammertime, affinity, burn, prowess etc. It also doesn't do much against midrange decks built around cheap+efficient creatures like Deaths Shadow, Jund Sagavan, BRx midrange piles etc. I would most definitely play at least 2 mainboard Terminus.

In general, I'd move more towards a control-miracles shell where Bloodwater Entity is like your snapcaster that lets you play stuff for miracle cost. I don't know why Dictate of Kruphix is here, since miracle only triggers on the first card you draw each turn. Double Vision is also probably not worth it.

Okay, now for some card suggestions. Jace, the Mind Sculptor is an incredibly powerful planeswalker that also lets you brainstorm every turn to do some miracle stuff. It only takes 1 more mana investment than Brainstone and its a lot better. I'd add 2 if you can afford it (I'm not sure if you want to keep this deck budget or not).

I'd add a little more spot removal that doesn't depend on miracles, I suggest Path to Exile to hit creatures out of Thunderous Wrath range. I'd also add some maindeck counterspells, which in my opinion you need to keep the game going long enough to get serious value out of Bloodwater and the miracle spells. Counterspell is pretty budget and probably your best bet. I don't really know why Test of Talents is here, it's only really good against ad naus or rhinos or weird stuff like that.

You might want to consider some graveyard fueling cantrips like Consider and Thought Scour (I think consider is better). Although you can't dump as many in the yard as Gaze, they replace themselves with a draw.

owenger on Milking a Miracle

2 years ago

Cool deck! I just am wondering if maybe Serum Visions would be better than Otherworldly Gaze(I know it's instant speed but still). Also, I feel like Temporal Mastery is such a powerful card and is worth considering especially considering that your're running Dictate of Kruphix (same goes for Terminus but I get that you have it in your sideboard). Lastly, 3 Ephemerate seem a bit excessive if you're running only 5 creatures you would want to bounce (or am I missing something?) and I would play maybe Brainstone, which lets you manipulate the top of your deck tremendously.

Caerwyn on Wheel and Deal

2 years ago

Couple suggestions:

  1. Cut Day's Undoing - Because it ends the turn, you do not receive any of the damage triggers from Nekusar.

  2. Font of Mythos/Howling Mine/Dictate of Kruphix/etc. effects are a bit of a trap. They look like they should be good with Nekusar but, in actuality, are rather lackluster and tend to help your opponents more than they help you. Nekusar's biggest problem is that he gives your opponents additional cards, making it easier for some opponent to draw into whatever they need to stop you. Each Font of Mythos or similar effect increases the chance your opponents will draw into the card they need to stop you, while only providing a small amount of damage--and only providing that damage if you can keep your Nekusar-like effects on the field. I would include Temple Bell and Geier Reach Sanitarium on this list of cards that should be cut.

  3. Add Teferi's Puzzle Box--unlike Font of Mythos effects, Teferi's Puzzle Box does not provide card advantage to opponents, and can severely disrupt their ability to run tutors and such. It can provide massive, consistent damage per turn, helping you win the game rather quickly.

  4. Curiosity combos with Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind to draw your entire deck and take out an opponent in the process.

  5. Helm of the Ghastlord also draws your entire deck with Niv-Mizzet and has the added advantage of forming a soft lock when put on Nekusar. If you play a wheel-type effect (including having Teferi's Puzzle box afield), Ghastlord will force an opponent to discard each card they draw, locking them out of anything other than instants or cards with flash.

  6. Phyresis and Glistening Oil greatly reduce the amount of effort it takes to win with Nekusar.

  7. Bloodchief Ascension is relatively easy to get online with Nekusar and goes infinite with Mindcrank to mill your opponents to death.

  8. Sigil of Sleep is a low-cost enchantment that turns each of your wheel effects into a mini-Cyclonic Rift.

  9. Windfall is another wheel effect that you missed that isn't all that expensive.

  10. Do not run Izzet Boilerworks, or any others of these bounce lands, ever. They are just bad cards, and are actually worse in a budget mana base, because of the high likelihood you might have to bounce (and eventually replay) a "this land enters tapped" land.

Scytec on Finally fixing Nekusar

2 years ago

Font of Mythos, Dictate of Kruphix, and Fascination could be potential draw options as well.

DemonDragonJ on Well of Ideas or Walking …

2 years ago

I have Well of Ideas in my group hug EDH deck, but I am contemplating replacing it with Walking Archive , so I wish to ask for advice from the others users here before I make a decision.

I shall compare the cards, below, listing their advantages and disadvantages.

Well of Ideas

+controller receives the benefit before their opponents do, and receives a greater benefit

-has a higher mana cost

Walking Archive

+has a lower mana cost

+provides a creature for blocking

+is a mana sink, and can potentially draw a significant number cards over the course of the game

-opponents shall receive the benefit before the controller, and all players receive the same benefit

What does everyone else say about this? Which card should I use in my deck?

Alternatively, I could replace Dictate of Kruphix with Walking Archive , although the flash mechanic on the dictate is very appealing. What does everyone say about that idea?

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