Deflecting Palm


The next time a source of your choice would deal damage to you this turn, prevent that damage. If damage is prevented this way, Deflecting Palm deals that much damage to that source's controller.

9-lives on The Party Pyromaniac

1 day ago

Yes, but if you're going for a burn deck, you will want as many burn spells as possible. Vexing Devil does this. And, it is just as useful as Monastery Swiftspear in that if they can remove a Vexing Devil, then they can remove a Monastery Swiftspear. 1 mana for 4 damage is the best burn card available. Also, the Monastery Swiftspear will at most deal 3 damage on turn 2 if you cast it on turn 1. Yes, it gets better as it goes on, but regardless you're going to have to keep her on the field. This is why I find Satyr Firedancer a fidgety card. It has to stay on the field, but it's a 1/1.

And yes! Mutiny is a rarely used card, but it's pretty good on its own. I also love Deflecting Palm as my very favorite card. No one expects it, and it really ruins some people's plans.

nuperokaso on The Mummy

3 weeks ago
  • Ahn-Crop Crasher saw a lot of play, you should definitely include it.
  • Play at most 1 Deflecting Palm. It's not really good when the opponent expects it.
  • Don't play Thrill of Possibility. You have no synergy with it.
  • Funny thing with exert mechanic is that if you exert same creature multiple times in a turn, the creature won't untap only once. Hence play cards such as Response / Resurgence which give you an extra attack.

Andromedus on Deflecting Palm + Spike Weaver

2 months ago

I have a Spike Weaver in play with an untapped land. I attack with a creature, my opponent has no blockers (or doesn't declare any). My opponent casts Deflecting Palm in response. In response to the Deflecting Palm, I activate the second ability of the Spike Weaver so that there's no damage that "would be dealt" to my opponent.

Does the Deflecting Palm do damage to me, or not?

9-lives on burn deck help to refurbish

5 months ago

I replaced Boros Charm, Lightning Helix, and Deflecting Palm. Switched them out with Atarka's Command, and Play with Fire. Removed Risk Factor and Light Up the Stage. Put into play Yavimaya Iconoclast and Black Market Tycoon. Got rid of Satyr Firedancer. I'm not asking if it looks fun, haha. I'm wondering if it's so-called competitive.

legendofa on New hubs to be added

1 year ago

My current proposal is to split the Aikido hub into two. The current Aikido hub will become Redirection, which will include Deflecting Palm and Swerve effects. The new hub will be Theft, which will broadly cover both Threaten and Control Magic effects. If nobody objects (and please share your opinion, if you have one on either side), I will get this done tomorrow. This will be a trial run to see how these hubs get used. If they seem to be intuitive and popular, then they'll be locked in. If they seem to be causing confusion, I'll mess around with them some more.

shadow63 on New hubs to be added

1 year ago

legendofa make the theft tag for permanent theft effects. Make a Threaten tag for temporary effects and use the existing aikido for Deflecting Palm effects

legendofa on New hubs to be added

1 year ago

Made_Compleat That's one of the most common requests, and one of the hardest to address. Right now, I consider Theft decks to fall under the Aikido hub. This is sort of a tenuous position for them, but I'm not sure how to separate it from the "damage reflection" archetype built around Deflecting Palm, Boros Fury-Shield, and similar cards. They have a similar theme of turning the opponent's deck against them. I'm also not sure if decks based on Control Magic-type effects are similar enough to Threaten + Thud decks to belong in the same hub. Any thoughts you might have are very welcome.

Andromedus on Progress and Poverty

1 year ago

Kjartan Exactly! Not to mention Urza's Saga or Heliod, Sun-Crowned and so on.

And it doubles as creature removal which, when you maindeck four Giver of Runes you're winning those fights (plus if they do win your four Esper Sentinel extract a tithe).

The +1/+1 can ramp Primordial Hydra or Hydra's Growth like crazy and Ozolith, the Shattered Spire doubles that already absurd ramp speed again.

Oh and it can block red burn saving creatures from Lightning Bolt or saving you from Deflecting Palm humiliation.

Amazing card. Oh and did I mention that with Archon of Emeria down you can just wait until they cast their main phase spell and it becomes practically uncounterable.

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