Deadly Brew


Each player sacrifices a creature or planeswalker. If you sacrificed a permanent this way, you may return another permanent card from your graveyard to your hand.

daxton001 on kresh the best

1 year ago

Yargle and Multani Zopandrel, Drivnod, Fleshbag Marauder if you can give him trample or another creature trample ram through, Mandate of Abaddon Merciless executioner Lagomos ziatora, reyhan last of abzan, stalking vengeance, viscera seer mycoloth dragon brood mother, butcher of malakir, OG sheoldred lightning skelemental, harvester of souls, yahenni, braids arisen nightmare, meren, sprouting thrynax, sek'kuar, korvold, blood artist,

Vona's Hunger Village Rites Tend the Pests Tainted Strike Victimize Essence Harvest Culling Ritual Reanimate Damnation Deadly Brew Fungal Sprouting

skullclamp ashnods altar whispersilk cloak lightning greaves Urabrask's Forge Riveteers Ascendancy Dictate of Erebos Deathreap Ritual Moldervine Reclamation Hardened Scales Branching Evolution phyrexian reclamation grave pact phyrexian arena Evolutionary Leap Guardian Project black market

DemonDragonJ on Should I Put Caustic Caterpillar …

1 year ago

GodzSoldier, I actually did not at all notice that Deadly Brew was a sorcery, not an instant, so I have changed my mind about it.

As for Claws of Gix, I have that card in this deck because it allows me to sacrifice any permanent, not merely creatures, which has actually been useful, on certain occasions.

DemonDragonJ on Should I Put Caustic Caterpillar …

1 year ago

I am contemplating putting both Caustic Caterpillar and Deadly Brew into my Meren of Clan Nel Toth EDH deck, but I am not certain which cards I should replace with them, or if I should even do so, at all.

I imagine that Caustic Caterpillar could replace Abrupt Decay, because, while I fully acknowledge that Abrupt Decay is an awesome card, the caterpillar works better with the sacrifice theme that this deck has, and Deadly Brew could replace Village Rites, since I already have numerous cards that allow me to sacrifice creatures to draw cards.

What does everyone else say about this? Should I put Deadly Brew and Caustic Caterpillar into my Meren deck?

BossUltinuc on Golgari Elves (Commander/EDH)

2 years ago

Okay so I'm new to deckbuilding, especially for EDH so I'm just wondering if anyone has any useful/practical suggestions for this deck. I thought Abomination of Llanowar was a cool card, so I wanted to build around that concept of getting a lot of elves onto the field and my graveyard to really boost its power and toughness.

One thing I'll mention is that, with the exception of cards that are already present in the deck, I don't want to spend more then $3-5 on a single card. So keeping all of this in mind, any suggestions?

Commander: - Abomination of Llanowar

Planeswalkers: - Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury - Tyvar Kell

Creatures: - Elvish Eulogist - Elvish Archdruid - Imperious Perfect - Lys Alana Huntmaster - Immaculate Magistrate - Marwyn, the Nurturer - Elvish Visionary - Shaman of the Pack - Lathril, Blade of the Elves - Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen - Beast Whisperer - Timberwatch Elf - Elvish Mystic - Canopy Tactician - Poison-Tip Archer - Skemfar Avenger - Skemfar Shadowsage - Wolverine Riders - Ruthless Winnower - Wellwisher - Golgari Findbroker - Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord - Rhys the Exiled - Nightshade Harvester - Gilt-Leaf Winnower - Elvish Doomsayer - Storrev, Devkarin Lich - Nadier's Nightblade - Fyndhorn Elves - Llanowar Elves

Instants: - Putrefy - Golgari Charm - Murder - Village Rites - Grisly Salvage - Wrap in Vigor - Cast Down - Malakir Rebirth  Flip - Ghastly Demise - Infuse with Vitality

Sorcery: - Cultivate - Rampant Growth - Eyeblight Massacre - Shamanic Revelation - Casualties of War - Dig Up - Victimize - Sign in Blood - Spark Harvest - Diabolic Tutor - Deadly Brew - Bone Shards - Elvish Promenade

Artifacts: - Sol Ring - Arcane Signet - Commander's Sphere

Enchantments: - Elderfang Venom - Moldervine Reclamation - Prowess of the Fair

Lands: - Evolving Wilds - Command Tower - Path of Ancestry - Llanowar Wastes - Jungle Hollow - Skemfar Elderhall - Golgari Guildgate - Tainted Wood - Necroblossom Snarl - Myriad Landscape - Foul Orchard - Darkmoss Bridge - Forest x13 - Swamp x13

InfectedToe on Australian Farmhouse GMO edition

2 years ago

I've looked into this and I really like the path of +1/+1 counters. There are of course plenty of ways to get counters on your creatures in this deck (primarily Willowdusk), so capitalizing off of that with effects that bolster any creatures with counters or give them trample it pretty darn powerful.

First off, the trample givers: Bramblewood Paragon, Gnarlid Colony, Pridemalkin, and Crowned Ceratok.

And some other +1/+1 tribal engines: Mer-Ek Nightblade, Oona's Blackguard, Skyclave Shadowcat, and Tenured Inkcaster who, in particular, is very good in this deck.

And some support for the counters: Armorcraft Judge, Gladehart Cavalry, and Inspiring Call.

On a different note, giving your creatures lifelink in this deck is insane. Swing with something big to permanently double it's P/T with Willowdusk. Some good cards for that are: Alchemist's Gift, Essence Infusion, Rush of Vitality, Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord, Poet's Quill, and especially Whip of Erebos. Essence Harvest is also in the same vein.

Lastly, one nasty thing you could do would be untapping Willowdusk to use her ability twice in a turn for exponential gains. Ideally, this would be done with cards like: Magewright's Stone, Puppet Strings, Quirion Ranger, Seeker of Skybreak, and Thousand-Year Elixir.

I also want to quickly touch on the other side of Willowdusk's ability with Aetherflux Reservoir Which would let you instakill an opponent then give one of your creatures +50/+50.

As for what to remove, there are quite a few cards I feel are pretty unsynergistic here like Dragonsguard Elite and Witherbloom Pledgemage as this isn't really a spellslinger deck. I also dont see the point of reclamation effects like Deadly Brew, Retrieve, Healing Technique, Dollhouse of Horrors, The Underworld Cookbook, or You Happen on a Glade. Lastly, Roil Spout just isn't legal (probably an error lol).

Dete on First Serious Mid-Range Deck

3 years ago

if its a casual deck you can do anything without a worry, if you want it to be a competitive list you would need to see at cards like Inquisition of Kozilek , Duress , Thoughtseize , Agonizing Remorse , Collective Brutality for hand disruption, Smallpox maybe probably not, for creature removal you would want to go low as well like Fatal Push , Dismember , Deadly Brew . you mostly would want to drop the avarage cmc of the deck, cards that dont help your game plan or wont do anything till 3 turn after cast will just hinder you, eg: Descent into Madness . cards that you could change that fit better that cards you already have are: Driven , Infuse with Vitality creatures that are good by themselves and cheap and could give you access to other game plans are: Putrid Leech , Lotleth Troll , idk Sarulf, Realm Eater ?

mostly focus on droping the cmc, after that go for cheaper removal and creatures, modern is a fast format for the most part.

cleandeceit on Toxic Relationship: Hapatra EDH [PRIMER]

3 years ago

@rkjunior: I recently added Deadly Brew . Like unlike Regrowth or Eternal Witness , it cant get back any card but it can get back any permanent so it is a little more flexible when I am looking at my non-creature options. Now, the hard part was figuring out what to cut, I still had Meren of Clan Nel Toth on my list, so I decided that could go, because I am also running Malakir Rebirth  Flip, Animate Dead , Reanimate and Eternal Witness . Ideally, I will sack a token to Deadly Brew , but in a pinch to get back a combo piece, there are other creatures that can go to the yard and still make it worth while.

While I am here Daedalus19876, I noticed that Ammit Eternal is no longer in your main board - I am shocked. This guy has always brought value to my board. What made you think he is no longer worth while? And Banewhip Punisher is added!? I have never felt that Banewhip was worth it, are you finding that you just couldn't get better removal?

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