Dawn's Reflection

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant land

Whenever enchanted land is tapped for mana, its controller adds two mana in any combination of colours.

RoarMaster on Jodah, the Enchantress (Shrine Tribal)

1 year ago

I must admit that when Jodah came out I immediately considered switching out Sissay for him as my Shrines deck commander(Im not the biggest fan of Go-Shi). Haven't gotten around to trying it out yet, but I can definitely see the potential. My only worry about doing so might make the deck simply win accidently through the legendary creatures who are in it. Jodah makes 'em buff mighty quick, and I didnt want them to overshadow the Shrines. Im not sure if that matters to you, but if it does, I might consider running a lower number of legendary permanents other than shrines in the deck in order to both retain a high chance of cascading into a Shrine, and to stop beefy creatures from becoming your default wincon.

I would suggest a little more ramp/fixing in the deck. Cultivate And Kodama's Reach are easy on the budget and make for pretty reliable T4 Jodahs. I'd take out Kestia and Arasta/Alela. Most of your enchantment creatures are your tech, which you generally dont want to risk often by attacking with them, so Kestia may not get much in the way of triggers. Arasta is super situational and will usually just be a feel bad moment when you cascade into her. Alela is making you a couple lil magic bugs a turn which is sorta meh, and the deathtouch on her is arguable as relevant as her token making ability.

If you are going to go balls-to-the-walls enchantments though, Id suggest getting rid of almost all of your artifact ramp and replacing it with enchantment equivalents. Wild Growth, Overgrowth, Fertile Ground, Market Festival, and Dawn's Reflection. That way your Estrid might be sort of useful, otherwise she could probably get cut. Her totem armor is nice, but it is the only thing she is really bringing to the table right now.

If you do go with the green source ramp, you will probably have to tweak your landbase a more to the green side. "Mono-Green Five-Colour" is a trope for a reason ;)

As an aside, you could drop a few of the card draw enchantresses with the double mana pips and In Bolas's Clutches and you could run Jegantha as a companion, which would almost guarantee you to get your colours for Jodah. Just a thought. Not sure if you want to remove the draw for it, but Jodah provides a lot of card advantage as is and you may not need it all.

If you dont care about winning through non-shrine means, cards like Steel of the Godhead, Nylea's Colossus, Ancestral Mask, and maybe True Conviction would be good adds.

As I am a purist I would also remove the instant and sorcery removal and replace it with enchantment alternatives, but I understand the loss of instant speed removal can hurt a deck a lot, haha :P

Flavuss on feeling cute , might sunburst later

1 year ago

mjbiffi Thank you for your comment. I was considering Engineered Explosives and Utopia Sprawl as a faster and more expensive Dawn's Reflection

what do you think about Golos, Tireless Pilgrim?

xram666 on Prossh's Pit - EDH

2 years ago

For Ramp I would cut:

and add:

Scytec on Tiamat

2 years ago

beside tiamat in your edit page, put CMDR in asterisks, that will denote it as your commander.

As for cards, i would start with Farseek, Explosive Vegetation, Rampant Growth, Kodama's Reach, Coldsteel Heart, Mind's Eye, Rhystic Study, Mystic Remora, Fertile Ground, Dawn's Reflection, Sphere of the Suns, Mask of Memory, Swords to Plowshares, Path to Exile, Counterspell, Vanquish the Horde, Wrath of God, Semester's End, Pongify, Beast Within, Chaos Warp, Vandalblast, Merciless Eviction, you need some answers, consitent ramp, and tons of draw. These are a few of the cards/effects i would consider or search for if i were you to start with. Hopefully they give you more ideas as well. You're gonna want to run 37-39 lands in my opinion. I'd probably start with 37-38 if i were you i think. Let me know if you think of anything else you want to know about. I tried to keep these mostly budget. A few are kinda expensive, but most are $5 or less. Silence is another fun one to consider.

Caerwyn on Win Con for Gruul Enchantress?

3 years ago

First, I am not sure you commander is all that great for an Enchantress deck. She's effectively a Llanowar Elves in the Command Zone since her attack trigger is going to be largely irrelevant for many enchantment types.

You are also going to have a fair number of problems due to the lack of White. White gives you access to a number of powerful payoffs, including a large number of enchantresses, strong enchantment finishers like Sigil of the Empty Throne and Ethereal Armor , and removal in the form of Darksteel Mutation and exile enchantments.

Red in particular suffers from a lack of great Enchantment synergies--as a color, it is designed to be rather uninteractive with Enchantments. So, outside of combat shenanigans (which you said you did not want to do), you are in a bit of a bind.

The only real enchantment-related wincon I can think of that has synergy with your commander is Helix Pinnacle . That at least provides you something you can do with mana from attacking. But that is still a minimum amount of counters per turn--you would want to increase that amount substantially. Cards like Doubling Season and Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider help with this some.

You could use various Green enchantments that stick on lands and increase their output-- Dawn's Reflection , Utopia Sprawl , etc.--but those leave you quite susceptible to common land removal like Strip Mine . You would then want some sort of big finishers that are mana intensive (such as hydras with Doubling Season, large X spells, Helix Pinnacle, etc.) you can sink the mana into.

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