Darkslick Shores

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Darkslick Shores


Darkslick Shores enters the battlefield tapped unless you control two or fewer lands.

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idfkgabe on Ninja-Core

1 month ago

Hello MITKO, I do see that Drowned Catacomb works better than Secret Passage, I do have another land suggestion such as Shipwreck Marsh, and Darkslick Shores.

wallisface on Timely tokens

4 months ago

Some thoughts:

Idoneity on When Will WotC Finish the …

1 year ago

WOTC is rather capricious as to what land cycles they finish and when.

Typically, they finish land cycles in adjacent set releases, such as the checklands in Dominaria and Ixalan (see Isolated Chapel and Glacial Fortress. But they have also quixotically completed the showland cycle with Strixhaven in 2021 (see Furycalm Snarl), despite it first being introduced on a separate plane in 2016's Shadow's Over Innistrad (see Fortified Village). They do this a lot, starting with the allies then bargaining it over to the enemies:

1995 brought Underground River then 2001 had Shivan Reef, 2010 brought Darkslick Shores then 2016 had Spirebluff Canal. These are rather large gaps, ranging from months to years.

There are plenty of land cycles that haven't been finished or haven't even begun. The five ally-colored lands from Future Sight has partially been officiated, consisting of Horizon Canopy, Grove of the Burnwillows, Graven Cairns, Nimbus Maze, and River of Tears. All of these are rather unique; two have been finished. Kind of. Modern Horizons parlously gave Horizon Canopy an enemy family. The Graven Cairns cycle was completed in Eventide and Shadowmoor. The rest are lonesome.

There's still Amonkhet's cycling cycle to finish up, so who knows when the buddy lands will be tended to.

nuperokaso on Ninjas and Rogues

1 year ago

Dead_Blue_ on This zombie tribal deck needs help

1 year ago

Drowned Catacomb or Darkslick Shores over Bad River you really don’t want lands that come into play tapped

wallisface on Dimir Horrors

2 years ago

Vampire Hexmage doesn’t particularly help you here, as it only interacts with Thing in the Ice  Flip, and is only mildly faster than casting spells anyway (while leaving your counter-magic down, so likely more vulnerable to interaction). I’d ditch it in place of Opt.

I’d also suggest removing Dimir Charm for more copies of your other, better, counterspell options. The charm is just going to be too situation too often to be useful.

I think you prolly want to work towards the full playsets of all of Darkslick Shores, Underground River and Watery Grave - your deck feels super-dependant on having access to both BB and UU on turn 2. If you can afford Polluted Delta, they’d obviously help too.

zapyourtumor on Xanathar Dimir Control

2 years ago

Manabase could be improved with more Watery Graves, Polluted Delta, Darkslick Shores, Drowned Catacomb.

I recommend adding more Murktide, just so you can slam down a clock faster. Maybe some Jace, the Mind Sculptor as well if you can afford him.

Hero's Downfall is kind of bad, I'd replace it and Bloodchief's Thirst with some Fatal Push. Path of Peril seems like a dubious choice of boardwipe since you can't even cast its cleave cost, and it tends to be very situational outside of Lurrus Decks. I'd cut both and go up a Damnation if you want more sweepers, then maybe put another one in the sideboard.

I would also definitely play 3-4 Snapcaster Mage, which is just an amazing card in any control deck, and could also help you win the game since you're so light on wincons.

K0rt on Grixis control

3 years ago

Your mana is currently a bit of a mess. You want untapped black on T1 for the hand disruption and then UU and BR on T2 to with Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger and Counterspell together, almost guarteeing starting the game at 16 life. As the game continues you want BBRR for Kroxa and UUU for Snapcaster Mage + Counterspell. You also have double island, which is going to be extremely awkward with Kroxa, especially since you going to be fetching them pretty often to save life in the aggressive matchups. As it stands in your build you're going to be taking 6+ damage from your lands per game, especially since you have 9+ shocks. I would per cut 2 Steam Vents and 2 Watery Grave and 1 Bloodstained Mire to add a 2 Creeping Tar Pit for a man-land late game, a Mountain to have a painless untapped red source and some Darkslick Shores for untapped painless black on T1. You could also play some Field of Ruin to help in the Amulet Titan and Tron matchups.

As for cards you currently don't have any methods outside of the Lurrus of the Dream-Den + Mishra's Bauble engine to draw cards or gain card advantage, which is extremely easy to disrupt and is going to lead to a lot of situations where you're going to be out ground in the Control mirror or by Stoneblade decks since both these types of decks can deal with Kroxa easily. Search for Azcanta  Flip is a good method of doing this, it bins cards for Kroxa and works well with counterspells. I'm a big Expressive Iteration fan, although it works best in a discard-based control decks and more Aggressive Grixis Builds since you can play [Inquisition of Kozilek] and Thoughtseize proactivly. Cryptic Command is another way, although it is basically unplayable in the same deck as Kroxa due to mana requirements and is much better in a blue-based Sprite Dragon Grixis control version.

I'd also play 4 Lightning Bolt . It's in a very good position in the current meta and a large number of games are won by Bolt Snap Bolt. If your playing Kroxa Thought Scour is extremely good. It increases the amount of T4 Kroxa being cast while also milling Brainstone activations and Snapcaster targets. Collective Brutality is very good against aggro decks like Burn. Dauthi Voidwalker is a very good card against decks like AsmoFood and BR Midrange and can be played in the main deck or the sideboard. I also Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip in these still of decks as a way of gain card advantage that can be replayed with Lurrus, although it is mostly a pet card for me and isn't really competitive.

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