Dark Triumph


If you control a Swamp, you may sacrifice a creature rather than pay Dark Triumph's mana cost.

Creatures you control get +2/+0 until end of turn.

zamiero on Vial and Ghost!

3 years ago

3> Ahhh I've been wanting to play with Obosh, the Preypiercer and Angrath's Marauders - glad you found a spot for them. While you're at it, you could also consider other "damage doublers" such as Wound Reflection and Fiendish Duo. I've thought about a Vial-Smasher deck with a White partner just to add Gisela, Blade of Goldnight.

3> I see you enjoy big monsters and X-spells here. Oh to be young again... but seriously, this seems like a good deck to play them in as you would be rewarded. Instants are your friend, as you can Smash Vials on everyone's turn! No Comet Storm?

3> I would be worried about Vial-Smasher getting nuked from orbit as soon as your turn passes and it's no longer indestructible. You'll find Heroic Intervention and Slippery Bogbonder will help with targeted Exile removal. You already have Destroy and Sacrifice covered I see.

3> I see some cost-reduced and commander-free spells in there, but you have a limited suite. While doing research for my thoughts on Vial-Smasher, I found the following might be helpful - list is just copy/paste, so it will include some White and/or Blue cards:

3> I see some cost-reduced and commander-free spells in there, but you have a limited suite. While doing research for my thoughts on Vial-Smasher, I found the following might be helpful - list is just copy/paste, so it will include some White and/or Blue cards:

Epicurus on Prossh, Torch the Skies!

4 years ago

I'm all about this.

You might include Ghoulcaller Gisa, who is the most effective zombie engine I've ever encountered. Furthermore, imho, Migration Path is better than Explosive Vegetation. Additionally, you may have enough Goblin engines to include Voracious Dragon.

A solid maybe for Dark Triumph as well, and I'd seriously consider Culling the Weak. And finally, Life's Legacy.

Ok, that's all. Foldering this one for inspiration. Thank you!

triproberts12 on

4 years ago

You, sir. I admire your earnestness.

For getting more counters, I HIGHLY suggest Yawgmoth, Thran Physician. Golgari is an excellent color combination for getting a ton of cards in your hand and a ton of mana, so you could easily go from a couple of counters to 10 in a turn. Same logic for Planewide Celebration. 7 mana for 4 counters each isn't a bad deal. Lean into green ramp. You can definitely afford to fire off 1-for-1 2-mana green ramp spells, so long as you're drawing with Tymna.

You can amplify the effects of your infect and proliferate cards with Winding Constrictor and Corpsejack Menace. Hand of the Praetors and Phyrexian Swarmlord are infect lords, so they should probably see play. Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons means that all of your infect creatures explode into deathtouching snakes when they trade in combat.

Swamp Mosquito doesn't say infect, but it has non-keyworded Infect. Suq'Ata Assassin has non-keyworded Fear, but also gives poison counters with evasion. If you want to load up on the cheapest, most efficient bodies with infect, then it might be worth running Pit Scorpion, too.

The reason why I would go for a bigger spread of bodies is that it will ultimately be more efficient to load up on instant-speed mass pump spells, rather than having to draw and cast poorly-suited cards for Commander like Giant Growth. In priority order, I'd go Return of the Wildspeaker, Overrun, Pride of Conquerors, Make a Stand, Dark Triumph, Borrowed Grace, Zealous Persecution, Fortify, Sigil Blessing.

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