Cyclone Summoner

Creature — Giant Wizard

When Cyclone Summoner enters the battlefield, if you cast it from your hand, return all permanents to their owners' hands except for Giants, Wizards and lands.

TheMeadiator on UR Giants

1 year ago

Fun list! Have you played with this deck yet? How does it perform? I'm interested to know if you often get to cast your high cmc cards like Cyclone Summoner. I have a Giants deck too, but I'm worried I'll die before I can get my big guys out.

SufferFromEDHD on Ruhan, Round Two...FIGHT!

1 year ago

This is a really solid build of an overlooked commander.

Clout of the Dominus is worth a spot.

Obsidian Battle-Axe you have a few other warriors in the main deck that would benefit from this. Could go wider and add Anger. Or both?

Negate could be upgraded to Dovin's Veto.

Divine Reckoning quality removal for this strategy.

Realm-Cloaked Giant is awesome tech! Maybe Cyclone Summoner since they are very similar.

Calamity Bearer something to think about. Narrow but definitely interesting.

Gidgetimer on Cyclone Summoner and Glasspool Mimic …

1 year ago

Cyclone Summoner

Glasspool Mimic  Flip

Assuming that Glasspool Mimic  Flip was cast from hand, you will get the bounce trigger. When an object refers to itself by name it is referring to the object it is on. The bounce trigger is an ETB, and there is never a time when the Glasspool Mimic  Flip is on the battlefield and not a copy of Cyclone Summoner.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Hello Beastie

1 year ago

So to answer your question from the Advertise thread, the deck itself doesn't seem to be the problem. Your amount of ramp and interaction looks fine, and it's kind of hard to not play enough value cards in blue.

As seamonsters tend to be massive, maybe you really are getting ganged up on. To prevent this, Propaganda and Dissipation Field might be useful.

Krothuss itself is pretty small. Maybe include some ways to make it unblockable or protected. Whispersilk Cloak seems useful here, and Key to the City is especially cool here, as it helps you set up the transformation on curve and then helps Krothus get through.

Tidespout Tyrant would be a great addition in the fatty department. It's similar to hullbreaker horror, although it's not a seamonster. You could also try Cyclone Summoner as an additional boardwipe. Keiga, the Tide Star and Kokusho, the Evening Star are always great copy targets. And Wormhole Serpent does multiple things the deck wants.

McToters on Barrin, Master Wizard

2 years ago

DarthSeatb3lt thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment! Much appreciate your feedback. I really like Cyclone Summoner and Docent of Perfection  Flip. I would need to tweak my creature set-up a bit to make it more wizard-centric though--definitely an option if I want to not worry about procuring more eldrazi since the good ones are expensive! It's funny you bring up both Minn and Patron Wizard. I've had both laying around and I've only thought about including the former in this deck. Patron will work if I decide to include more wizards (I think I'm only running 5 right now). I completely agree on your counter-spell advice as well--An Offer You Can't Refuse is the kind of card I would totally play!

DarthSeatb3lt on Barrin, Master Wizard

2 years ago

The synergy with Induced Amnesia is fantastic!

I like the idea of the deck - seems very unique and fun. A couple suggestions you could consider: it looks like you're dabbling in the wizard synergy but you could go a bit deeper for even more synergy with cards like Cyclone Summoner, Docent of Perfection  Flip, Minn, Wily Illusionist,Patron Wizard, Trophy Mage,Tribute Mage, Trinket Mage, Jace's Archivist and Azami, Lady of Scrolls

I think the above additions would help you keep the theme of your deck while offering more synergies all around. If you take this approach, you could also look to include Stonybrook Banneret as a budget medallion.

fetch your token fodder generators with: Trophy Mage,Tribute Mage, Trinket Mage create more fodder with: Docent of Perfection  Flip, Minn, Wily Illusionist

and bounce more with: Cyclone Summoner Stern Proctor & Equilibrium

The rest are just decent control/draw.

Additionally, in keeping with the bounce theme you may want to consider Into the Roil, Blink of an Eye, Disperse, and maybe even Capsize or Snap the former three will let you bounce your own targets for more ETBs/protection and in a pinch they can bounce those pesky enchantments blue has so much trouble dealing with.

For counterspells, the lower the mana cost, the better the counter. there are some great budget options if you find you've always got a handful of cards for free counters (Misdirection Disrupting Shoal) but one of the classics that isn't too pricey isArcane Denial but I'm quickly growing to loveAn Offer You Can't Refuse and Swan Song

For removal, the bounce theme is always great but for those pesky indestructible creatures I auto-include Resculpt in every blue deck I make.

Overall your deck looks like a ton of fun to play already, just adding in my thoughts.

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