Crystal Chimes

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Crystal Chimes


, , Sacrifice Crystal Chimes: Return all enchantment cards from your graveyard to your hand.

Profet93 on Mono-Black Enchantment

2 months ago


Can you explain to me specifically how the 3 card combo works?

Crystal Chimes ?

SufferFromEDHD on Tsabo Tavoc Havoc

2 months ago

Thanks for stopping in prophet of profits.

I too love Tsabo. I think the high CMC scares people away but there is no denying that this is a powerful card well before the power creep.

Extra activations = Patriar's Seal, Puppet Strings, Magewright's Stone + Staff of Domination

No you are right Spreading Plague is necessary.

Crystal Chimes Urza was the "enchantment block" after all haha! Good eye. Definitely useful.

I would statistically get better mileage out of both Jet and Ruby and I will be updating the deck to be more efficient based off your observation. That said... Heartless Summoning is a pet card of mine. I love that permaSol Ring. It turns 3 drops into 1 drop weenies and it turns 4 drops into hate bears! Tsabo 6/3 @ feels good.

Profet93 on Tsabo Tavoc Havoc

2 months ago

SufferFromEDHD +1

Do you feel you have enough ramp? Your commander costs 7, 2 colored mana + tap for activated ability. No haste to even use it. I actually love your commander, I just wonder how often you get to use him.

Jeska's Will - Draw/Ramp

Spreading Plague - Could be super fun....could backfire.

Command Beacon/Volrath's Stronghold - Recur expensive commander

Crystal Chimes - Recur 25% of your deck

Why run gamble over an omni tutor, low cost?

Thaumatic Compass  Flip - Could be too slow, but ensuring basics could be nice. The land transformation works with your defense theme.

No Mercy > Sunstone? - Or do you need the lack of damage?

How has heartless summoning been working for you? You only run 2 creatures, why not just run a Jet Medallion instead? Easier to cast, affects all black spells rather than just 2 cards. Is an artifact so it might be more susceptible to removal but the benefits far outweigh the costs IMO.

Profet93 on Thrun Voltron-His Silence is Violence

2 months ago


What kind of suggestions r u looking for? Budget per card?

From a quick glance, Crystal Chimes

Profet93 on "Wake Up, Wasteland! It's Me, Three Dog!"

4 months ago

Last_Laugh +1

Crystal Chimes - Recursion

Replenish - Recursion (I have a regular and several foil ones for sale/trade, lol)

Grand Abolisher - Prevent interaction/response to aura cast. Also see Conqueror's Flail.

Flickering Ward - Trigger enchantment cast triggers and for protection

Spectra Ward - Protection

Hall of the Bandit Lord - Unsure about this one given lifeloss but you do have some lifegain to mitigate this.

Bravado - You don't go wide enough

Born to Drive - See above

Angelic Gift - Nice cantrip with evasion but not impactful enough IMO to warrant an inclusion

Squire's Devotion - Not impactful enough IMO

Regarding king-saproling's comment, Gift of immortality is amazing, highly recommended.

Enchantments are not in my wheelhouse, but I've always wanted to make an enchantment deck. Interesting boros enchantments definitely piques my curiosity. What do you feel your deck is lacking at the moment? From my limited perspective, you don't have much draw unless you have a bunch of enchantments on board to trigger one of your burst draw effects. A risky but effective strategy given you are in boros. I hope these comments helped. Let me know what you think, looking forward to your response.

Profet93 on Cruel Enchantments

4 months ago

Crystal Chimes - Recursion

Profet93 on Go Too Jail

4 months ago

Crystal Chimes - Recursion

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