Creeping Dread


At the beginning of your upkeep, each player discards a card. Each opponent who discarded a card that shares a card type with the card you discarded loses 3 life. (Players reveal the discarded cards simultaneously.)

Maximariusmagillius on Viconia the Graveyard Hermit

1 year ago

I appreciate the suggestions! I do currently have one, Skull Prophet.

My thought process behind this deck is to mill your own library and play out of the graveyard. A lot of the cards don't ever get to make it into your hand, so it wouldn't make a ton of sense to put things in here that could not be gotten back. That's why there are only 5 non-creature non-land things.

That being said there are tons of creature based mana dorks out there, Arbor Elf, Llanowar Elves, Elvish Mystic, and even my all time favorite Incubation Druid. However I don't think that they would help further my goal of getting stuff in and out of the graveyard, or comboing with that. They could just as easily be replaced with a land, which would combo with other stuff in the deck, Centaur Vinecrasher, Eccentric Farmer, Turntimber Sower so I would be hesitant to cut more lands than I need to.

Lord of Extinction is a great card but Lhurgoyf is great too and a fifth of the price too. They both have their pros and cons, Lord of Extinction has a higher CMC and one more colors. Lhurgoyf toughness is equal to 1+ the number of cards, if my opponent exiles all graveyards that leaves him on the battlefield. If I decide to cut anything, it would be Creeping Dread and I would replace it with Lord of Extinction.

I look forward to hearing more of your suggestions!

DreadKhan on Uber For Phage?!

1 year ago

If you're looking for discard stuff, I use Bottomless Pit, Necrogen Mists, Cunning Lethemancer, Stronghold Rats, Necrogoyf and Creeping Dread as my best discard outlets in my Discard/Stax deck. No clue how many you'd want (if any), but these tend to be good at generating a lot of discard triggers if that's what you want, both for you and opponents.

Strong but not as consistent, you could look at Syphon Mind, it might be the best discard spell, but it's a one and done unfortunately. If you can generate a lot of bodies, Sadistic Hypnotist can clear out big hands. If you think you can consistently deal combat damage to opponents (via Shadows or other unblockables), Court of Ambition is really decent, offering damage and discard on the same card.

Triton on

2 years ago

I feel like Triskaidekaphobia is a super on-theme card for this deck! Some other spooky and fun cards I can think of:

Hope this helps!

sub780lime on To Drown the World in Death: Araumi EDH [PRIMER]

3 years ago

My brain hurts now, lol. I don't know if I have any suggestion that are more efficient than what you have. Things that come to mind are Creeping Dread and Cunning Lethemancer for more passive table discards that include you. You could also adjust some things and go the Deadeye Navigator infinite combo route, but that's really just to add another infinite combo to an already ridiculous list :).

TrEndKillHerEsy on And I Want to Paint it Rack(Budget)

4 years ago

Id recommend Waste Not. Pull Creeping Dread. Not as budget-friendly but everything you could ask for in a 2 drop enchantment.

Massacar on

4 years ago

Totally missed Creeping Dread and a few others.

If you really want to build into opponent discard though, consider Arterial Flow , Dark Deal , Hymn to Tourach , Dreamstealer , Hypnotic Specter , or Liliana's Specter . All of those options cost 3cmc or less and are $ cheap as well.

Good luck with the build, I will post back if I come up with anything new.

Hybrow on

4 years ago

Hello Massacar,

Thanks for the view. I dont really want to cut the opponent discard stuff, I have been building this toward that theme.. I run The Eldest Reborn, Necrogen Mists , Creeping Dread , Syphon Mind , The Haunt of Hightower , Anvil of Bogardan , and Geier Reach Sanitarium in an effort to support opponents discarding. If you have suggestions along these lines, i would love them.

Thanks for the note about Murderous Compulsion , dont know how that happened, has been fixed.

I noticed your deck runs Worldgorger Dragon along with the 5-6 reanimates and spells to support it. I have purposely not run this combo as my playgroup doesnt play infinite combos. Because I am not going to using madness to dig for combo pieces, I have removed a lot of the more sad madness cards like Weirded Vampire .

As for the zombie generation and grave recursion stuff, I already have a zombies deck that I enjoy playing, so didnt want to build to that theme. I was kinda disappointed when WotC decided to go that direction with the madness out of box.

Thanks again. I like Elixir of Immortality in your deck. may have to find a place for it in here.

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