Crackdown Construct

Artifact Creature — Construct

Whenever you activate an ability of an artifact or creature that isn't a mana ability, Crackdown Construct gets +1/+1 until end of turn.

Max_Hammer on Mardu Treasures

1 year ago

Hello friend! I have some suggestions! I had way too much time today, so here you go.

Relatively cheap, potent, and just perfect upgrades.

This bit is, of course, focused on making as many treasures as your board can bear.

Great, now you have all of these treasures, now what are you going to do with them?

  • Frogmite, Lens Flare, Scale of Chiss-Goria, Tooth of Chiss-Goria, Mycosynth Golem, Slag Strider, Furnace Dragon, and Myr Enforcer are all notable cards you could add, since they pretty much become free after a while, though mostly pretty useless.

  • Forsworn Paladin is pretty good token generation early game, but really shines with the second ability where it can instantly punish anyone blocking or attacking you recklessly.

  • Marionette Master is going to pack a punch.

  • Dargo, the Shipwrecker is super cheap for a 7/5 with trample.

  • Enraged Giant, Freejam Regent, Battle at the Bridge, Saheeli's Directive, Herald of Anguish, and Organic Extinction are all pretty solid additions, since they don’t make you sacrifice anything in exchange for it.

  • Ruthless Technomancer has a million combos with (like Dockside Extortionist+sac outlet) and is just pretty good on its own.

  • Leonin Elder is just one life, but when you’re playing a treasure deck, that one life will definitely add up.

  • Underhanded Designs is a murder or a poke engine, which is very snazzy.

  • Glaze Fiend is pretty scary, considering that it has trample.

  • Dragonspark Reactor could be a bit of removal in your back pocket or your wincon.

  • Arcbound Crusher’s design team didn’t anticipate just how many artifacts I was planning on throwing onto the field.

  • Professional Face-Breaker is just like Grim Hireling, in that it makes treasure tokens, but more importantly, it gives you something else. You get a load of impulse draw, which is really nice when you have loads of mana.

  • Magda, Brazen Outlaw is just an artifact tutor, really. Though, there are plenty of treasure loving dragons you could also fish for. (:

  • Kalain, Reclusive Painter loves treasures, giving everyone big buffs.

  • Swashbuckler Extraordinaire can give anything that might be sensitive to dying double strike for a big final push. That, or just give one big boy double strike.

  • Their Number is Legion gets you lots of life and lots of tokens.

  • Necron Overlord is just a worse Ghirapur, but it’s still gonna hurt.

  • Street Urchin is the same idea as the above.

  • Armix, Filigree Thrasher could be some annoying removal, especially early game.

  • Hellkite Igniter is a big boy that, if left unblocked, could be a one hit kill.

  • Feedback Bolt is a big, powerful spell. To put it simply: ouch.

  • Fain, the Broker can make treasures, can make +1/+1’s, and can make little spooky boys. The best type of boys. Great utility and variety overall.

  • Rain of Riches is big. One cascading spell a turn, whichever one you want? Imagine dropping Feedback Bolt and cascading into Hellkite Igniter.

  • Captain Lannery Storm is innocent… Until you leave her unblocked like a dummy.

  • Concussive Bolt can be an easy kill, letting you get as much damage as you want through.

  • Dispense Justice is just like saying “Fuck your voltron.”

  • It seems you also like having and sacrificing constructs, so here’s a bit to let you do more of that, if you’d prefer to have a construct deck over a treasure token deck.

    • Shared Animosity will give constructs a boost, but there really isn’t a specific theme across creature types aside from that, and your constructs are better used for chump blocking or just turning them into scrap. Ignore this if you’re going for more of a construct tribal sort of thing.

    • Fable of the Mirror-Breaker  Flip is a good card, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t think it’s really necessary.

    • Rakdos Charm could be replaced with something better as far as artifact removal or graveyard hate. Nihil Spellbomb would be good graveyard hate and Generous Gift is just a good white staple.

    • Comet Storm is fun, but Crackle with Power is more fun.

    Niko9 on Syr Gwyn, Hero of Smashvale

    1 year ago

    Looks like a really fun deck, because yep, who doesn't love equips and knights? I've actually been thinking about a deck like this since eldraine and this seems like a really nice build.

    What do you think about Crackdown Construct? With your 0 equips on knights it can go infinite. I've usually seen it done with Shuko but the fact that your commander can do it might be good. Also works with Lightning Greaves which can also be a killer with Leonin Shikari that can effectively give your whole board shroud or not shroud whenever you want.

    And it may just be a personal fav of mine, but I do really like Sejiri Shelter  Flip as a land, a spell to save your creatures from removal, or as a way to get your big voltron creature straight through blockers.

    Just a few odd thoughts I had, and I like this list : )

    Niko9 on Armory Automaton usefulness?

    2 years ago

    Just an odd thought, but Kazuul's Toll Collector could ininite-pump something like Crackdown Construct. I have used this combo in a deck with Shuko to activate equip infinite times, but Toll Collector would totally work too. Extra good with Leonin Shikari which can also make Lightning Greaves or Swiftfoot Boots into instant speed protection for your whole board.

    I like the deck : ) I'm just throwing out some ideas I've had fun with in equip decks, but yeah, they are so awesome to play. Nice one!

    Niko9 on Dealing with politics as an …

    2 years ago

    As a fellow aggro EDH player, I feel you on this. Technically speaking, aggro is at a disadvantage in commander because you have to deal 120 damage and most cards are printed to be efficient in a, you have to deal 20 damage, game. It makes aggro for the sake of aggro very difficult, and especially so if the politics are against you. Honestly, I think this is a misplay by your opponents, but again, I love aggro, so I'm a tid bias : ) But it is the case, a lot of the times, that decks that are the most impacted by aggro are also the ones who are killers in the late game, so by three players ganging up on you, they are actually just all helping the one of them who has the best late game. I can see why your creatures attacking makes you seem like a threat, but at the same time, players have to respect that you are the one who is keeping other decks in check, and by targeting you they are actually playing to whoever has the best late game deck.

    But I digress. Aggro players just get a bad rap, you know? A lot of the time I feel like it eventually leads to there being no aggro players in a group, and then turtling strategies just run wild.

    As far as the deck though, I would suggest to maybe play into combo in the late game. Having pressure early can be great, but you will always struggle to hit enough damage, and sometimes having a back up win with something like Crackdown Construct and Shuko can be great. Especially with cards like Leonin Shikari and Lightning Greaves and Rogue's Passage to give haste, pump at instant speed, and get through. I think that's how I would go honestly, something like equipment combo for the end game. That way you can use things like Mask of Memory and Quietus Spike in the early game to gain advantage, and artifacts and equipments can be easy to tutor in your colors.

    Also, with all the lifegain you have (and extort which is always awesome) you could definitely run Necropotence for card advantage and maybe Lolth, Spider Queen for advantage and also to ult if anyone boardwipes you. Aggro decks in general can run planeswalkers with a little more versatility, just because you should be the one with blockers.

    So, I don't know. Your deck looks great to me, and I do think that getting ganged up on is a bit unfair. Anyone who plays an aggro deck will tell you that it's always a matter of running up hill as it is. I just think that your group might be surprised if they changed up their playstyle for a few games, to get a perspective on who is winning games where they politic against you, and compare it to when they don't.

    Niko9 on Galea Equip Me

    2 years ago

    Unbeliebette :) I'm still just thinking about it right now. I'll probably go through a few ideas before I figure out what I'm actually doing, because that's how it always goes. Right now, it's just a pile or random cards :) But your artifact section especially gave me a lot of ideas and Mystic Forge is one I didn't know, and it looks like an absolute must include.

    Glad that leonin seems like a fit. It's a really cool card and such a unique effect. There's also a pretty convoluted combo with Lightning Greaves or other 0 equip costs like Shuko Paradise Mantle Puresteel Paladin and Crackdown Construct It becomes a 4 mana infinite creature and being able to do it at instant speed with leonin shikari is pretty good. It can be really hard to get the pieces, but because it's an all artifact combo something like Oswald Fiddlebender can get it together.

    I also wonder if things like Mother of Runes or Giver of Runes might be good to let your equipped creatures attack without any worry of blocks. I haven't played this type of deck yet, so not really sure what is good or not, just something that came to mind. You probably have a much better idea of what works :)

    Anyways, again, such an excellent deck! Have a good one today!

    Artatras on The Many-Faced God - [Primer]

    4 years ago

    Happy to hear that!

    The thing that makes Banehound so powerful in this deck is its combination of lifelink and haste. The first works really well with Crackdown Construct and Wall of Blood, while the latter is even more important because it allows us to immediately attack the turn Lazav comes into play. This means that he doesn’t need to survive a whole rotation at the table before he can swing.

    As regards deathtouch, it’s not that useful for us. We are not willing to block with our commander, as our primary goal is to keep attacking.

    DestructionsLie on List of all infinite combos 2.0

    4 years ago

    Wandering Fumarole + Crackdown Construct Pay 4 to turn wandering Fumerole into a creature, then pay 0 to switch its power and toughness as many times as you want. Crackdown Construct sees this and gains infinite power and toughness.

    Artatras on The Many-Faced God - [Primer]

    4 years ago


    It's ok to be a little confused because those interactions are quite tricky, but you actually got them right.

    At any time during combat, as long as you have priority, you can transform Lazav into Wall of Blood. You will do this after the declare attackers step once you have already attacked with the base 1/3 Lazav, because walls cannot attack. After the declare blockers step, you can activate the Wall's ability as many times as you like by paying life (generally, 20 is enough as Banehound is a 1 power creature). It's important to note that this +20/+20 buff will last until the end of turn, as Wall's rules text states. This means that you are then free to shift form as many times as you like without loosing your investment. Holding priority, you pay to turn Lazav into the Banehound. At the end of the day, you will have a 21/21 Lazav/Banehound with lifelink ready to deal lethal amount of damage during the combat damage step. This is just the base scenario, with Lazav not affected by summoning sickness and the opponent not having any blockers. If you have any specific need (e.g. you need to give Lazav haste or evasion), you can work with your commander's ability accordingly. If you need haste, pay to turn Lazav into the Banehound before the beginning of combat step, then do the rest (pay and 20 life for the Wall, then again for the Hound). If you need evasion, pay for Invisible Stalker before the declare blockers step, and so on and so forth.

    The Construct + Ornithopter combo works exactly the same way, the only thing is that we have way more triggers to put on the stack (but it doesn't matter, as they are free in terms of mana). Pay to turn Lazav into Crackdown Construct. Then, pay to turn him into the Ornithopter. The Construct's ability will trigger, giving Lazav +1/+1 until the end of turn. In response, pay again for the Ornithopter and keep doing this as many times as you like. Once you have finished, Lazav will eventually become a 0/2 Ornithopter with flying but retaining all the buffs from its previous form until the end of turn.

    This is a little convoluted because it requires some knowledge of how the combat phase works and how to use the stack, but I've tried my best to explain it in a -hopefully- comprehensive way.

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