Consuming Tide

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Consuming Tide


Each player chooses a nonland permanent they control. Return all nonland permanents not chosen this way to their owners' hands. Then you draw a card for each opponent who has more cards in their hand than you.

TheCardPool on Octavia

4 months ago

Rasaru I understand what you mean with the tutors if your play group doesn’t use them. In the event you do add them, they really help with getting Quiet Speculation and combo-ing with Temporal Mastery. As for overloading rift, it is actually hard to do in this deck. Most games will end with me having 6-7 lands in play because you need very little mana in your opening hand to get the deck to work. A 1 or 2 land hand is still viable with my build. Consuming Tide is still a must though because it does so much work.

I’m not the biggest fan of the equipments but feel free to run them if you like them. I get why they’re in the deck.

I haven’t had to worry about decking but I can see an issue if an opponent is using a mill or wheels deck. You could always tech in a Thassa's Oracle.

As for your tutor targets for Intuition, it depends on the board state and timing of the game. If there’s an archenemy the player you pick could give you the card you want while filling your grave. More often than not you’ll be able to choose 3 of a similar card to get a version to your hand. If Demilich hasn’t been a part of the game yet I will usually select it as 1 of the 3.

Also, kuddos on Curate, I’m removing Telling Time for it right now!

Necramus on Baral, Chief of No

1 year ago

Sea Gate Restoration  Flip - this can double as either a land or a phat ass draw spell, depending on how you want to use it, and options are always good!

Finale of Revelation - again, can be a phat spell or a more modest one, depending on what you need. You have several ways to discount spells, though, and so you can kinda cheat your way towards the high end of this spell.

Sapphire Medallion - don't need to explain this one.

Solve the Equation - excellent tutor for this deck and a budget option to Mystical Tutor, though, I'd suggest both.

Consuming Tide and Cyclonic Rift are both mono blue pseudo wipes that you'll probably want to help keep the battle field in your favor.

Rhystic Study - don't need to explain this one.

Mystic Sanctuary and Otawara, Soaring City are both free for you to play and are better than basics when you have so many.

As for additional counterspells I'd suggest Mana Leak, Tale's End, Force of Will, and Delay.

Since you're on the discount game, I'd also suggest Bribery and Mass Manipulation too!

And one last piece of removal: Imprisoned in the Moon

Hope this helps! I like that your curve is almost down to 3. Your deck building skills are getting keener!

multimedia on

2 years ago

Hey, Professor's version is interesting, but in my opinion rushed and doesn't have many cards that can setup Runo to transform which is odd since in his deck tech that's number one goal... Sakashima of a Thousand Faces is an excellent upgrade. Sakashima as well as Spark Double are not even mentioned in his deck tech and they're some of the more unique and fun effects to play with Krothuss.

There's only 6 cards to setup Runo which means consistently unless you draw Top, Remora or Study early game for draw, every game, it will be difficult to transform Runo. Using Entomb effects to help to setup Runo just to get a sea monster into your graveyard doesn't seem very good. There needs to be other uses for Entomb effects; Buried Alive at least gets you more than one creature such as Wonder. There's no reanimation here thus Entomb effects after Krothuss are only being used to get Wonder. The first changes to consider are to add more setup for Runo. Ramp is important, but I think you can afford to cut a few of the lesser rocks such as the Diamonds and Commander's Sphere.

The lack of reanimation options in Professor's version when playing black I disagree with because realistically the only way you're going to get good sea monsters onto the battlefield are more ways to cheat their mana costs. Quicksilver Amulet and Quest for Ula's Temple are good, although Quest is slow/unreliable, but you really need more. The second changes to consider are adding some reanimation replacing some of the lesser high CMC nonsea monster cards such as Octopus Umbra.

The Professor mentioned Hullbreaker Horror in his deck tech, but didn't expand on how powerful it is with Krothuss. It's most likely the best sea monster with Krothuss since when copied it can combo with mana rocks to continually bounce all your opponent's nonland permanents. When you control two or more Hullbreakers then any 0 CMC artifact with Sol Ring is infinite cast/colorless mana/nonland bounce.

Mox Amber when you control Runo/Krothuss is infinite blue/black mana with Sol. Any 2 CMC artifact that can ETB untapped to make mana + Sol can be infinite casts/bounce of all nonland permanents. By adding Everflowing Chalice and/or Amber then the Hullbreaker combo can make other sorcery speed effects that bounce less needed such as Consuming Tide and Inundate. Sol Talisman doesn't work with Hullbreaker because of suspend thus it could be cut for Chalice or Amber.

Because you have Thassa, God of the Sea then Wormhole Serpent isn't needed even though it's a Serpent it's not one you want to copy with Krothuss since it doesn't do much for five mana including not helping Runo to transform. In my opinion if you're going to play creatures who won't help Runo to transform then those creatures better give you something else that's worth playing/copying them with Krothuss. Striped Riverwinder and River Serpent are examples of lesser sea monsters who are actually really good for Runo because of their quick one mana cycling. Copying them with Korthuss isn't much better than copying Wormhole, but the difference is they can help Runo to transform and you can get two draws.

Good luck with your deck.

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