Commune with Dinosaurs


Look at the top five cards of your library. You may reveal a Dinosaur or land card from among them and put it into your hand. Put the rest on the bottom of your library in any order.

Valengeta on Triassic Trample

11 months ago

thank you for your suggestions so far!

I can see Commune with Dinosaurs working better here

Ripjaw Raptor and Tail Swipe both look good. Moved Boros Charm to the Sideboard

I'd still like to keep Hunter's Insight because it can draw many cards, is Instant and avoids playing with an empty hand. More cards means more ramp, removal and dinosaurs

I would like to find a good alternative to Cryptolith Rite for a ramping card, but it does look decent here nonetheless

wallisface on Triassic Trample

11 months ago

From your latest version:

  • the Commune with Dinosaurs that you used to have is waay better than Commune with Nature because it importantly lets you also grab much-needed land. I would say Commune with Dinosaurs is worth playing but Commune with Nature is garbage.

  • i’m really not sold on Giant Cindermaw, its just a pretty forgettable threat. If you really want a midrange dino i’d suggest playing Ripjaw Raptor instead, as its waay more threatening and can be awkward for your opponent to play around.

  • I would suggest to stop being so focused on card draw, and ditch Hunter's Insight. Your deck is that of an aggressive stompy build, so every card should be applying pressure to your opponent. Taking a turn-off to draw cards just lets the opponent time to stabilise. A deck like this shouldn’t need dedicated card draw, if it feels like it does thats instead an indication your threats aren’t good enough to close a game out _(so you need better threats).

  • Boros Charm is clunky here, as it does almost nothing to interact with the board, which is something you still more of. I’d suggest swapping it out for Tail Swipe as this acts as a pump spell as well as removal. Additionally it makes Ripjaw Raptor far more dangerous is yiu end up running that.

  • i’m not convinced Cryptolith Rite serves as a valid card here, but its a close-call so worth playtesting (personally i’d swap it for 2 more lands).

eliakimras on Dinosaurs go Rawr!

11 months ago

Great build! Dinosaurs are such a fun experience for newcomers.

Some points you might want to consider regarding your ramp package:

1: Ramping with creatures or artifacts is riskier than with lands (boardwipes usually leave lands alone). Also, has many mana doublers that benefit from land ramp:

2: If you're willing to include Cinder Glade and Canopy Vista (or their expensive siblings Stomping Ground, Temple Garden and Sacred Foundry), you open up some more options for you:

3: Then you might want to increase your land count. 33 is too few for Temple of the False God to realiably function.

I recommend swapping out your mana dorks for lands that ramp you (you can never have too much mana with kill-on-sight Gishath, Sun's Avatar):

4: Some card draw:

5: Better combat tricks

6: Broader utility

I'd suggest removing Reliquary Tower. If you have more than seven cards in hand as Gishath, you're already winning hard. In its place, consider one or more of the following:

kamarupa on speedy Ghalta

1 year ago

One thing about having a lot of mana dorks is that you tend to run out of spells pretty quickly. I think it might be worth it to drop 2xCommune with Dinosaurs and add in 2xHarmonize. Or drop Commune with Dinosaurs altogether in favor of 2xHarmonize and 2xForerunner of the Empire. You never need a dinosaur on T1, and barely one T2, so the 1MV cost of Commune isn't really helping, per se. I'll also throw out Time of Need as a possible tutor for a few of your threats at a lower cost, but you might want to reconsider your creatures to add in a 3rd Legendary to make such a spell 'worth it.'

You need some kind of interaction with your opponent, as wallisface already said. In order to make room for non-creature/non-land spells, you have to cut either creatures or lands. Given some of the high MVs of spells here, I think it's safe to say, you can't afford to cut any lands, so you'll need to cut some creatures. I suggest dropping 1x of each of your elves. 6 is still quite a lot and 3 of each makes their removal less effective for opponents. I'd also cut 2x each of Otepec Huntmaster and Raptor Hatchling. I realize you need dinos for Drover of the Mighty to get buff, and obv Ghalta's discount, but I think you'll be just fine with those numbers and it opens up 6 slots for some utility spells. 28 creatures is still quite a lot. Additionally, having non-creature / non-land spells makes it a lot easy to swap spells with your sideboard.

Beast Within is pretty useful as it hits pretty much everything, but of course, comes with a downside. And of course, I'm 100% with wallisface on Lightning Bolt and Primal Might.

Some sideboard spells I really like: Return to Nature - sometimes getting rid of artifacts, enchantments, and graveyards is crucial.

Elixir of Immortality - just say no to mill

Ratchet Bomb - just say no to tokens.

Lands: Scavenger Grounds could be useful in some matchups.

Castle Garenbrig seems relevant

Field of Ruin is nice against tron and more

Boseiju, Who Endures is really nice.

1xYavimaya, Cradle of Growth might allow for one less forest and one more mountain.

lhetrick13 on Gishath's Jungle

1 year ago

SunoKasai - I like the deck list. Very similar to mine (Gishath Spared No Expense!!!). I like the addition of Song of Freyalise and Overwhelming Stampede. I had not thought of those cards and they pair well with Gishath.

You might consider Commune with Dinosaurs or Thunderherd Migration over Adventurous Impulse. Topiary Stomper is also pretty sweet in terms of establishing a presence on the field and also providing some early ramp.

keizerbuns on I'm so angry - I'm Enraged.

2 years ago

Commune with Dinosaurs and Drover of the Mighty are both really good early game Dino mana ramp/mana fix cards. You might have some luck trying those out as well.

mrweaselman on Stompy Boys

2 years ago

Budget based, 1x more Ghalta, Primal Hunger is pretty good.

Enrage works pretty well with dinosaurs. Marauding Raptor triggers Ranging Raptors, Silverclad Ferocidons and Raptor Hatchling. Running 2 of the larger ones and 4 of the smaller ones are pretty good, and they cost one less. Ripjaw Raptor is also decent, but more expensive.

Charging Monstrosaur, Relentless Raptor are only here bc they're dinosaurs. They don't really synergize that well with the rest of your deck. Sky Terror seems more of a sideboard card or replace in sb with flying defense. Either run Colossal Majesty or Sarkhan's Unsealing for 2-3, both seem kind of overkill and a bad late game draw. Huatli, Warrior Poet seems ok, but another dinosaur would probably be better. Or 2-3 Domri, Anarch of Bolas if you want a planeswalker. Signal the Clans can be taken out for more Cultivate and Commune with Dinosaurs.

The rest, just take what you find to be the best cards, generally 2-4 drops, and run 3-4, cut down the one ofs. More Lava Coils and general removal, Ram Through a personal favorite.

Let me know if you want me to comment on mana base after you make changes.

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